The Truth Behind Computer Hackers

951 Words2 Pages

It was the year of 1946, when the very first computer named ENIAC was created. Now, as of 2012, there are about 1.1 Billion Computer in the world. They are all connected by networks. In a way its like a large spider web, hence the name “World Wide Web”. Now you might ask “Well how are these Networks managed or controlled?” That is where our technology kings and queens come in. Many people consider them as “Hackers”, when the truth is people who consider these hackers as criminals are highly incorrect,as all hackers aren't criminals. See computer hacking by definition is the practice of modifying a computer, hardware,or software to accomplish a goal outside of the creator’s original purpose. In fact, many hackers consider hacking an art, as it is a real life application of problem solving skills. The point when people become confused on who is a criminal hacker and who is not, lays because people have never tried to learn there system. Instead, they stand on the outside and look in. When in fact inside of the hacker world we have classes, Much like the in life. There are those known as “White Hats”. They are the good guys. Mostly White Hats tend to work for companies on their security team. They help to strengthen their networks security to further protect the company's assets. Next, there are the Grey hats, they are somewhere in between good and bad. They will use criminal techniques to find any holes in there employer's firewall. Finally, there are the black hats. Now, these are the actual criminals. They break into your computers and steal everything from bank accounts info to your Facebook login. Basically anything that they can use to make your life horrible and theirs great. However, hackers are the reason why we have...

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...cluding Facebook,Twitter and Youtube. With this help law enforcement can quickly find,track,and arrest the person who has Cyber bullied the victim. In conclusion, everyday a hacker wakes up he or she has the choice of either hacking for the good or going full scale black hat. Not all hacker are criminals, some are some aren't. It goes back to the age old saying “Never Judge a book by its cover”.

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