Under the Rug

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Under the Rug Two weeks passed and it happened again. My mind has been filled with endless thoughts of paranormal thoughts in this old wrecked house. This house has been empty ever since my wife was murdered. Chills and shivers ran down my spine as I stared at the portrait of my beloved. She died right in front of my eyes. I saw the gruesome murder and I couldn’t do anything to save her. The devil shouldn't have step foot into my wife. We were a happy family. A couple of months ago, my wife was expecting a child. On the day of her labor... it was a stillborn... There were a few attempts on trying to have a child again. Sudden miscarriages occurred. Ever since the miscarriages, every single night she made animal sounds in her sleep. The innocence that she has in her eyes disappeared. It felt different around her. It was not love, it felt like someone else is here. Her voice got huskier. Her lively look became dull and pale. In the beginning I thought she was just having a normal cold. As days pass it wasn't like a normal cold anymore. Her presence felt dark. I wanted to get rid of what is trying to do to her. I, being a man who is devoted to my religion had crucifixes all over the house. Praying every single night. She would always hiss or interrupt my prayers,she despised the crucifixes. She wanted them gone. It was strange on why she wanted them gone. Everything was fine before. A wild thought came up in my head... what if a demon has possessed her. I kept denying that thought that could be true. Flashbacks began running through my head. The memories of the exorcism that was performed on my love. That thought that I had... it was right. I had to get rid of her as soon as possible. I met a man who is in God's Spirit to perform... ... middle of paper ... ...mes. That dream indicated my time of death. "Is somebody here?!" I asked. The distance between the lamp and I weren't that far. I nervously walked towards the lamp again. All of the sudden I remembered the lump that appeared. I quickly tried searching for that mysterious lump. Nothing was there. I felt at ease, knowing that the lump could have been a mouse. Once again, the lump appeared running towards me at a slow pace. As quickly as I could. I grabbed a wooden chair and swung it as fast as I could. The lump managed to knock over the lamp. The room plunged into darkness. My heart started to beat faster and faster. High pitched screams filled the empty room. My china fell from the cupboard. I screamed in terror as dark hands grabbed for me. The sharp claws grasped my rumpled suit. Pulling me towards the area of where the lump was. In seconds… it is the end of me.

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