Town and Country Planning Act 1947 Essays

  • Law Example Essay: The Decision Making Process

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    note that, in law essays, footnotes appear at the foot of each page. Here is an extract from a student’s answer to a question which was set some years ago. THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS The backbone of planning control is s.57 (1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 , which states, “planning permission is required for the carrying out of any development of land.” S.55(1) TCPA 1990 provides us with the statutory definition of ‘development’, “the carrying out of building, engineering, mining

  • 1946 New Towns Act

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    The 1946 New Towns Act” was passed to establish the construction of new towns and homes. This gave the government priority over areas of land. Parliament made it a priority to restrict growth of large cities into countryside areas. “The Town and Country Planning Act of 1947” was brought into to play. This gave local councils powers of planning permission. On top of this every area of the country was to have a “development plan” showing how areas across the united kingdom would be preserved and or

  • The Golden Age Of Welfare Essay

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    Britain had always adopted a laissez-faire approach to the running of the country; meaning that the state had little or no interference in the economic concerns of society or individuals (Encyclopedia Britannica, 2013). However, when Labour won the election in 1945, Clement Atlee, the new prime minister, endeavoured to eradicate poverty, homelessness, illness, inequalities in education, and unemployment (Alcock, May & Wright, 2012). Before the decade was over Britain boasted universal benefits

  • Modern Architecture Essay

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    another country in architectural development in the spotlight. There is also to say that this pre-war Modern Architecture had its differences regarding to the post war. Nevertheless, there is to clarify that, there was not a big jump, there was a whole process and it began long before. From the beginning of the century the architecture started to change but it is after the World War II when the big step was made into modern architecture.

  • Tehran Conference Research Paper

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    Paradoxically, the Soviet Union and the US fought together and won the war against Nazi Germany, and two years later they turned into complete enemies. How did these two countries become enemies so suddenly? And most importantly, if the mutation was so fast, did a real friendship ever exist between the USSR and the US during WWII? For sure, the USSR and the US were not hostile during WWII, however they could not be described as friends. The US and the Soviet Union could not win the war separately

  • The WWII Proposal for the Provision of a Welfare State

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    The WWII Proposal for the Provision of a Welfare State The proposals made during the Second World War for the provision of a Welfare State were made in order to eliminate poverty from the country. Various proposals were made that aimed to achieve this. One proposal, which was the main aim of the "Beveridge Report" was to abolish Want by providing social insurance for all: this meant providing various benefits and making people pay contributions, both depending on the class of the individual

  • Copenhagen’s Urban Planning

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    development can be begun to be made. Before these questions can be answered a step back should be made reflecting Copenhagen’s history. Copenhagen’s history, along with Denmark’s, leading up to the early 1900’s was in some ways similar to other european countries in terms of being conquered “1807 Bombing of Copenhagen by the English navy” (, 2014) and conquering “1666-1917 Danish colonies in Caribbean” (, 2014). Up until the 1800’s the layout and land use of Copenhagen wasn’t really as

  • Mccarthyism

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    McCarthyism spawned for the country’s new found terror of Communism known as the red scare. McCarthyism was an extreme version of the red scare, a scare whose ends did not justify the means. The Red Scare happened twice in the history of this great country. When the communist took over Russia in 1919, the American people were unnerved. They were afraid of a communist take over in the states. When the First World War ended in 1918, there was still an ideological war going on in a very divided United

  • Impact of the Beveridge Report in Shaping the 1945 UK Welfare State.

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    Sir William Beveridge Musgrove writes, ‘Seldom has any report to a government been so influential’ (Musgrove, 2000: 845-846). It is a fact that when we read material today regarding the British welfare state and indeed welfare states of many other countries the name Beveridge seems to always find itself anchored within the lines. This prevalence throughout the years stems from the popularity it had on both the British government and its citizens at the time of its publication. Bought by 635,000 people

  • Why Was The Nuremberg Trials Unfair

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    For the past half century, the world has blamed Nazi Germany for the horrible acts that took place during World War II and for the deaths of millions of Holocaust victims. Dozens of Germans, including major Nazi leaders, doctors and lawyers were brought to trial at the end of World War II when they were accused of committing inhumane and immoral acts during the war and their cases were supposed to be brought to justice, however, justice was not served. The Nuremberg Trials were not fair trials for

