Therme Vals Essays

  • Materiality In Zumthor's Building

    1211 Words  | 3 Pages

    cavernous interior setting, which he brought to life with his material choices. He writes “…For a moment, I had the feeling that our project had escaped us and become independent because it had evolved into a material entity that obeyed its own laws” . Therme Vals is built from layer upon layer of locally quarried Valser Quarzite slabs . He embodies his “timeless” vision by carefully choosing his materials. This minimal, yet timeless material, the stone, “obeys its own laws”. Zumthor’s work proves, that in

  • Analysis of the Movie Willow

    2058 Words  | 5 Pages

    Analysis of the Movie Willow She was born with the mark on her arm, the mark of the one who would cause the downfall of queen Bavmorda and end her evil rain. The legend told her that the prophecy was the queens grates fear and now it was about to some true. Willow Ufgood had always wanted to be a magician. to be wise and respected in his community. His dreams were about to become true. All of these things you will read in my report. The main charters of this book are Willow ufgood- a nelwyn

  • I Don't Think This Feels Right

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    I slip my feet in a new pair of Nike sneakers, and try and get a feel for what they are like. My feet are supposedly a size ten and a half. “These are nice, but not what I’m looking for.” My mom chimes is, “Ok, let’s try these. These are cool right? You kids like these don’t you?” She hands me a pair of no-arch Adidas Sambas. Still a size ten and a half. I pop off the other shoes and grip the edges of the shoes as I try and shove them on. The shoes glide on with an odd sense of ease. “They are way