Travelers in Emigrants Crossing the Plains by Albert Bierstadt

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I can’t believe it! We’re moving at a rate faster than ever before – almost 10 miles were covered since daybreak and it isn’t even the evening yet! We’ve been moving since 4 in the morning. Some pesky Indians came in the way when we were herding up our cattle but I know dad and his friends took care of the issue. I made my own breakfast today too, we call it Johnnycake. You mix some cornmeal with salt and water; I’ve heard they’ve been eating this stuff since the 1730s! I finished eating real quick to go with my father to the front. Some men ride on horses in the front to make a plain and open path for us to go on, and he’s one of ‘em. Before I knew it, it was Wagons Ho. It was all going smooth until tragedy struck ‘round noon. Little Johnny done died of cholera. I knew somethin’ was wrong since he was always throwin’ up all his good food and he even had diarrhea I’ve heard. Mom told me this is the number one killer on the Oregon Trail. Some others were diphtheria and dysentery. Hope I don’t catch none of these. We got ‘em buried but we had to move on, we couldn’t waste any sunlight, ever. We’re lucky our group didn’t run into any other problems today. Alex told me about these guys whose wagons fell off the side of the mountain and they weren’t ever seen again! I always act extra careful, even checkin’ to see if the wheels are loose. Oh well, so far, so good. Can’t wait for this new land we’ve all been talkin’ about for the past few days, the new life is not too far away and what the future holds for us. Let us continue towards the bright and golden sun of hope.

Emigrants Crossing the Plains by Albert Bierstadt simply seems to exemplify a group of travelers moving through the American flatland outside of Fort Kearney. However, ...

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...nown as the Hastings Cutoff. It is seen here that the emigrants are no match for the natural forces and weather. The party in the photo keeps their distance away from the rugged mountains as well, because their irregularity is portrayed with the events that may possibly arise as seen with the Donner expedition.

Transcendentalism brought forth the link between mankind and nature in that society corrupts and individuality with this link brings goodness. Emigrants Crossing the Plains shows the emigrants leaving their old life behind in search of a new one that can provide them with more benefits, and a closer linkage to nature. This implementation in the painting by Albert Bierstadt is very significant for the emigrants and the utilization of nature and the symbols behind the objects placed on the landscape have great meaning when linked to the time period.

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