Transmission of Information through a Photonic Link

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Transmission of Information through a Photonic Link


As civilizations rose they noticed the sun as they received the light it sent to them, because of this a fascination arose for light. Eventually the human mind and technology progressed to such experiments as those of Alexander Graham’s use of light in a photophone, a transmitter of voice using the sun as a transmitter. However unlike Graham’s experiment, modern technology provides a new level of communication in this experiment. Using lasers one can see the discipline of photonics when the information is sent through the photonic link. Through a series of links one can then transmit his or her voice through a laser into a receiving end as shown in this model chain.

Message origin-> Modulator-> Carrier Source-> Information Channel-> Detector-> Message output

The message origin can be such information as a voice frequency into a microphone. This electronic message is then converted into suitable format allowable to be transmitted onto a wave generated by a carrier source, all done by the modulator. The modulation done in this sequence is simply a transformer because the signal isn’t changed. The carrier source creates a wave, which carries information. In the experiment the Helium Neon Laser will be the carrier source generating the signal in sinusoidal form. The Information channel is the space or medium in which the information must travel between message origin and

message output. The free space between the two sources is air in this experiment. After the information has traveled through the air it is then picked up by the photodetector, a converter of optical waves into an electrical current. Because the signal is so weak it must be amplified through a ci...

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... of them did not modulate and as a result,

were unable to send the signal through the signal to the speaker. Also, there could have been human error like miscalculation of the numbers on the oscilloscope.


The experiment has opened new eyes for these scientists. After finding the different frequency ranges we found that the amplitude didn’t change or go higher even when the frequency did. However, the amplitude followed a bell curve like model in which the peak occurred relatively early and started a descent towards zero as the frequency goes higher. Using these findings and the objective of the experiment one can apply such information to apply in real life in such information transmission as radio, Television, cables, and the internet. As lasers and optics further their paths into the fate of the world their relevance are becoming dominant in the world.

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