Analysis Of The Unequal Pay For Women's Equal Rights

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Some of the most known activist that have worked for women’s rights are Susan B. Anthony, Alice Stone Blackwell and Betty Friedan. One of the most famous organizations for women is the NOW organization since it was established it has had a great influence on women rights. Women have fought for so long to gain their equality and in society their status. It has been a really long and tough fight for women's rights .Even though women are not yet paid equally we are getting there today in 2014 since Obama is now taking more time to discuss and find a solution for this issue .Whit so many amazing organization fighting for women’s equal rights I think women will finally be able to be seen better as who they really are not taken for granted. Women back than could not vote and could not work outside of their home and if they did they were treated with no respect and laughed at. Women to the society were supposed to just stay home not speak for themselves after so long many organizations have come together to help women get their freedom, have equal rights and speak for themselves. Unequal p...

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