Tough Choices No Way Out

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In Angels in America many characters hide who they are and others flaunt it freely. Kushner uses characters that are ashamed of themselves, and characters that are shunned by society to display that once you are labeled as different you have tough choices to make. In Angels in America characters are accepted,through hiding themselves,or are shunned,for displaying their true natures, but the effects of both behaviours on the these character mentalities are the same.

Joe is ashamed of his sexuality. He suffers internally and despite putting on a facade, fails to live a happy life. His internal struggles are manifested in his most vulnerable moments, for example, when arguing with his wife. In the heat of the moment ,Joe’s guard drops and he says, “Does it make any difference? That I might be one thing deep within, no matter how wrong or ugly that thing is, so long as I have fought, with everything I have to kill it.”(1:8,40), admitting that he may in fact be attracted to men, but that he also hides his desires and fights them. Joe’s struggles only continue to get worse as time progresses. When Joe says, “I’m losing ground here,I go walking…..up and down 53rd Street or places where...And I keep swearing I won’t go walking again but I just can’t”(2:9,77), he is losing control of himself : it is becoming more difficult for him to hide. When he says,“I try to tighten my heart into a knot, a snarl, I try to learn to live dead,just numb,but then I see someone I want, and it’s like a nail,...a hot spike through the chest, and I know I’m losing”,(2:9,77) he is saying that his hiding is painful, but he feels like he has no choice. In this way he ends up being trapped in a job that he is overqualified for and a mutually harmful relationshi...

... middle of paper ... another reason to push Harper away. Because Harper is shunned by her husband,her only link to the outside world, she then seeks refuge in Mr.Lies. Harper says she’d, “like to go traveling”(1:3,17), and Mr.Lies appears with an offer to go anywhere she’d like. Someone is taking what Harper says seriously; someone is treating her as a sane person and is taking her at her word and not as someone who is mentally ill. If Harper were to hide her illness, to pretend that she were fine, she wouldn’t be able to lean on Mr.Lies for relief from her husband’s lies and patronization.

To pretend to be what you are not, or to risk alienation and ostracism is a dilemma that many of the characters of Angels in America face. Kushner never directly says that either choice is better; indeed, neither is - there is no real freedom in either situation and the net effect is the same.

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