The Swing Essays

  • Swing Music

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    Swing Music During the nineteen thirties and nineteen forties a certain style of music became very popular. This style of music became known as "swing". It was performed using rhythmic 'riffs' and is referred to a style of dance and band arrangements. America maintained swing's popularity throughout the World War Two years when both large and small ensembles toured Army and Navy camps both at home and abroad. At home, swing was heard at bond sale rallies and community concerts. The new sub-culture

  • Jazz Swing Theory

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    The swing style was greatly influenced by jazz and also a multitude of popular dances from before it’s time, for example the Black Bottom, Big Apple and the Turkey Trot. The style of Swing dancing is named after the type of jazz music that swing dancing is traditionally danced too. Swing dancing is said to have been created at a club called the Savoy Ballroom. The Savoy Ballroom was a block-long dancehall in New York City and was so popular that it was frequented by many of the greatest dancers of

  • The History Of Swing Dance

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    Swing dancing has been an epidemic passed down through generations of dancers. Swing is a style of ballroom dance that has evolved and developed into different types of dance such as the Jive, Lindy Hop, and West/East Coast Swing. Typically the swing is an upbeat dance done to a quicker tempo and rhythm. Swing can be found as early as 1800 but not taking flight til 1930 in Harlem after a Ziegfeld production. Swing is still around today and as popular as ever with competitions around the world. People

  • Swing Dance: The History And History Of Swing Music

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    Swing Dance Group 2: Brandon Wong, Robin Massowd, Meredith Seamon, Savannah McEntire, Johannah Robert, Renee Wilson, Kelcie Melino, Kara Shifflett, Natalie Perez, Gabrielle Slais, Arian Shahbazi, Katie Parker Page Break History: Swing dance, as it called today, originated in the 1920's when the African American community in Harlem, New York developed the Charleston and Lindy Hop while dancing to contemporary jazz music. In comparison to previous dance styles, swing dance, which is usually done

  • History of Swing

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    The History Of Swing It is argued that the start of the “Swing Era” started the day that Louis Armstrong joined Fletcher Henderson’s band in 1924. The style Armstrong played on the trumpet, which was shown off to the world after joining Henderson’s band was the main thing that would lead to swing jazz. The official start of the swing era began ten years after Armstrong joined the band and almost a full ten years after the first swing dance, the Lindy Hop. In the early 1930’s on the recommendation

  • Descriptive Essay On Swing

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    a swinging motion takes place, side to side it swings, higher and higher. Sensations begin to birth out of this, and the darkness appears to create something that is not. Light! Though not as constant as what was before, there was blinding split seconds of white. Left and right it swung, with each center of the swinging motion, it was almost as if a mass was lifted and carried, the flashes of white showed these dark outlines of these masses. A swing to the right, with a mass following close, the

  • Swing Dancing Essay

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    Swing music made a huge impact on America and is still celebrated through music and dance today. To understand this let’s first talk about ‘”Swing Music.” “Most people will agree that the Swing Dancing heyday was in the 1930s through the 1950s, but Swing dancing continues today” (It Began with a Hop to the Music: The History of Swing Dancing). Swing Music “is a term used to describe the harder, somewhat slower, sexier form of jazz that began to take off in the mid-1930s and lasted through World

  • The Swing Era

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    The Swing Era of Jazz     The Swing Era of the 1930s through the 1940s and World War II ultimately go hand in hand. The popularization of Swing music was upon society, and in some parts of the world, led people to behave in somewhat of a rebellious nature. With the onset of World War II, men were drafted and had to leave their homes, loved ones and work. Music being an integral part of society at this time, was put into a position that it would help in the boosting of morale and be useful in promotion

  • Swing Kids

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    distance they have traveled from the point where they started” (Henry Ward Beecher). Peter Muller, the main character in the film Swing Kids, directed by Thomas Carter, is an exemplary human by this measure. Swing Kids explores how the Nazi powers in World War II Germany force teenagers to make decisions between right and easy. Three friends whose hobbies include listening to swing music and practicing American slang are torn apart over the Hitler Youth Group (HJ’s). While debating over the morality of

  • The Swing Dance In The 1920's

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    called The Swing era, where the new generation became governed and exited about the Swing music and dances. It was the beginning of the pop culture. Swing dance is extensive idiom describing a diversity of partner dances developing from the 20s to the nowadays, started in Harlem New York by Afro-Americans. Big influence on Swing dance did entertaining development of jazz music that was invaded in New York’s Harlem district. Moreover, this fresh sound did a huge influence on a new Swing dance styles

  • The History Of Swing Dance Influence History

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    Dance History May 4 ,2016 . Swing Dance Influences History is constant . The universe is forever creating history that effects the present and the future . I would like to focus on one aspect of history that has and will forever influence America today . Swing dance is a crucial element in the develop-ment of American culture . Swing dance is a style that could only have developed in America during the 1920 's and have the impact that it did . Without swing dance in America , American culture

  • What´s Swing Jazz?

