The True Characteristics of Shy People

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It will never be known how much rejection can change a person’s life except when it is experienced firsthand. Many people feel lost, alone, and scared, simply because of being labeled as “different”. Misconceptions are made about everyone based on society’s views of what is thought of as “normal” and what is not. Misconceptions are made because people do not allow themselves enough time to form a proper judgment about a person. Society has grown harsh and criticizes everyone who expresses different characteristics and whose actions differ from the rest. The more society expands and advances through technology, the harder it becomes to escape the wrongful criticism. People are being categorized into stereotypical groups based on their unique ways of expressing themselves and interacting with others. Stereotypes are used as an excuse for not socializing with people that are different from one another which then leads to misconceptions. Although it is mostly seen in teenagers, stereotypes occur everywhere. For example, there are many misconceptions revolved around shy people. Contrary to the general misconceptions of being quiet, not listening to anyone or anything, and non-outgoing, shy people may exhibit traits of a person with outstanding interpersonal and communication skills.
Stereotypes are the qualities that label a person based on their personal background, holding some sort of truth to it. Most are created from thoughts that were most likely learned from the influences of a parent, friend, or any close person that an individual is in contact with. Stereotypes may be used to discriminate against other people. In a way, stereotypes are used to make it acceptable to judge someone based on personal characteristics. Stereotypes...

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