Xiao Essays

  • Influence of Chinese Traditional Flutes

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    the paixiao, and the end-blown flutes became more popular during the Han Dynasty. This end-blown flute is called the xiao. The xiao is made of bamboo and has a mellow timbre. It is blown vertically and has five holes for fingers with one thumbhole in the back (Xiao Musical Instrument). The more recent traditional flute is called the dizi, or di, for short. Unlike the paixiao or xiao, the di is a transverse flute, which is played horizontally (Di Musical Instrument). The di’s unique sound characterizes

  • A Summary Of Xiao Hong

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    was represented by the sky/heaven 天and the sun/light 阳; thus, he believes it is possible that in Xiao Hong the exploitation of the individual female body in the first section of the novel was analogically extended to the body of the nation through into the Japanese exploitation/rape Traditional Chinese-English Version. trans. Howard Goldblatt (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 2005), p. 8. Xiao Hong’s literary mentor Lu Xun was fascinated by Edgar Allen Poe’s writing and he and his brother

  • Hanjo - Lady Han by Royall Tyler

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    Written by Zeami, Hanjo, or “Lady Han,” is a play which “resembles an old love ballad with a haunting tune” (108). Tyler's version is dated 1543, almost a century after Zeami died, which also means the text represented here may be different from Zeami's original. There is also a great amount of honzetsu and honkadori, or borrowing phrases from other prose texts and poems (respectively), not only from the older classics such as Kokinshū or Genji Monogatari, but there are also Chinese references in

  • Xiao Hui's Song 'Fish Seeking Water'

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    balcony of a factory dormitory building in the south after suffering one setback too many” (Rayns). There were three moments from Xiao Hui’s story that had left a deep impression on me. The first scene being the part where Xiao Hui exchanged social account names with a girl named Lianrong at the night club he worked at. The names of their account caught my attention. Xiao Hui’s name translated in English is “I am a little bird”, while Lianrong’s name in English translation means “Fish seeking water”

  • Cultural Revolution In A Woman Like Me By Xiao Shanan

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    Ba Jin does not judge Cultural Revolution directly; however, the cruelty can be found from all those unfair miseries Xiao Shan suffers. The more simplicity and innocent Xiao Shan is shown, the crueler Cultural Revolution is. Personal grief is associated with the familiar historical event is more affective to readers. LOVE IS TO BE A UNIQUE WOMAN LIKE ME “A woman like me is actually unsuitable for any men’s love…I feel that the shame for my having fallen into this trap, from which there is no escape

  • The Field Of Life And Death Summary

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    The Dead End of Traditional Ideologies and the Search for a New Way Out Xiao Hong, like Lu Xun and many other writers during the 1930s, was looking for a new way out of China’s economic and social dilemmas, and a new way to transcend the paired animal-human relationship. In The Field of Life and Death, Xiao Hong clearly demonstrates some of her foundational beliefs: first, old traditions cannot save China. The semi-feudal semi-colonial system in China has decayed and come to brink of collapse. Her

  • Perseverance Theme

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    Hans, but on Kung Fu as well, however, Mr, hans takes this opportunity to prove to him his unusual training technics are worth his time and effort. Before xiao Dre has a chance to leave, Mr. Hans begins sparing with him. However, xiao Dre is astonished he is able to block Mr. Hans' attacks. As xiao Dre's surprised expression fades away, he starts to understand the purpose of the long, and tiring routine he had done a thousand times. As  they continue to spare, Mr. Hans explains

  • Exploring the Journey of K-Pop Group Cosmic Girls

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    Cosmic Girls’ first member to be revealed to the public was SeolA, who, in 2012, made a cameo in Boyfriend’s “Janus” music video. Cosmic Girls’ are group in composed of twelve members: SeolA, Xuan Yi, Bona, Exy, Soobin, Luda, Dawon, Eunseo, Cheng Xiao, Mei Qi, Yeoreum and Dayoung. Profile Surprise, Joy , Sweet , and natural : Cosmic Girls twelve members “WJSN” for each letter is divided into four subgroups . Group February 25 , 2016, began with The second member who was shown to the public was

  • Analysis Of Capitalism In Street Angel

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    protagonists. The avarice inherent to this society governs everyday life within Street Angel. Xiao Hong, for example, lives with adoptive parents so corrupted by greed that they prostitute their older daughter, Xiao Yun. In a transaction that reflects the inhumanity of higher-level capitalism, these parents sell Xiao Hong to a local gangster. By juxtaposing the implications of this sale with Xiao Hong’s exaggerated innocence, Yuan appeals to his audience’s emotions, stoking anger toward social

  • Cultural Impact Of The May Fourth Movement

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    As a result, nobody could find a way to pay their bills to their landlord which put them out on the streets. Also, it caused poor living conditions for the people because almost an entire family had to live in one small apartment. In Street Angel, Xiao Chen and his friends work at a barber shop and the business was going broke. “They tried anything to get customers into the shop, but at the end there was an incident which causes both of them to get fired and made the landlord to shut them down.”

