Tupelo Essays

  • Physical Therapist Research Paper

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    I have always been interested about Physical Therapist ever since my ACL injury. I knew that I need a good education, and I also need good social skills to make it in this career. But I need to know what kind of college degrees I need to obtain, and what other skills I need to be an acceptable Physical Therapist. By using Mississippi Choices, the Internet, and books from the library, I discovered all the important details of becoming a Physical Therapist. The first thing I discovered about a Physical

  • How Elvis Presley Brought Racial Equality

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    style of blending different types of music, gave Elvis the edge on the musical racial barriers America was facing; and open the path for both sides to enjoy the music together and therefore desegregated. Elvis Presley was born on January 8, 1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi to Vernon and...

  • The Tupelo Theatre: A Short Story

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    The Tupelo Community Theatre haunted house has been around longer than my measly sixteen years, but I only just heard about it a few months ago in August. With my extreme love of Halloween and frightful things, I knew I had to go. It took a lot of hard work to convince my friends to come; but now, as we wind closer and closer to the theatre entrance, they cannot stop smiling that adrenaline induced smile. My teeth keep chattering from the biting wind. One of my friends says something about clowns

  • Elvis Presley's Influence On The American Dream

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    The life of Elvis Presley was fairly simple. He lived in Tupelo, Mississippi with his mom and dad. He became famous when he started making music and dancing. He made many great number one hits. On August 16, 1977 tragedy hit when they found Elvis deceased at his mansion in Graceland, yet still today most people in America are still affected by his death and by his music. Did you ever want to know what the king’s life was like before he became famous? The life of The King might just be very plain

  • Elephant Ear Hypothesis

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    Effect of Elephant Ear on Growth of Water Tupelo Research Question: How does the growth of the Invasive Species Colocasia escuelenta (Elephant Ear) affect the growth of Water Tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) in Bluebonnet Swamp? Variables: Independent: Presence of Invasive Species Colocasia escuelenta Dependent: Presence of Water Tupelo (Nyssa aquatica) Background: Colocasia escuelenta is an invasive species primarily present in wetlands, swamps, and along shorelines. This species is typically

  • Similarities Between The Lion King And Dante's Inferno

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    descriptions of the devil, the parallel character identities, and the direct relationship between Drives in Linden Hills and Circles in Hell. The ice and coldness that shrouds the lowest layers of Hell become more prevalent as one moves down toward Tupelo Drive. For example, Dante describes the devil as being fixed in the ice where the rivers of guilt meet and having

  • Influence Of Disasters In My Life

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    they have. The people affected by disasters are in need of someone to help them, and that is where I come in. Throughout my life, I have seen many things that have inspired me to go help those in need. These events, such as Hurricane Katrina, the Tupelo tornado, and the Ebola outbreak of 2014, have opened my eyes to reality, making me want to go outside my comfort zone to help others where disaster strikes. Driving back home from my family’s visit to our soon to be new home in Mississippi, my family

  • Mississippi History Research Paper

    632 Words  | 2 Pages

    Some Civil War battles include the Battles of Iuka, and Jackson. In the Battle of Jackson, the army was fighting againg the Tennessee army (Ken). The first civil war battle fought in MIssissippi was the Siege of Corinth and the last was the Battle at Tupelo (Weiser-Alexander.) During the Civil War, Mississippi was a strong defender of slavery. As a result, most white people in Mississippi refused to share political power with people of color. People of color ended up losing many rights they had won during

  • Elvis Presley: The King of Rock and Roll

    756 Words  | 2 Pages

    Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi, in a two room house that was built by his dad, Vernon. Elvis loved his parents dearly and had a very close relationship with his mom, Gladys. He also had a profound faith in God. The family had little money, but Elvis’s parents did their best to provide for him. His childhood, the height of his fame, and the unfortunate circumstances surrounding his death made him the icon of the 1950’s that he is today. Throughout Elvis’s childhood

  • Good Bones By Maggie Smith: Poem Analysis

    705 Words  | 2 Pages

    Bones (Tupelo, Press, 2017); her other works were The Well Speaks of Its Own Poison (Press, 2015), and, “Lamp the Body (Red Hen Press, 2005). She has accumulated many writing awards and has work as a freelance writer and editor as well as servicing as a consulting editor to the Kenyon Review. She resides in Bexley, a suburb in Columbus, Ohio. Good Bones, by Maggie Smith, is poem that she wrote in 2015, originally published in Waxwing, Issue 10, in June 2016 and is being distribute by Tupelo Press

  • Elvis Presley

    1187 Words  | 3 Pages

    superstar that broke the boundaries of American culture. Almost everyone knows that Elvis Presley was a famous singer, but many people don’t fully understand what he contributed to popular music to earn his widespread fame. Born January 8, 1935 in East Tupelo, Mississippi, Presley was the son of Gladys and Vernon Presley, a sewing-machine operator and a truck driver (Jann S.). Elvis was actually born right after his twin Jessie Garon. Jessie was born a still born making Elvis the only healthy child to

