The Vietnam War Without Understanding Culture

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The Vietnam War “We cannot understand war without understanding culture” “Involvement in two world wars and the Cold War transformed America into a “crusader state” convinced of the superiority of its institutions and way of life and intent on imposing them on the outside world. ” Whether fought at home or abroad every war is to impact all parties involved. Such example of staggering influence on …show more content…

The Tet Offensive of late January led many Americans to question the administration’s authenticity in reporting war progress and contributed to Johnson’s decision to retire. After Tet American public opinion shifted dramatically, with fully half of the population opposed to escalation. Dissent escalated to violence. The brutal clashes between police and peace activists typified the divided nature of American society and indicated a continuing rise in domestic conflict. The movement gained solidarity following several disturbing incidents. In February 1970 news of the My Lai massacre became public and ignited widespread outrage. When the New York Times published the first installment of the Pentagon Papers on 13 June 1971, Americans became aware of the true nature of the war . Stories of drug trafficking, political assassinations and indiscriminate bombings led many to believe that military and intelligence services had lost all accountability. Antiwar sentiment, previously tainted with an air of anti Americanism became instead a normal reaction and the antiwar cause had become institutionalized. Many thought that the war in Vietnam had become a burden which the country no longer could afford. A “credibility gap” opened between what government officials said and what the public believed about the war in Vietnam. A weary public wanted the war to end, but even then, no consensus emerged about how that should come about. Until 1971 opinion polls consistently indicated a plurality of the public favored more intensive military action by the United States to end war on terms favored by Washington. From 1964 until 1968 more and more Americans agreed that it had been a mistake for the United States to have entered the war in Vietnam in the first place . Over

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