West Gate Bridge Essays

  • The Collapse of the Westgate Bridge, Located in Melbourne, Australia

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    of the Westgate Bridge, located in Melbourne, Australia. What was meant to be a bridge that joined two sides of the city of Melbourne, lead to Australia’s worst workplace disaster in history, with a death toll of 35. Included in this report is a history of the planning of the bridge, the events that lead to the collapse, as well as the collapse itself and how it happened. Also covered are the ethical issues portrayed by the companies working on the construction of the Westgate Bridge. I. INTRODUCTION

  • The History of Alcatraz Island

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    base located on the other side of Golden Gate Bridge. But with severe problems trying to build this other base, Alcatraz was to remain alone. "Out in the middle of the San Francisco Bay, the island of Alcatraz is definitely a world unto itself. Isolation is just one of the many constants of island life for any inhabitant on Alcatraz Island. It is the most reoccurring theme in the unfolding history of Alcatraz Island. Alcatraz Island is one of Golden Gate National Recreation Area's most popular destinations

  • Mes Vacances - French Essay

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    le siége. Pendant le voyage, J'ai redardé le telé, J'ai lis, et J'ai joué avec mon ordinateur petite et mon garcon de jeux. Nous sommes restés en San Francisco pour trois jours en un hôtel s'appelle 'Holiday Inn'. Je visitais le 'Golden Gate Bridge' et Je presque visitais 'Le Rock', mais il n'y avais pas les billets! San Francisco etait trés beau, mais il etais un peut froid et il pleut. Aprés San Francisco, nous sommes allés au Cambria, un petite ville au bord de la mer. Nous sommes

  • A Happier Tomorrow in Today Will Be a Quiet Day

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    Hempel, one may be inclined to believe that there is a tone of depression or sadness among the father and the two children. This is shown in the opening sentence, while the three are stalled in traffic on the Golden Gate Bridge. The boy states, "I think if the quake hit now the bridge would collapse and the ramps would be left" (Hempel 1202). We also learn that the boy had a best friend who committed suicide about a year before. Finally, the fact that a mother is not mentioned leaves the reader with

  • Bungee Jumping

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    tribal ritual. Members of the Oxford University's Dangerous Sports Club read about and designed a safe form of the practice. Atop the Golden Gate Bridge, dressed in tuxedos and top hats, the first form of bungee jumping came to existence. In 1987, bungee jumping moved to the American commercial scene. Two brothers, John and Peter Kockelman, began jumping from bridges over river gorges in the Sierras. Recognizing the sport's commercial potential, they opened Bungee Adventures in 1988. Bungee jumping spread

  • Golden Gate Bridge Research Paper

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    views the bridge as a legendary destination, however, to the locals, it symbolizes much more than just a view, it represents grief. The Golden Gate Bridge was completed in 1937, and is the “9th longest suspension bridge in the world,” connecting the counties of San Francisco and Marin (Golden Gate Bridge Research Projects). You can view the San Francisco Bay from the East side of the bridge and the Pacific Ocean, all the way to the Farallone Islands, off the West side. The Golden Gate is painted

  • The Golden Gate Bridge

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    Sometimes heralded as the most spectacular bridge in the world, the Golden Gate Bridge seemed like an impossible task a century ago. Around San Francisco, any kind of infrastructure built would have to withstand the fierce winds, fog, and any earthquake. Bridges around the area would also have to withstand the tides. Yet, to Joseph Strauss, none of these destructive powers bothered his willingness to create such a triumphant bridge. Completed only 5 months after the promised date in 1937 and a total

  • The Past and Future of Suspension Bridges

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    solution was: Pick up the road and carry it across. Many suspension bridges are already well known for their frequent usage. For example, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, the Union Bridge connecting England to Scotland, and the Brooklyn Bridge, which expands New York City to surrounding islands. Now, according to The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, a suspension bridge is “a bridge having the roadway suspended from cables that are anchored at either end

  • The Fascinating Town of San Rafael

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    wasn’t until I met Paul, my partner, that I learned the full story behind this fascinating town. San Rafael is located on the wedge of land that divides the San Francisco Bay and the mighty Pacific Ocean. Lying just 10 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Rafael serves as a major shopping destination and is the gateway to Wine Country. Despite its apparent peacefulness, closer examination reveals some interesting contrasts in this suburb of San Francisco, both in the surrounding environment

  • The Golden Gate Bridge

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    Study tour destination The whole world scrambles just to catch a glimpse of Los Angeles each time a movie from Hollywood or Universal studio shows. Do you know that Los Angeles is home to the two studios and has a larger GDP than countries such as Belgium, Saudi Arabia, Norway and Taiwan? It is also a world leader in tourism, aerospace, clean technology, entertainment as well as healthcare. Being a large sophisticated metropolis and its ability to host a large number of movie celebrities, clearly