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    Swing Jazz, a subgenre of Jazz, was an unprecedented sound that has skillfully created an effect on the way we live today. In an article from a devoted Jazz website, Just the Swing, it is presented how Jazz was “revolutionary in its time period.” This is shown through how it was the first outlet that expanded into African American culture after desegregation was officiated. A corroboration within this statement is shown on’s : The History of Jazz Music Part II. This article adds

  • Rebellion in the Movie Swing Kids

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    Swing Kids is a 1993 film that takes place in Hamburg, Germany in 1939. Teenagers, who called themselves Swing Kids, rebelled against the Nazis by refusing to join the Hitler Jugend (Hitler Youth), better known as the HJ. They wore their hair long, liked American movies, dressed in British fashion, and listened to swing music. They used the salute “Swing Heil” as a mockery of the “Heil Hitler” salute with each other. The movie follows three Swing Kids: Peter Muller, Thomas Berger, and Arvid. Peter

  • Performing A Full Golf Swing

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    To begin executing the proper golf swing, your feet must be shoulder width apart. When gripping the club, place the club in the joints of your left fingers with the thumb pointing down the center or slightly to the right of the shaft. (This is written for the right-handed golfer, all left-handers must reverse everything). Place the pinky of the right hand in between the index and middle fingers of your left. Do not grip the club any tighter than you would a baby bird. The next step is the placement

  • The History Of Swing Music By Louis Armstrong

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    singer. His band the, Hot Five, was one of the popular bands known for making swing music trendy. His music set the standards for jazz till this day. Louis Armstrong is still known as one of the greatest African- American entertainers. Anthropology: “Swing Culture” The swing era ranged from 1935-1946. It was the most popular music in the history of the United States. It originated as an adaption of neo jazz. The swing era arrived when the great depression arrived. This era was popular because it

  • Swing Low Sweet Chariot Analysis

    1612 Words  | 4 Pages

    History behind the appropriation of “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” “Swing Low, Sweet chariot,” is an American Negro Spiritual originally sung by black slaves during their time working of the fields. Although performers in the 20th century acknowledged the historic significance of this piece, it has also been used as an instrument of cultural appropriation by white Americans and Europeans. The meaning of this song radiates in the words and exposes its purpose to those who study the music of slaves and

  • Louis Prima: Man That Cat Could Swing!

    951 Words  | 2 Pages

    Louis Prima: Man That Cat Could Swing! Louis Prima was born to Italian immigrant parents Angelina and Anthony Prima on December 7, 1910 in the town that he would eventually draw his biggest influences from, New Orleans, Louisiana. Louis' first instrument was a saxophone that he received on his 10th birthday from the leader of the Dixieland band that his older brother Leon was in. He never quite took to the saxophone, and eventually gave it up and studied instead the violin. Near the end of his

  • Playtime Peer Relations: An Informal Observation

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    private school, and I see fifteen to twenty children on the playground. • I see one adult male playground monitor, who seems to allow the children to facilitate their own play. • The playground is all concrete; there are basketball hoops, jungle gyms, swing sets, red rubber balls, soccer and basketballs. My first personal observation is of an Asian boy, approximate age, 5-7 years old. • 11:30am I notice the young male run on to the playground, he immediately goes for the red rubber ball. He kicks and

  • A Chalkboard, Playground Equipment, and Mirror in Flowers for Algernon

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    My name is Charly Gordon. I had an operation. I will become smart. I have a chalkboard. I write things on the chalkboard. This helps me to remember. Today I will run amazed with Algernon. Algernon is a mouse. I want to win the amazed. I like the teeter-totter. When I am up in the air, I am free. I like to make funny faces in the mirror. Miss Kinnian showed me a raw shok test. I failed. I want to be smart. From the time we encounter Charly until he is told of his operation, every thing

  • A Sad and Beautiful Day

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    Rebecca and Sam woke up early in the morning and they could hear the birds singing in the tree outside there window. The sun was shining so brightly and the day was so warm. They looked out the window and seen such a beautiful day. They hurried and jumped out of bed and got dressed. Rebecca and Sam ran down the stairs so quickly that they almost tripped over each other, but they managed to make it in one piece. They started to race to the kitchen to get some breakfast but stopped in the living