University of Al-Karaouine Essays

  • Fatima's Case Study

    1379 Words  | 3 Pages

    Alonda Sims Instructor: Amber Popovitz-Gale PSYC 1111 April 19, 2018 Fatima is a 30-year-old single mother of two young children, who works fifty hour weeks to support and care for her family with little time to relax. Fatima does not smoke. However, she cannot afford fresh fruits and vegetables for dinner so the family eats processed foods, such as boxed macaroni and cheese and frozen pizza, very often. One day, Fatima fainted and was diagnosed with hypertension. She has long suffered from fatigue

  • Women in Islam

    2656 Words  | 6 Pages

    evidence suggests that fears regarding the limitations placed on women by Islamic culture are exaggerated in most areas. Women have reached the highest political posts, most influential jobs in business, and obtained teaching posts at prestigious universities in almost every country with a significant Islamic culture. Some of the most tolerant cultures have even begun allowing female imams to lead prayer and teach other Muslims. While Islamic culture has plenty of work to do regarding the status of