Treatment for Elizabeth Taylor

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Elizabeth Taylor's ability to psychologically function normally was probably taken away

the first time she appeared on screen, at the ripe age of ten. A normal childhood was taken

from her. By the time she was 15, she had been in 7 movies, and won the hearts of the entire US

in National Velvet. She became a child star. She wasn't the first actress in her family. Her

mother had been a successful stage actor before marrying Elizabeth's father. She was born in

England, and her family moved to Los Angeles when she was 7. A family friend made a

comment about Elizabeth going in for a screen test at Universal Studios. She was hired. She

became a working girl before she even entered the double digits.

Her mother constantly coached and encouraged her to seek out projects. One could say

she became obsessed with acting and pleasing all the adults in her life. While working on

National Velvet, she dieted and exercised for four months. This was at the age of 11. During

filming of the project, she suffered a broken back after being thrown from a horse. She forced

herself to finish the film even with her immense injury. As she grew into a young woman, she

was considered to be one of the most beautiful women in the world, even at such a young


Elizabeth Taylor could be considered most infamous for her many marriages. She was

married 8 times, twice to the same man, Richard Burton. She married Burton for the first

time in 1964. They had carried on an affair during and after the filming of Cleopatra. Before

Taylor and Burton divorced their respective spouses and married, Taylor attempted suicide in

1962 because of the tangled relationships. But this was not the first sign of reckless behavior in

her life. She allegedly experi...

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form of treatment. There is nothing in her history that hinted at any biological problems.

Cognitive or behavioral could have been taken into consideration, but considering her childhood,

or lack of one in mind, I think she is a classic example of psychological abnormalities

due to underlying problems that could date back to childhood. However, because she was a very

famous, important movie star, there is a chance she would not have been able to identify

any problems in herself. If she was using the rationalization defense mechanism, then she

wouldn't have seen any of her actions as wrong. Also, since psychodynamic therapies can take a

long time before the show results, she could have gotten frustrated with a lack of results and

stopped therapy. But I believe if she would have gone to therapy and been patient, it would

have been very effective.

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