  • Failure Analysis Report on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge

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    analysis report on the Tacoma Narrows bridge. The bridge collapsed on November 7th, 1940 just over four months after it was opened to the public on July 1st, 1940(Green, 2006). The only casualties(good word??) from the bridge collapse were reporter Leonard Coatsworth’s car and dog. The bridge’s design and failure will be discussed, as well as new suspension bridge design methods. 2. Description of Failure Other similar built bridges such as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco can have vertical

  • Achievements Of The Golden Gate Bridge

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    California built the golden gate bridge, which stands high in the San Francisco Bay. The bridge painted “international orange” contrasts with the deep blue of the sea. Today, the golden gate bridge stands as a symbol of freedom for many people seeking a new home in California. It has a rich past filled with many fascinating facts. In 1933 men from all over came to San Francisco to create this now well-known piece of architecture. The first step in constructing the golden gate bridge was designing it. The

  • Tacoma Narrows Bridge

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    INTRODUCTION: The Tacoma Narrows Bridge was the third longest suspension span in the world at the time. It was suppose to have been revolutionary in it design, and it was known for it’s tendency to sway windstorm. Nevertheless, on November 7, 1940, a large storm caused it to collapse. WHAT HAPPENED? WHY? Even during the construction of the original Tacoma Narrow Bridge, the deck would go up and down by several feet with the slightest breeze. Construction workers on the span chewed on lemon wedges

  • Golden Gate Bridge Research Paper

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    Golden Gate Bridge is a major tourist attraction in San Francisco, California. It is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world and it’s also the top suicide location in the world.The Golden Gate Bridge is a symbol of Northern California. The bridge serves as a means of transportation. The Golden Gate Bridge is located across the San Francisco Bay in San Francisco, California. Construction began January 5, 1933, and the bridge opened to the public May 28, 1937. The bridge connects

  • The Importance Of The Golden Gate Bridge In The World

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    The Golden Gate Bridge is a major tourist attraction in San Francisco, California. It is one of the longest suspension bridges in the world. It’s also the top suicide location in the world.The Golden Gate Bridge is a symbol of Northern California. The bridge serves as a means of transportation. The Golden Gate Bridge is located across the San Francisco Bay in San Francisco, California. Construction began January 5, 1933, and the bridge opened to the public May 28, 1937. The bridge connects the

  • The Huge and Famous Bridges in the World

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    Have you ever thought about how many bridges are there in the world? I did and I researched everything about the bridges. Let’s get this question first of all. There are six hundred thousand bridges in the United States if we consider all bridges small or big. This number is valid for only United States that means there are so many bridges we can’t even count. However even we have counted them they are built new ones and destroyed old ones day by day so the number will change eventually. It was researched

  • The Golden Gate Bridge

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    The Golden Gate Bridge is “considered to be one of the best and most beautiful examples of bridge design” (Poel and Royakkers 110). Unfortunately, this bridge is also "the US's most popular place to commit suicide" (110). Due to this fact, bridge designers decided that they needed to consider the option of installing some sort of suicide prevention system. Before any decision was made, the ramifications of both implementing a system and not implementing one had to be considered. Deciding whether

  • Christo And Jeanne-Claude's The Gates

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    and Jeanne-Claude finished The Gates and presented it to New York City. Built in central park, they designed 7,503 Gates that wrapped along the walkways creating a visually pleasing environment to tingle your senses. The Gates has people constantly questioning why people make things like this. What does it bring our culture, how it makes people feel, There honestly is no simple answer. Art is meant to open your mind and make you question your inner artist. The Gates, even with it only being open

  • Reasons of the Failure of Tacoma Narrows Bridge

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    Thesis: In order to prevent the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge, all the static and dynamic strains should have been taken into account which would have involved proper consideration of effects of environmental conditions, building materials and design. I. Environmental conditions A. Effects and behavior of winds 1. Moderate winds, large oscillations 2. Wind effects on bridges 3. Transfer of wind 4. Vortices 5. Vortex streets 6. Vortex shredding 7. Frequency II. Building

  • Taking a Close Look at the Golden Gate Bridge

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    AESTHETICS Golden Gate Bridge held the title as one of the longest bridges for a reason. It has a total length of 2,737 meters with a width of 27 meters. It also has a clearance of 67 meters for ships to pass by. Besides its incredible dimension, its architecture also plays a tremendous role for its beauty. The bridge employs art deco style, a chevron or beveled shape, used to add visual effect. The concrete structures at the ends of the bridge have chevron form as well as the concrete at the base