  • Community Project Results: Sexual Assault Awareness Event

    1377 Words  | 3 Pages

    Community Project Results >>What information was presented? What did you want the community to “take away” from the event? The sexual assault awareness event was an incredible experience. We were able to engage in our communities in which we live by going to places of business and other community organizations these places allowed us put up flyer to advertise our event. We were hoping that this would be a good way to give details about our event and to encourage people to attend and bring information

  • How Did Elvis Presley Impact On Society

    1470 Words  | 3 Pages

    Elvis Presley was rock & roll’s first real star, not to mention one of the most important cultural forces in history, a hip-shaking symbol of liberation for the staid America of the 1950s. With a sound rooted in rock ability and rhythm-and-blues, a daringly sexual performing style, and a magnetic charm, the pioneer rock ’n’ roller became an idol for an entire generation of music enthusiasts. Admired as one of the most successful recording artists of all time, American singer and guitarist Elvis Presley

  • Elvis Presley

    548 Words  | 2 Pages

    ELVIS PRESLEY “Well a hard headed woman” Elvis Presley sang into the mike as he wildly strummed his guitar. Elvis Aaron Presley was born on January 8th,,1935 in Tupelo, Mississippi. His parents, Vernon and Gladys were poor farmers who had strong religious backgrounds. They raised Elvis in Tupelo where he learned how to sing and developed his guitar playing skills. Elvis did not have many friends growing up as a kid. His best friend was his guitar, which he picked up at age 11. When Elvis turned

  • Elvis Presley: The King of Rock'n'Roll

    1685 Words  | 4 Pages

    January 8, 1935 two children are born to Vernon and Gladys Presley in Tupelo, Mississippi. Sadly though the first born named Jessie Garon is born a stillborn, meaning born dead. The second is born alive and healthier than ever and he is named Elvis Aaron. Growing up Elvis had no siblings but on the bright side he grew up within a close-knit family. There is little money in his family but like what a lot of parents do Vernon and Gladys do all they can possibly do to provide for their son the

  • Honey

    607 Words  | 2 Pages

    tiny flowers. Blueberry is sweet and has somewhat of a tart taste. Fireweed is a honey light in color. This comes from a perennial herb found in Northern and Pacific states. Honey with a distinctive taste, golden color, and green cast is tupelo honey. Tupelo honey has a high fructose content, so it takes longer to granulate than other honeys. Wildflower honey is honey that is undefined at could have come from several different flowers. Sourwood honey comes from the sourwood tree which can grow

  • Elvis Supremes

    594 Words  | 2 Pages

    the most influential music group during the 1960’s, because they were the first all-female group to become successful, they won multiple awards for their music, and they helped pave the way for other future female artists. Elvis Presley was born in Tupelo, Mississippi on January 8, 1935. Elvis parents were Vernon and Gladys Presley. When Elvis and Priscilla started dating they were 10 years apart, Elvis was 24 and Priscilla was 14 years old. After eight-year courtship, Priscilla and Elvis got married

  • Elvis Presley

    1243 Words  | 3 Pages

    psychological problems the great Elvis Presley may have been facing. Elvis Aaron Presley was born to Vernon and Gladys Presley on January 8, 1935 in two-room house built by his dad in Tupelo, Mississippi. Elvis was supposed to be a twin, but his brother Jessie was stillborn, leaving him as an only child. He grew up in Tupelo surrounded and supported by his extended family as well as his loving parents. Though money was tight, Vernon and Gladys managed to support their darling Elvis and regularly attended

  • An Essay About Volunteering

    1004 Words  | 3 Pages

    such a huge impression on me as it did. My experience volunteering with Eight Days of Hope had not only changed my point of view on volunteering, it also taught me to be more courteous. While volunteering for the Eight Days of Hope organization in Tupelo, Mississippi, I was able to become more of a sociable person through my actions and my thoughts by associating and working with the other volunteers. An effect that I have received from volunteering at the Eight Days of Hope organization is that I

  • Elvis Presley Hardships

    802 Words  | 2 Pages

    of Rock ‘n’ Roll. Elvis Presley was and still is the greatest Rock ‘n’ Roll musician of all time; he overcame many hardships to become the prominent Rock ‘n’ Roll artist he is today. Elvis was born in a two-room house on January 8, 1935 in East Tupelo, Mississippi, and Elvis’s parents are Vernon and Gladys Presley and Elvis was there only child. The parent was from impecunious families, so Vernon borrows three dollars from a friend to pay for the marriage license. However, despite their poverty