Travis Hirschi's Social Control Theory: Helpful or False?

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In this essay I will first explain what a Social Control Theory is and how Hirschi developed his theory ‘Social Bond’ from this, I will also discuss further development of his theory with Gottfredson in a ‘General Theory of Crime’. I will then discuss and consider the criticisms of both theories before providing my own conclusion, including why his theory is still relevant in today’s society.

Control theories take on a different approach to other previous theories such as….. Most theorists ask ‘why someone commits a crime’ whilst control theories look at why most people chose not to commit crime. Control theorists believe it is easier to explain why people commit crimes, as all humans are prone to weakness, making them unable to resist temptation which is why their centre of attention is on the controlling factors that could be absent in a criminal, which is usually due to society. For this reason they name it ‘Social Control Theory’.

Travis Hirschi first introduced his control theory ‘The Social Bond Theory’ in Causes of Delinquency in 1969. In social bond theory Hirschi looked at four social fundamentals which affected the probability of either conforming or deviating from social norms set by society. The four fundamentals were attachment, commitment, involvement and belief which were considered relevant if weak or broken.

The first bond, attachment, is one of the strongest social bonds people need to experience as this involves the amount of attachment a person has to others. If a person has more attachment to others he is less likely to deviate. Hirschi viewed parents, schools and peers as important social bonds for people. Hirschi explained that family bonds were important, if positive as this would stop a child deviatin...

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...his would appeal to those who had a low self control as they would have a low intelligence. Finally, crime brings suffering and pain to others, such as theft or assault. Because those who have low-self control are insensitive towards others this would not affect their actions.

In conclusion, Hirschi’s theory can be considered both accurate and inaccurate in today’s society. Although the majority of people who have weak social bonds do turn to crime there is still a small majority that will take a different path in their life. For example, if a child was to be brought up in a home where drugs are either bought, sold or used then the child is more likely to become involved with drugs when they are older, however, another child may take the total opposite approach as they have seen the complications that come with drugs and do not wish to take the same path.

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