Toxic Porn, Toxic Sex: A Real Look at Pornography

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The first time I ever heard of porn, I was in seventh grade and I was on the bus. A bunch of boys were talking about it, and the boy I liked was talking about the girl in the video. He was saying shes the type of girl he needed. Reminder, I never heard of porn, but at that time I wanted to be like the girl my crush liked. When I got home, I went to my parents’ room and made sure they weren’t around. I searched for the website they were talking about and after two minutes, I was sure I didn’t want to be like her, and I didn’t like him anymore. I was in shock and pretty grossed out. That video was shocking, but when I got older, it became the norm to hear boys talk about porn, especially in high school. Even though it was the “norm,” I knew it wasn’t normal. While it is understood why some boys watch it for entertainment or stress release, it can have damaging effects on them.

There are people who truly support porn; they are considered pro-pornography. They enjoy porn and see it as a helpful for people. When people decide to watch porn, it is either out of curiosity, boredom, or because they want to look at something they desire. Whatever it be, porn has become a way for people to find what they desire and feel like they are not alone for liking it. Nadine Strossen says “Sexually explicit materials may well be the only source of sexual information or pleasure for many people who, … do not have sexual contact with others--shy or inhibited people, people with disabilities, people with emotional problems, gay people who are confused, people who are quite young or old, geographically isolate people, or unattractive” (164).It is like a safe haven for these people who can find a place to feel accepted or normal....

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