  • Total Quality Management: Armand Vallin Feigenbaum

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    Armand Feigenbaum Armand Vallin Feigenbaum was born on April 6, 1922 and lived to November 13, 2014. He was an American quality control expert and businessman known for the concept of Total Quality Control which later became Total Quality Management (TQM). He obtained a bachelor’s degree from Union College and his master’s degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Sloan School of Management. He progressed to a PHD in Economics from MIT. In 1958, he became the Director of Manufacturing

  • Fidel Castro: The Clown of Cuba

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    his time in Catholic boarding schools. He always liked sports therefore he always played them at recess in school. Castro began law school at the University of Havana in 1945 and became involved in politics. In 1947, Fidel Castro met up with a group of political exiles from Caribbean countries. These exiles planned and wanted to get rid of dictator, so they joined a group.When Castro joined, he planned to stop dictator Generalissimo Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic although, he cancelled from

  • Post-Colonialism In God Of Small Things By Arundhati Roy

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    Ayemenem is the town in the state of Kerala in India. Kerala is the cultural, religious and political hybrid state. To explain the word “hybrid”, I am taking the term “hybridization” from Chemistry as an example. This process occurs during bond formation and defined as

  • The Effectiveness of Outdoor Education Provision

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    The Effectiveness of Outdoor Education Provision For this assignment I am going to identify the principles and benefits that outdoor education has to offer. After taking the time to think about what a principle and a benefit is I have come to the conclusion that a principle is the ethnics and morals and a benefit is the outcome and something you gain such as a new skill or completion of a task. People provide outdoor education for many reasons. The principles of a national skills centre

  • Animal Farm as a Political Satire to Criticise Totalitarian Regimes

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    my thesis supervisor, Assoc.Prof. Dr. Jashua M. Bear for his help and freedom he gave me in this study. Without his understanding this thesis would never have been completed.I also wish to thank my sister Fidan Korkut for her suggestions in the planning stage of this study and her endurance during my long study days at home.My special thanks go to Özgür Ceylan, who constantly granted me her moral support. She was always there when I needed her.<font face="3">THE AUTHOR: GEORGE ORWELLPresentationThis

  • The Ending of White Minority Rule in South Africa

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    president of South Africa with a strong feeling of the country being free at last. This essay will discuss whether Mandela was the soul reason for Apartheid being abolished, and what he did to aid it. Nelson Mandela was born on July 18th 1918, in a remote village. He studied law at the University of Witwatersrand, this led him to set up the first black law firm in Johannesburg, where he fought court cases for wrongly treated black people. In 1947, Mandela became the African National Congress’ (ANC)

  • John Hope Franklin and His Impact on History

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    childhood had a huge impact on his life and scholarship. His parents were a primary influence in his education and much of the subjects he was passi... ... middle of paper ... ...he African-American century: how Black Americans have shaped our country. New York: Free Press, 2000. 320-322. Jackson, Camille, “John Hope Franklin, Scholar Who Transformed African-American History, Dies at 94.” Duke Today (Durham, NC), March 25, 2009. Jarrett, Beverly, and John Hope Franklin. 2003. Tributes to John

  • Abigail Adams and How She Shaped the Role of Women in American History

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    Almost everyone’s heard of her, there have been numerous books written about her, several thousand letters accounted for that she wrote. She was also the wife of the second president and the mother to the sixth American president, who was this woman? She was Abigail Adams. Abigail Adams life didn’t acquire meaning solely from knowing and being around these two great men however, Adams was eminently worth knowing as an individual herself. Throughout the ages, women have always been involved in

  • A Community Assessment

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    East Side Community Assessment and Windshield Survey According to Allender, Rector, and Warner (2014), public health is a combination of both an art and a science (2014). The mission of public health nursing is to promote health, prevent disease and ultimately prolong life (Allender et al., 2014). In order for this to occur an assessment must take place. An aggregate or community assessment begins with a collection of data. This includes: the community’s health needs, risks, environmental conditions

  • Democracy and Transportation in America

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    Secretary of Defense. At the confirmation he was asked if he could make a decision in the interest of the nation if it were adverse to GM. "Yes sir, I could," Wilson said. "I cannot conceive of one, because for years I thought what was good for our country was good for General Motors and vice versa. The difference does not exist."1 Yet his GM is accused of undermining the American transportation infrastructure and destroying a viable, superior streetcar network in order to sell more cars. Regardless