Upper limb anatomy Essays

  • Za

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    Description of the Performer The push up is a skill that has been used in many fitness tests that are used in many educational settings. In these tests the skill is allows the same technique. The performer will do one push up without any corrects or demonstration prior to performance. The performer is capable of doing a traditional push up. The performer is 21 years of age. The performer would be listed as physical fit in many of the fitness test. The learner is a high stage of development due to

  • Medial Epicondylitis Research Paper

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    Medial Epicondylitis occur in the forearm, on the inside of your elbow. Medial epicondylitis is when the inner forearm muscles (called the forearm flexors) are overused by activities dealing with wrist movement. When these tendons that attach to the medial epicondyle (bony tip on elbow) are swollen it causes medial epicondylitis. This injury can also be referred to as “Golfers Elbow” because it is more common in golfers. The injury can happen in any activity, but affects the most dominant arm. Signs

  • Mech. of Pitching

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    similarity of movement patterns used in seemingly dissimilar activities such as the baseball pitch, the badminton clear, and the tennis serve. Objective evidence of such similarities between throwing and striking activities within each of the three major upper-extremity patterns; overarm, sidearm and underarm. The representative activities from these categories across throwing patterns also showed great similarity in the muscular action of the lower extremity. Atwater distinguished between the overarm and

  • Exo Research Papers

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    Have you ever been in a situation where your joints started to hurt, or maybe you’ve been in a situation where you had a heavy bag to lug around? Well science is on the come up and developing new ways of helping out our bodies. These new inventions are called exo suits and they help by taking weight off of your body. In this essay, I’ll be talking about these exo suits and how they work. Many people struggle with body pains, weather it’s because of medical issues or just old age, some people just

  • Orthopedic Physical Assessment and Physical Therapy

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    sensation, altered hand function, no spasticity, and no change to gait or bowel and bladder function (Magee, 2008, p. 142). These symptoms correlate to what the patient reported as a result of her injury. She stated that her pain is in the posterolateral upper and lower arm with aching and paresthesia in the thumb and index finger, which is in the dermatome pattern of cervical root 5 and 6 (C5, C6) (Magee, 2008, p. 25). She also reports lancinating pain with extension or rotation to the right of her head


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    Copy a simple design MOTOR EXAMINATION OF THE UPPER LIMB • Inspection o Posture - Note the resting posture. Look for abnormal flexion, unusual rotation or clawing of the hand. Always compare with the other side for symmetry. In a child with hemiplegia, the upper limb is flexed at shoulder and elbow with adduction and pronation of the a... ... middle of paper ... ...defects or sensory impairment). In order to assess the functional capacity of upper extremity and performance, the following tests

  • Front Handspring: Gymnastics

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    “As contestant number one executes the movement, there’s a complete revolution of the body. Lunging headfirst, pushing off the ground…there’s the rebound and PERFECT! The Front Handspring has been executed flawlessly!” The Front Handspring is a well-known gymnastics movement. Gymnastics comes from the Greek origin and is better described as a disciplinary exercise (Strauss, 2016). This sport combines self-control, balance, coordination, and acrobatic skills (Strauss, 2016). This sport is performed

  • Taking a Look at the Sagittal Plane

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    Sagittal Plane The sagittal plane, also commonly referred to as anteroposterior plane, is a plane that passes through the body from front to back and divides the body into left and right portions. The anatomical movements in the sagittal plane are flexion, extension, plantar flexion and dorsiflexion. The following are the three exercises for sagittal plane. 1. Barbell Biceps Curl: This exercise is great for developing both the heads of the biceps muscle. The biceps curl exercise (performed with dumbbell

  • Analysis Of The Free-throw Shot

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    Analysis of the Free-Throw Shot When deciding about a movement to study, I thought about many, and very few interested me. Then I decided to choose something that was very important to me. Shooting the basketball, and more specifically the technique in performing a free throw. I thought by looking more closely at the details of a movement I have been doing since a small child. I thought possibly I could learn something that would give me an advantage in my shot. The application of this particular

  • Analysis Of The Gross Clinic By Thomas Eakin

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    to test surgeries on often leading to amputate the limb instead of trying to stop the disease. While the focus of Eakins painting was to show that Dr. Gross was a doctor that didn’t believe in doing the easiest way,but what was the right way.as. In this painting the surgery that they are performing during this moment was often one that lead to the doctors removing the limbs, but instead Dr. Gross and his crew are working on the patient and the limb. The main point of the painting would often get overlooked

