Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome Essays

  • Korsakoff's Syndrome And Multiple Sclerosis

    526 Words  | 2 Pages

    Korsakoff’s Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis Korsakoff’s syndrome is a brain disorder that is related to heavy alcohol use over a long period of time. This disorder is caused by a lack of Thiamine, or vitamin B1. Excessive amounts of alcohol use lead to Thiamine deficiency, which affects the brain and nervous system. Thiamine deficiency can be caused by poor eating habits, as heavy drinkers typically do not have nutritional diets that fulfill their vitamin needs. Alcohol can also disrupt the process

  • Interference in Memory Recall

    521 Words  | 2 Pages

    Interference in memory recall can be affected by nutrition deficiencies and stress. Korsakoff’s syndrome which is as a result of a lack of vitamin B1 or thiamine, does adversely affect memory in some patients with alcoholism (Carlson, 2010). Stress has also been found to interfere with recall in people when faced with the stress of surviving a natural disaster. Usually Korsakoff’s syndrome is found in older patients who have drunk alcohol for decades, but the thiamine deficiency can cause cognitive

  • Nutr 222 Case Study

    836 Words  | 2 Pages

    Name: Mustary Akter Date: 10/29/2015 NUTR 222 - Case Study 1 A. A woman and her 8 month old son come into the hospital. The boy is very thin and wasted looking and the mother tells you he hasn’t been growing at all in the recent weeks. Through interviewing the woman, you discover that their family has come on hard times and in order to cut down on costs, she and her husband have been diluting the boy’s formula and have not yet introduced him to solid foods. 1. What condition is the

  • Alcohol: A Double Edge Sword

    1036 Words  | 3 Pages

    Alcohol is historically one of the oldest known drugs to mankind. It is ingested orally and comes in many varieties. It is attractively packaged in alluring bottles and cans; which can seduce the unsuspecting individual and lead to a life of unrelenting misery, imbued with a potentially ruinous outcome. Taken in moderation; however, alcohol can also be used to prevent disease processes and promote health. This particular drug is both legal and is promoted widely throughout the planet. I chose this

  • Dementia Essay

    1354 Words  | 3 Pages

    Dementia is defined by the World Health Organization as a syndrome due to damage of the brain cells that most often chronic and progressive in nature. Some of the cortical functions that become impaired include memory, thinking, orientation, comprehension, calculation, learning capacity, language and judgment. Other manifestations that may accompany this disease are deterioration in emotional control, social behavior or motivation (Ouldred & Bryant, 2009) Dementia is not a normal part of aging, however

  • Amnesia Essay

    992 Words  | 2 Pages

    to take medications. Low-tech memory aids include notebooks, wall calendars, pill minders, and photographs of people and places. No medications are currently available for treating most types of amnesia. (Mandal, 2012)Amnesia caused by Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome involves a lack of thiamin. Treatment includes replacing this vitamin and providing proper nutrition. Although treatment, which also needs to include alcohol abstinence, can help prevent further damage, most people won 't recover all of

  • Drinking Alcohol

    1104 Words  | 3 Pages

    Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant it has a huge impact on the lives of a drinker . In small quantities, alcohol results in a mild euphoria and usually removes inhibitions, and is relatively harmless. However, when used in excess, it has the power to change many lives in many ways. Alcohol causes a lot of trouble in a lot of peoples lives not just in the drinkers life. . Some ways it effects peoples lives include alcohol poisoning and alcohol-related traffic fatalities by individuals

  • Effects of Alcohol on the Brain

    1301 Words  | 3 Pages

    Effects of Alcohol in the Brain Alcohol is something that people use to help with multiply different things and some studies have shown that alcohol may help protect our bodies from cardiovascular disease. Alcohol does have side effects to our health the surroundings around us and can cause violence, vehicle crashes and even suicide. Alcohol does have an effect on people that many social drinkers may not realize. Many people usually have tried alcohol around 13 years of age and high school students

  • Addiction to Drugs and Alcohol

    2041 Words  | 5 Pages

    There are many affects that drugs and alcohol can have on the body, and on the life of a person. Thousands of jobs, homes, and families are lost annually through the addictions of drugs and alcohol. Children grow up without parents, spouses are forced to raise their children as single parents, and grandparents become legal guardians for a second time, due to the effects of substance abuse and dependence. Exactly how addiction is defined and diagnosed is an on-going issue and one that will be discussed