Tuna Essay

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Marine organisms continue to amaze scientists with their physiological adaptations that allow them to live and thrive in the largest unexplored habitat known to man. Carl Zimmer argues that “most fish without lungs die” because “lungless fish pump their blood in a simple loop.” Therefore, fish are restrained by a lack of oxygenated blood flow that the heart can receive and will die if they exercise too hard because the heart simply won’t receive enough oxygen to sustain intense exercise. In order to solve this problem many species of teleosts and chondrichthyes possess adaptations that allow them to continue exercising at extremely high speeds without necessarily dying. Tunas, for example, are pelagic thunniform swimmers that have evolved these special adaptations that allow them to maintain high cruising speeds and high metabolic rates. They possess special adaptations in muscle, cardiovascular, and respiratory physiology that set them apart from many other species of teleosts.

Tuna, like many lungless fish, do not possess a structure that pumps water over their gills in order to obtain oxygen. Instead they are obligate ram ventilators, meaning they must swim with their mouth open allowing water to flow into their mouth and across their gills without the aid of muscular pumping action. The downside however is that tuna must maintain this forward swimming motion in order to obtain oxygen. The upside however is that because tuna must remain swimming to obtain oxygen, this constant movement in turn keeps their blood flowing consistently and efficiently and therefore provides the heart with a steady flow of oxygenated blood. The gills of tuna are also significantly larger than gills of other fish allowing them to absorb and utiliz...

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...ocardium that is extremely well vascularized and composed of extensive coronary arteries that are critical to maintain an elevated coronary blood flow rate.

Tuna are apex predators renowned for their high metabolic rates, endothermy, and physiological and biochemical adaptations that allow them to maintain intense exercise for prolonged periods of time. They continue to challenge scientists with these unique adaptations that allow them to circumvent problems trout and other teleosts face. Ironically however, while tuna will not die if they are pushed to swim at extreme speeds for long periods of time, they can perish if they are restrained and prevented from swimming because they must keep moving in order to obtain oxygen and keep blood flowing. It would seem that even tuna are not entirely immune to all of the problems and limitations of exercise in the ocean.

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