Troilus and Criseyde Love Analysis

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Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde focuses on Troilus role as a lover. The story relates to Troilus romance build on inside the framework of courtly love. Courtly love was a popular and common theme in literary works in the thirteenth century. Usually, courtly love is defined to be a secret between members of nobility.

Criseyde is not a truthful lover and she is to blame alone as we all know Troilus love for her was very strong. Her love for him was nothing but a lie. Come to think of it this kind of love cannot possibly exist. In reality she was not in love with him as she was forced to draw into him by her Uncle Pandarus, who desires her to comfort Troilus’ sadness without any concern of her own. Basically she is only doing it for her uncle because he is also Troilus’ best friend and he cannot see Troilus upset and depressed. From there Criseyde sort of becomes a healer to Troilus because he said he would die without her.

Criseyde is persuaded by her uncle’s sincerity either because of his wit or her own willing self-deception. She did not want to create any death scene because as Pandarus indicated he would if she denies Troilus’s love. Finally, Criseyde gives in herself and ends up falling in love. Reality check this is not love, but if anyone I know falls in love with this character I would try my best to keep him away from her in any cause. Ladies like Criseyde only desire to love men for their good.

Criseyde loved Troilus not because of her will but more likely to satisfy her uncle’s demand. This explains that it was not a lover but more like a selfish deal because she did not want her uncle to die if she rejects Troilus and not become his lover. She could have rejected him but instead from this fear, it moves her to th...

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... for example Troilus. Troilus chose a wrong girl to love since he did not mean anything to her at least she could have done something else except for breaking his heart.

In the end the narrator briefly recounts Troilus's death in battle and his ascent to the eighth sphere, draws a moral about the transience of earthly joys. In distinction Criseyde loses what she once considered most important, her name and reputation, but she adapts herself practically to whatever circumstances befall her. Yet we can have sympathy for the choice a woman caught between two worlds makes, almost against her will.

In conclusion, this is for Criseyde, a true lover can never desire a new love unless he knows for some definite and sufficient reason the old love is dead. The question lies here if she was such a lover, Chaucer speaks off why she would give up Troilus for Diomede.

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