  • Australopithecus Afarensis

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    Australopithecines are a genus that are neither ape nor human. Rather, they are ancestral to the genus homo (Price, October 4). Australopithecines are known for being bipedal and had pregnancies that are about eight months long, similar to humans (Price, October 4). One species in particular is Australopithecus Afarensis. Afarensis is one of the best known and longest living early human species (Australopithecus Afarensis). Afarensis was found in Eastern Africa around 3.85 million years ago and

  • Comparison Of Myth And Archery

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    HL Math Internal Creating a more efficient bow Kason Lankford 002820-0048 MATH AND ARCHERY The original recurve bow started to die as archery began to decline in its use of militaristic purposes in the 17th century, but was kept alive through a numerous amount of dedicated British organizations such as the Royal Toxophilite Society, the Honorary Artillery Company, and the Royal Company of Archers. In the 19th century, Confederates of the USA started to make use of bows in response to the banning

  • Human Organ Observation Paper

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    Human organs sit within their glass cases, lining a dark room. Each one expels a red or blue glow, as if they were still functioning. In the surrounding areas of the building, pieces of bone and limbs lay in straight rows, while human corpses are displayed to be seen in the daylight. As morbid as it seems, I am not describing a scene from American Horror Story. To many’s surprise, the human body parts are featured within a local museum. Located in downtown San Jose, California; the tech museum of

  • Vertebral Column: Characteristics, Structure And Structures

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    Vertebral Column: It extends down from the base of the skull to the pelvis, providing support to the thorax and peritoneum/lower back region. it has vital important in our body by Supporting the upper limb body weight; allow us to maintain a correct anatomical posture. There are all together total 33 vertebrae 1. Superiorly: There are all together 24 individual vertebrae, which are separated by intervertebral discs. 2. Inferiorly: There are nine fuse to form two composite bones five Sacrum’s

  • Medical Terminology

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    According to the research article “Biomechanical Constraints Underlying Motor Primitives Derived from the Musculoskeletal Anatomy of the Human Arm” page 2 “For example, stimulation of sensory pathways activates ilia-psoas, tibialis anterior, and extensor digitorum longus that together participate in flexion of hip and ankle of the lower limb” points to the direction of body parts and their location accordingly. An individual fluent in medical terminology will never run into a brick

  • Teaching Fitness Education

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    concepts down into a practical and skill based learning session in order for students to understand and be able to use and advocate throughout their entire lives. Works Cited Dr. Daniel Switchenko class lecture notes, 328 Anatomy and Physiology, 329 Anatomy and Physiology II. Spring 2013 & Fall 2013 American Alliance for Health. Physical Education for Life Long Fitness. 2nd ed. N.p.: National Association for Sport and Physical Education, n.d. Print. Telljohann, Susan Kay, Symons Cynthia

  • Injury Prevention and Gait

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    - by the Free Online Medical Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia." Medical Dictionary. Web. 01 Apr. 2011. . WebsiteTagsEditDelete "Warm Up." Dr. Gabe Mirkin on Heath, Fitness and Nutrition. Web. 01 Apr. 2011. . WebsiteTagsEditDelete "Yoga Anatomy - Hip Adductors." VancouverYoga.com - Where the Internet Meets the Innernet. Web. 01 Apr. 2011. .

  • Replant Procedure Essay

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    Debridement will decidedly conduct to shortening, which is allowed as long as function is preserved as the objective, particularly in upper limb. Aesthetic outcome is important when the scalp, face are involved. Patients understanding of the outcome varies a lot, decision to replant has to be not only according to the surviving chances but functional outcome as well. • Total failure can be as a result of poor decision and less technical skills of the surgeon or seldom due to secondary problems linked

  • Massage Therapy Essay

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    Massage Therapy According to Massage Today “Massage therapy is recognized as one of the oldest methods of healing, with references in medical texts nearly 4,000 years old”. I feel that the benefit of rubbing aching muscles and hurt limbs comes to us as naturally as breathing air. Among its many purposes and advantages, massage soothes achy muscles, helps heal injuries, strengthens baby’s muscles and relieves stress. To me, massage is not only a way to soothe the muscles and relieve the everyday

  • Why Did Neanderthals Disappear

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    Imagine the world where modern humans and Neanderthals coexisted. The two groups lived among each other for some 2,600 to 5,400 years (Wong 2015, 43). For a long time, it was said that Neanderthals are our closest relatives. There is DNA evidence that shows Neanderthals and modern humans are closely linked. Around 39,000 years ago, Neanderthals suddenly disappeared from the face of the Earth, shortly after the first modern humans appeared (Wong 2009, 33). With the help of researchers, there have