Vestibulo-ocular reflex Essays

  • Science Fair Project: How Sight Affects Balance

    659 Words  | 2 Pages

    How does Sight Affect Balance Introduction Do you ever want to hit that triple pirouette? Or hold your arabesque for over thirty seconds? In order to do both those things, you need to have great balance. My science fair project demonstrates the effect of sight and balance. My scientific question is: How does changing dancer’s eyesight affect their balance? I will be eliminating sight completely, create tunnel vision, exclude the use of their dominant eye, lower the amount of light, distort

  • Sports Vision Case Study

    5080 Words  | 11 Pages

    1. Overview of Sports vision Sports vision refers to the vision care services provided to athletes, and these vision care services are modified to address specific demands in sports. Sports evolves from play and game (Loran & MacEwen, 1997). Game is an essential part of the emotional and physical development of a child. For example, ball games in childhood facilitate eye hand coordination and eye-foot coordination through catching and throwing activities. When rules are incorporated in play, it becomes

  • The Importance Of The Vestibular System

    2630 Words  | 6 Pages

    The ability to interpret and differentiate between spatial and temporal qualities of sensory information is known as sensory discrimination. It allows for refined organisation and interpretation of sensory stimuli and contributes to skill development, learning, and play that demands discrete responses (Shaaf et al., 2010:121). The individual is required to interpret the qualities of the sensory information and add meaning to it. By adding meaning to the sensory qualities, perceptions are formed.