The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Essays

  • Taking a Look at the Legend of Zelda

    1395 Words  | 3 Pages

    generation and has weathered the test of time to present day. Mythology influences current day literature, movies, and even video games. One video game that heavily draws on mythological themes is The Legend of Zelda created by Japanese video game designer and producer Shingeru Miyamoto. Through Zelda, gamers are exposed to and are able to play through a hero’s journey filled with mythological motifs such as the idea of creation and destruction, the struggle between light versus darkness, the subconscious

  • The Zelda Report

    574 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, is a video game that Nintendo released for the Wii console on November 20, 2011. The retail price of the game at $45.95. The game also had a limited edition golden Wiimote controller and a soundtrack bundle which retailed for $69.99. Some say that this game surpasses the other games, but why? This report will explain some of the feature that Skyward Sword has. The story of Skywards Sword starts with a war that starts when the monsters escaped the ‘fissure’ so

  • The Legend Of Zelda Symphony Of The Goddesses

    619 Words  | 2 Pages

    The concert that I attended was, The Legend of Zelda Symphony of the Goddesses. It was a birthday gift for 20th birthday and a graduation gift for my cousin that had also come along with me to the show. The concert was advertising the recent re-release of a game of the Legend of Zelda (LoZ) series Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask for the Nintendo 3DS. The game had first came out on the Nintendo 64 but Nintendo wanted to allow the children of the recent generation and the adults who have previously

  • Nintendo History

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    computer (Famicom), later renamed the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System), in Japan. This Nintendo console bring with some of the best games of the century,in my opinion, game titles that have been around for decades like Super Mario Bros, The Legend Of Zelda, Metroid, Megaman, Punch Out, Pitfall etc. I have personally played and enjoyed this library of games myself. The next instalment in the Nintendo franchise was the gameboy which came with tetris in 1989. it became an instant hit, selling over

  • Hateno Forts: A Short Story

    2034 Words  | 5 Pages

    Hateno Fort, the last bastion against the horde of Ganon’s creations and the Hylian rule. A fabled battle had taken place there, and legends tell of the hero who gave his life to defend the Princess. Link hated the place. It was raining, drizzling really, and he stepped carefully around guardian remains, grabbing the odd bolt or two from the undersides of the automatons. He wandered on foot, his horse, Nocturne, following loyally behind him, reins in hand. Her breath was warm against his hair