Tier One Essays

  • The Future Of Civilan Space Travel

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    Space is a frontier that mankind has sought to concur for many years, but up until now if the average person entertained the idea of venturing into space within their lifetime they would not have been taken seriously by most, if not all, reasonable people. However, within the last few months several events have taken place that may lead that reasonable person to rethink his position on the matter of, privately funded civilian space travel. All this is now possible because a few people who shared

  • Ally Financial Inc.

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    Ally Financial Inc. is an independent financial firm that was founded in 1919. They are a leading automotive financial company, provide mortgages and other commercial financing and also became a bank holding company in December 2008. Ally Bank is a subsidiary of Ally Financial and raises deposits from customers through the internet, over the phone and through mobile applications. As a direct bank, Ally does not have any bank branches and strives to grow its business through direct channels (internet

  • Canada'sTwo-Tier Healthcare System

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    CANADA HAS TWO-TIER HEALTH CARE SYSTEM The issue of a universal approach to Canadian Health Care has been contended for several years. Canada's national health insurance program, or Medicare, was designed to ensure that all people can have medical, hospital and physician services. The cost is to be paid for by Ontario medical insurance program (OHIP). The Canada Health Act was intended to represent certain principles of our health care system. It was intended to be a symbol of the Canadian values

  • Northeast Skiing Can't Keep Up WIth the West

    1911 Words  | 4 Pages

    Northeast Skiing Can't Keep Up With the West Skiers are very loyal athletes. They grow up learning on certain mountains and usually spend most of their lives skiing at those same ones. They remember every bump and turn on the way down. They know which lift to take because it is the fastest and has the shortest line. It takes a lot for a skier to stray from their normal habitat and adventure to slopes unknown. Actually, it takes two seasons of horrible skiing conditions, which is what the

  • Anselm’s Philosophy

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    Anselm also states that if God is the greatest thinkable being, he is referring to the fact that it would be impossible to imagine or to create in ones mind someone or something being better than God. Therefore, it would be impossible to say that God only exists in ones mind because it is much greater to exist in reality than it is to exist only in ones mind. Anselm then suggests that God has many attributes which describe him. Among these being: self-existent, a necessary being, omnipotent, omniscient

  • Experience is knowledge

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    yesterday.” - Alexander Pope (1688-1744) “Experience is Knowledge” Many regrets may burden ones mind throughout their life. This is a totally normal part of ones life that one may have no control over. “A man should never be ashamed to own he has been in the wrong, which is by saying, in other words, that he is wiser today than he was yesterday.” - Alexander Pope (1688-1744) It is important that one will learn from their mistakes and take out a valuable lesson learned through their actions. The

  • Classification Essay: Three Types of Friends

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    will hate us while others will adore us. The ones who hate us can be referred to as enemies and the ones who show us adoration are referred to as friends. There are three types of friends. They are the aquaintinces we make in school, the friends we loose as one grows, and best friends who may stray, but never too far away. First of all, there are those friends that are only seen in school. Seeing them on the street is like they are not even there. One may have known them throughout their whole

  • Habits That Hinder Thinking

    818 Words  | 2 Pages

    considering and evaluating ideas. “The term combines the th from thinking, the o from opinion, and the b from believing” (qtd. in Ruggiero 53). You can be aware of when you are thobbing by paying close attention to your initial opinions, especially the ones that are very strong. There are many habits that can hinder one’s thinking, causing their mind to fall victim to thobbing. Julie and John both used conformity and resistance to change, and rationalizing habits when coming up with an opinion about the

  • Golem At Large, What You Should Know About Technology.

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    “The Golem at Large: What you should know about technology” Technology can be regarded as a phenomenon with vast uncertainties. Technological change is rapid and we are struggling to keep up to date with the latest advances, while learning new ones and trying to prepare for the next changes proposed for the future. In order to do so, however, we need to be clear about what we mean, and what we consider to be a technology and evaluate some of the assumptions of our understanding of our technologically

  • Parallels Between Family And Family In Upton Sinclair's The Jungle

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    the scene as “appalling” with squeals of hogs so loud that it was “perilous to the eardrums” (Sinclair 36). The hogs were lined up on their way to their end, with no way back. As they reached closer and closer to their doom, men would place chains on one leg of each hog. They did not yet

