Uncouth Nation: Why Europe Dislikes America by Andrei Markovits

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Uncouth Nation: Why Europe Dislikes America is a book written by Andrei Markovits. This book is an analysis about the European anti-Americanism phenomenon. The book explains the origin and background of Euro anti-Americanism. Markovits shows how anti-Americanism has swept through Europe in the recent years. In his book, Andrea does three things; he gives an account of the historic and contemporary forms of anti-Semitism, he scrutinizes the roots and causes of European anti-Americanism and best of all, Markovits gives the readers a running critique of common malevolence and silliness of the anti-Americans. In his book, Markovits argues that, Europeans only hate America for what it is and not what it does. In his text, he cites a lot of examples to prove his point of view for example in politics, culture, economy and sports, Americans are often seen as shallow, egoistic, rowdish, stupid and uncouth and this makes Europeans hate them. Many nations have a fear for America as they think that, Americans will always want things to be done their way and they will impose their conditions on them or Americanization. In addition, many Europeans dislike America and Americans and this is highly blamed on the irresponsible and disastrous bush administration policies. Moreover, Europeans blame it on the haughty demeanor and arrogant tone which has highly contributed to the unprecedented vocal animosity on Europeans against America and Americans. Euro anti-Americanism is something that has existed since America’s creation and it’s not something that is new. In my perspective on Why Europe Dislikes America, is that America should not be disapproved for what it does and what it is. Many people have always found fault in many things America does... ... middle of paper ... ...elpful in the text. For example he could have used the many passionate writings that were used in defense of the September 11 attacks in America’s defense. In conclusion, Euro anti-Americanism is not anew phenomenon as it has been there for more than half a century. According to Markovits in his book Uncouth Nation: Why Europe Dislikes America, anti-Americanism has swept through Europe. Americans and Europeans should realize that they share and cherish a lot in common and they should choose to cooperate and provide global problems solutions. The two states should avoid tensions between them and manage their differences amicably in order to restore the transatlantic alliance as anti-Americanism in Europe has adversely affected this alliance. Works Cited Markovits, A. S. (2009). Uncouth Nation: Why Europe dislikes America. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

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