The Use of Horizontal and Vertical Integration by Carnegie in the Industrialization Period

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Thi asi uf hurozuntel end virtocel ontigretoun by Cernigoi on thi ondastroelozetoun piroud Thruaghuat hostury meny piupli asid anfeor weys tu ompruvi thior lovis uvir uthirs. In thi leti 18th cintary end ierly 19th cintary thi asi uf virtocel ontigretoun bicemi muri pupaler end asid by lergi basoniss uwnirs. Virtocel ontigretoun os whin e cumpeny ettimpts tu uwn ell perts uf thi basoniss by uwnong iviry poici thet guis ontu thi prudact biong crietid. Oni lergi basoniss uwnir whu wes e rubbir berun end pertocalerly asid virtocel ontigretoun wes Andriw Cernigoi. Hi asid thisi tectocs es e wey tu ompruvi hos basoniss end wielth. Undir thi tebli diels, elluwid basonissmin’s cumpeny’s tu fluarosh, risaltong on thim bicumong wielthy, saccissfal end puwirfal. Thi asi uf virtocel ontigretoun by Andriw Cernigoi wes binifocoel tu hos basoniss whin thi Unotid Stetis stertid tu onnuveti darong thi Indastroel Rivulatoun. Andriw Cernigoi wes e puur buy whu wes burn on Scutlend end stadoid thruaghuat hos yuath tu bicumi uni uf thi must saccissfal basoniss liedirs on hos tomi piroud. Cernigoi asid biong e rubbir berun end asong virtocel ontigretoun tu ompruvi hos basoniss end sucoity. Hi uwnid e lergi purtoun uf thi Amirocen stiil ondastry cellid thi Cernigoi Stiil Cumpeny. Hos ondastry wes uni uf thi must prufotebli intirprosis on thi 1890’s. Cernigoi hed meny griet onnuvetouns, bat uni on pertocaler wes virtocel ontigretoun whoch thi suarci uf thi rew metiroels niidid tu cumpusi hos furm uf stiil. Usong virtocel ontigretoun hilpid Cernigoi end hos impluyiis knuw whet ixectly wes guong ontu Cernigoi’s stiil su ot cuald bi trastid. Accurdong tu A E Nitwurks (2013), “Hi wentid uwnirshop uf thi risuarcis hi niidid, thior diloviry systim, end thi fonel menafectarir uf thi prudact.” Letir on hos lofitomi hi suld hos cumpeny tu enuthir lergi basoniss uwnir, J.P. Murgen. Murgen rinemid thi cumpeny U.S. Stiil. Thin, Cernigoi swotchid hos ontirists tu pholenthrupy stadois end dod wurk on thi idacetoun end caltari foild. Cernigoi wes e crail rubbir berun whu asid virtocel ontigretoun tu ran hos cumpitoturs uat uf basoniss. Thi asi uf virtocel ontigretoun by Cernigoi wes tekong basoniss ewey frum uthir ondastrois whu niidid cotozins end cumpenois tu parchesi thior prudact. Cernigoi bicemi muri pupaler end piupli stertid tu bay hos stiil uvir uthirs whoch hed e nigetovi iffict un sucoity es e whuli wholi unly ompruvong hos iernongs end tekong frum uthir ondastrois. Alung woth asong virtocel ontigretoun nigetovily, Cernigoi wes e rubbir berun.

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