Varkari Essays

  • The Status of Women and the Bhaki Movement in India

    2215 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Status of Women and The Bhakti Movement in India Originating in ancient Tamil Nadu, the Bhakti movement in India spread to the north during the late medieval ages when north India was under Islamic rule. The movement was spontaneous and counter to the predominant caste ideology which was dividing Hinduism. The adherents of the movement had their own rendering of devotional expression. While in the south, devotion was centered on both Shiva and Vishnu (in all his forms), the northern devotional

  • Indian Autobiography Analysis

    790 Words  | 2 Pages

    CHAPTER ONE CONTEXTUALIZING AUTOBIOGRAPHY IN MAHARASHTRA Origin and Dimensions of ‘Autobiography’: Autobiography is an act of a conscious self that documents significant events through the active help of memory to construct historical facts rather than truth. It is a western phenomenon which has its root in the Greek literature. The Western autobiographical tradition has started long back in an ancient time while documenting military achievements or important lifespan of the worriers or the kings

  • Indian Women Writers

    2406 Words  | 5 Pages

    Indian women writers A world of words, lost and found: a brief overview of women's literature in India from the 6th century BC onwards The Vedas cry aloud, the Puranas shout; "No good may come to a woman." I was born with a woman's body How am I to attain truth? "They are foolish, seductive, deceptive - Any connection with a woman is disastrous." Bahina says, "If a woman's body is so harmful, How in the world will I reach truth?" Much of the world's literature has been dominated by