  • Analyzing The Song 'The Weeknd' By Abel Tesfaye

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    Abel Tesfaye or better known as “The Weeknd” released the song ‘Pretty’ on his Kiss Land album. This video will provide a new perspective to the artist who's music is centered around sex, drugs, and his image as a "starboy".When first listening to this song, you are not completely sure what is going on, the song starts off with “Somebody told me that it was pointless for me to come back, into your arms. Said you fucked another man, finally I knew this day would come.” As these lyrics are being sung

  • Comparing The Lottery by Shirley Jackson and The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin

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    Comparing "The Lottery by Shirley Jackson" and "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" by Ursula K. Le Guin The differences between "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson and "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" by Ursula K. Le Guin seem relatively minor when compared to the striking similarities they contain in setting, symbols, and theme. Each of the stories begin with a description of a beautiful summer day. "The flowers were blooming profusely and the grass was richly green"(para

  • indians By Jane Tompkins: How Bias Affect Ones Concept Of History

    765 Words  | 2 Pages

    "Indians" By Jane Tompkins: How Bias Affect Ones Concept of History Whenever you are in any educational situation, you are subject to perspectives and bias of the instructors. In an essay entitled "Indians," by Jane Tompkins, it discusses how different biases may reflect upon one's concept of history. It is imperative to realize that when learning, which generally involves someone's concept of history, we are consequently subject to that person's perspectives that may be a result of their upbringing

  • Rousseau Social Contract

    1543 Words  | 4 Pages

    Rousseau Social Contract The social pact comes down to this; “Each one of us puts into the community his person and all his powers under the supreme direction of the general will; and as a body, we incorporate every member as an indivisible part of the whole (Rousseau: 61)”. The general will can itself direct the forces of the state with the intention of the whole’s primary goal - which is the common good. The general will does not allow private opinions to prevail. The union of the people,

  • Crime and Punishment - Raskolnikov's Extraordinary Man Theory

    772 Words  | 2 Pages

    Newton, Mahomet, and Napoleon. He tells us that Newton had the right to kill hundreds of men if need be in order to bring to the world knowledge of his findings. Napoleon and other leaders created a new word. They overturned ancient laws and created new ones. They had the right to uphold their new ideal, even if it meant killing innocent men defending the ancient law. "The first class of people preserve and people the world, the second move the world and lead it to its goal." Despite these tremendous differences

  • A Priori Knowledge

    2720 Words  | 6 Pages

    attitudes towards the various strategies and methods we use to get new beliefs and filter out old ones. Epistemology is concerned then with whether we have acted responsibly or irresponsibly in forming the beliefs we have. Based on this process, we ultimately want to find true knowledge or justified belief. Traditionally, there are four sources of knowledge; sensation, memory, introspection, and reason. The one source of knowledge that I am particularly interested in discussing and examining is reason

  • Beatitudes

    877 Words  | 2 Pages

    for they shall inherit the earth. This Beatitude tells us to make good choices, just because it is a good choice you are making for yourself dose not mean you will be in the most popular crowd. They might be the ones making the wrong choices. Sometimes the most poplar people are the ones making bad choices. They may tease people and discr...

  • Loyalty to ones king

    2140 Words  | 5 Pages

    Minaya, the Cid to his wife Don Jimena, his two daughters Dona Elvira and Dona Sol, and the Cid to his army. Loyalty and respect are very important themes that progresses stronger and stronger throughout the poem, loyalty can do good and bad to loved ones, but in this poem, it eventually led to conflicts with severe consequences. The Cid stayed loyal to King Alfonso throughout the entire poem. Never once did the Cid say anything bad or offensive towards the King. Although King Alfonso ostracized the

  • The Truth About Witchcraft Today by Scott Cunningham

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    I hold the sabbats and esbats special. I didn’t even know what esbats were until reading this book, and I thought there was only 4 sabbats, the ones in line with the equinox and the solstices. Having taken that out perhaps some of my biases and opinions are not that blatant or unreasonable. I found this book to be fairly well written, except for the one major problem with it, which is why I named my essay what I did. Argumentum ad nauseum is a logical falsity that we have recently covered in Communications

  • Shah’s Fables in The Way of Sufi

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    there is more to a fable than just being an interesting story that teaches a lesson. In fact, Shah writes in the "Forward" of his book Reflections, "Do you imagine that fables exist only to amuse or to instruct, and are based upon fiction? The best ones are delineations of what happens in real life, in the community, and in the individual’s mental processes" (1, 2). What Shah means is that the best fables describe life, one’s mental processes, and the surrounding community to the fullest. In "The