Use of Propaganda in George W Bush's War on Terror

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On September 10th 2001 Gorge W Bush announces that the US was engaged in a “War On Terror”. In looking at how propaganda has been used during the “War On Terror” Adolph Hitler’s assessment of how propaganda can be used to best effect is extremely relevant. Propaganda appeals to peoples emotions through its reliance on stereotypes and national myths. Propaganda is most effective when it limits the extent of information presented and repetition is essential. The propaganda campaign that has run in relation to the War on terror has effectively utilised all these tools and thus been extremely successful.

Stereotypes, which are ideas that many people have about a thing or group that may be untrue or only partly true, play a role within propaganda tactics. An important part of the war on terror propaganda campaign has been breeding stereotypical values towards Muslims and Arabs. The attacks on September 11th have escalated the attention to the war on terrorism, through its massive media coverage throughout the world. "In the wake of the September 11th terror attacks, there is a dan...

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