  • The Importance Of Knowledge On Personal Knowledge

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    The essay title suggests that shared knowledge can influence and affect personal knowledge. Within this framework of this discussion, I would like to define shared knowledge as facts and values that are taught and can be instilled in one’s mind subconsciously. As for personal knowledge, it is knowledge that “I know” including direct sensory or emotional experience or new discoveries based on one’s experience. The essay question implied that shared knowledge can shape personal knowledge, and also

  • Essay On Neonatal Sepsis

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    particular outcome. It also uses a maximum likelihood estimate to analyze the relationship between independent and dependent variables. Logistic regression is used in health care to help with diagnoses, predictions, and predicting. Polit, D. (2010). Xiao, Griffin, Lake, & Moorman, (2010). used the methods nearest-neighbor and logistic regression analysis to make the early diagnosis of neonatal sepsis using continuous physiological monitoring of heart rate characteristics, and intermittent measurements

  • Discuss The Concept Of Luxury

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    Western sociologists have defined luxury as a symbolic show, a reflection of social and class, the majority purpose of purchasing the luxury-goods is to improve their social position and have the highly desires to become to be a higher class. (Pierre Xiao, 2008). However, according to Roux, he defined luxury as emotional, experimental, and psychological (Lipovetsky and Roux, 2005). It means, the concept of luxury can be described as the expression of consumers’ emotions or attitudes, such as the lifestyles

  • The Big Five Psychological Characteristics

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    their life as the trait if neuroticism often leads to people who are highly neurotic viewing everything in a negative. Another definition by other researcher is that neuroticism is actually a general way of reacting to any situation (Neal, Yeo, Koy & Xiao, 2012). This obviously refers to how highly neurotic people tend to be very suspicious and paranoid of everything and everyone compare to those who core low on

  • Analysis Of I Love Dollars And Other Stories Of China

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    In an ideal communist scenario, all the citizens work hard and everyone shares the fruits of labor equally. What happens then, if there is no fruit to harvest, regardless of how much effort was put in? This situation is exhibited in “Ah, Xiao Xie” and the workers received no support. The narrator says, “our nonexistent power plant wasn 't generating any profits, and because our salaries had been squashed as low as was humanly possible— most of us were getting several hundred yuan less per

  • Yosemite National Park Analysis

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    a popular tourist location. The park features a Tunnel View overlook, allowing people from the road to see all of the park. Many families take trips to Yosemite every year as vacations and time to get away from everyday life. Photographer Tianyuan Xiao was traveling down this road when he took “Tunnel Vision.” The picture features a forest lined with a mountain range, showing the park’s natural beauty. In the center is a luminescent glow from the path of cars below. The sun also radiates light in

  • Impact of China's One Child Policy: An Analysis

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    has been endured and told by one of the many only-childs of china, Xiao Xuan, “Still she had a mostly lonely childhood, ‘ I used to cut myself on my wrist after being yelled at by my mom or dad because I didn't know who I should talk or turn to’” (Doc G). The fact that the government has limited the total amount of children to be born can have larger effects on those most immediately affected, the actual children, and this child, Xiao Xuan, just so happened to live a sad and depressing life due to the

  • Mao vs. Deng

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    Mao vs. Deng China's transition from the leadership under the iron fist of Mao Zedong to the more liberal Deng Xiao Ping gave the People's Republic a gradual increase in economic freedom while maintaining political stability. During Mao's regime, the country focused on bolstering and serving the community, while subsequently encumbering individual growth and prosperity. Deng advocated a more capitalist economic ideology, which established China as an economic force in the global community while

  • The Importance Of Chinese Culture In Street Angel

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    observers, and sympathize with the subject of the song. Through the transmittance of emotion, which acts as the human story in this case, the Chinese folk song enables the audience to sympathize more about the plight of the women associated with the song: Xiao Hong and the widowed young woman. If these two characters represent women

  • China and India

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    initiatives, and contributes to unethical business practices. Chinese Culture and Business Practice China’s culture related to business practices is influenced by paternalism, collectivism, and the reliance on personal contacts (Ardichvili et al., 2011; Xiao, 2011). Cultural paternalism is manifested in that the Chinese... ... middle of paper ... ...e culture is responsible for smaller costs of doing business, greater potential for country’s future economic development, and stronger ethical business