The Vaccine that Made Me Want to Become a Doctor

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As a kid all I cared about was playing with the latest toys and being truly mischievous, although those habits soon changed around the first time I ever learned about medicine. Around my tenth birthday, I went to receive an injection at a local clinic in my home town I was so frightened of needles and at the time I acutely hated doctors as a result of that. When the doctor was about to administrate the shot he said, “Look the other way, it will hurt less.” In that act of kindness I knew that doctor cared about his patients and that they do not just inject one for fun they do it to help you. After the shot had been carried out I asked the doctor what that syringe contained. He went on to tell me that in the shot there was a vaccine, “Vaccines contain a miniscule amount of the disease or germ so that your body can kill it. In doing that your body will know what to fight off if that ever enters your body in the future. Also, fun fact: vaccine actually means smallpox of the cow.” Although it was not the first time I had ever gotten an injection that one doctor visit made me want to have a future in that type of career. From that moment on, I was so eager to learn about medicine and what it would be like to create a vaccine on my own so that I can also help people.
A vaccine is a product used to greatly create antibodies, which also provide immunity against one or more diseases. The agent of the diseases is used to manufacture the vaccine, or it can be a synthetic substitute, in other words a fake copy that looks a great deal like the disease. It acts as the illness without inducing the disease.
Diseases have always plagued the world. The first working vaccine was created to combat a plague known as smallpox. As early as AD 572 there...

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...obczyk E., and D. Weaver. "From Refrigerator to Arm: Issues in Vaccination Delivery."
Vaccine 32 (2014): 2389-393. Print.
This journal talks more about vaccines in general the reason why I chose the pages that I did was because it referred to the eradication of smallpox and the percentage of people not getting sick after they have taken the vaccine. I see it as a reliable sours because it is published and on the library catalog.
Bonnem, Shirley. "History of Smallpox." History of Vaccines RSS. The College of Physicians of
Philadelphia, n.d. Web. 20 Apr. 2014
This book is specifically based on smallpox it covers a wide range info about small pox, I manly focused on the first few pages because it discussed the inoculation process. This book seems like a credible source because it was referred to me by a librarian and it is a book published in grate Brittan.

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