Mirroring In The Merchant Of Venice Essay

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Shakespearean works are well known for their depth, symbolism and philosophical view upon different aspects of life. Mirroring is one of Shakespeare’s favorite tools. Mirroring is used to emphasize the contrast and show differences between the sides of the society and ways of living of the characters. The Merchant of Venice is no exception. Just like all other plays of Shakespeare it has many of antagonisms and it portrays the most important and hot conflicts that used to be popular at that time just as much as they are now. Exploring this multi dimensional play is exciting, because the more you think about it, the more hints and tints you discover. The play takes place in two main locations – Venice and Belmont. These two places portray two different lifestyles. One of the most important and essential themes of the Merchant of Venice is wealth. Shakespeare has a special view of this subject; he sees love as a form of wealth (Milton 34). Venice represents earning of money, accumulating it, …show more content…

The main confrontation of the play: Antonio against Shylock the usurer who also happens to be Jewish. The two men dislike each other strongly. Antonio does not approve of usury, and Shylock, in response, criticizes Christian people and their way of living and their arrogance towards his nation, and especially he hates Antonio because “in low simplicity he lends the money gratis” (1.3.37-38). Shylock has no friends in the play; even his own daughter will take his savings and escape with her Christian beloved. The usurer gets rejected by everyone because of his greed and selfishness (Janik 128). After his daughter’s escape Shylock becomes focused only on his hate towards Antonio and wants to take revenge by killing the Christian businessman. Shylock represents how business alters a personality and how earning money can become a dangerous obsession destroying people’s

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