Violence In The Family By Abigail

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From the creation of the first man and woman in the proverbial garden down through the records of history, the battle of the sexes has been waged. Marriage, or romantic relationships, has a way of bringing out the negative attributes of an individual’s character. The Bible accounts the record of Jael who drove a tent peg through her military lovers head; Delilah plotted and executed the downfall of her brawny lover Samson; Abigail lived in fear of her angry husband Nabal. While the famous trials of O. J. Simpson, who murdered his former girlfriend, and Scott Peterson, who murdered his pregnant spouse, attest to the continuance of domestic violence today. Down through the years, society has held a concept that men are the powerful leaders and …show more content…

Sandra Stencel in her article “Violence in the Family” reveals a survey conducted on acceptable use of violence among partners. She found that “20 percent of those interviewed approved of a husband slapping his wife’s face in certain circumstances.” In a survey conducted by three researchers targeted at Vietnamese Americans, they found that fifteen percent said they “saw their mother regularly hit their father.” Many partners feel no remorse in demonstrating violence toward a spouse because they feel it is socially acceptable. Susan Dwyer Amussen, in her publication “Being Stirred to Much Unquietness: Violence and Domestic Violence in Early Modern England”, documents case after case of domestic violence in an era when it was socially acceptable for a husband to physically beat his spouse, even unto her demise. Today, verbal abuse is the most acceptable, but physical violence that includes striking and slapping is often seen as an acceptable way of demonstrating …show more content…

Drijber, Udo J.L. Reijnders, and Manon Ceelen, “Male Victims of Domestic Violence,” Journal of Family Violence 28, no. 2 (February 2013): 173, Academic Search Elite, EBSCOhost (accessed February 26, 2014). Babette C. Drijber, Udo J.L. Reijnders, and Manon Ceelen, “Male Victims of Domestic Violence,” Journal of Family Violence 28, no. 2 (February 2013): 176, Academic Search Elite, EBSCOhost (accessed February 26, 2014). Venus Tsui, Monit Cheung, and Patrick Leung, “Help-seeking among Male Victims of Partner Abuse: Men’s Hard Times,” Journal of Community Psychology 38, no. 6 (August 2010): 772, Academic Search Elite, EBSCOhost (accessed February 27, 2014). Venus Tsui, Monit Cheung, and Patrick Leung, “Help-seeking among Male Victims of Partner Abuse: Men’s Hard Times,” Journal of Community Psychology 38, no. 6 (August 2010): 773, Academic Search Elite, EBSCOhost (accessed February 27, 2014). Sandra Stencel, “Violence in the Family,” in The Women’s Movement: Agenda for the ‘80s, ed. Hoyt Gimlin (Washington: Congressional Quarterly Inc. 1981), 147. Babette C. Drijber, Udo J.L. Reijnders, and Manon Ceelen, “Male Victims of Domestic Violence,” Journal of Family Violence 28, no. 2 (February 2013): 175, Academic Search Elite, EBSCOhost (accessed February 26,

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