Treasure Island's Author Craft

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In Robert Stevenson’s Treasure Island, Jim, the protagonist, tried to get Captain Flint’s legendary treasure while fighting the lying and deceitful pirates. Robert Louis Stevenson used suspense, imagery, and foreshadowing as part of his craft to tell the story of Treasure Island. Each literary technique had a significant impact on the plot and characters.
One example of author’s craft in Treasure Island is suspense. One way suspense is used is leaving cliffhangers at the ends of many of the chapters, making the reader want to continue. One such cliffhanger is at the end of chapter 10, when Jim climbs into the apple barrel. The chapter ends with, “I found out that the lives of all the honest hands on board depended on me, and me alone.” Another example of suspense in Treasure Island is when the pirates and the honest hands are fighting and you do not know what the outcome will be. On page 171, the captain says “...before the hour’s out, as he said, we shall be boarded.” Suspense is used in Treasure Island multiple times to keep the plot moving.
Another example of author’s craft used...

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