The American President Essays

  • American President is first citizen

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    unique structure of the American Government and the many interesting facets of its President, the American Presidency can assume such roles. Since the military is headed by civilian control, the President’s status as Commander-in-Chief declares him as one of and head of the civilian population. The American President is the leader of his political party as chief of party, the ceremonial head of the American Government as chief of state, and a representation of the American People as the Chief Citizen

  • The American President Movie Analysis

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    The American President is a romantic comedy which follows the widowed President of the United States as he pursues a new romantic interest in the peak of election season. An environmental lobbyist by the name of Sydney Ellen Wade catches the eye of the President, Andrew Shepherd, when she first has a meeting at the White House to try to gain support for a bill that would reduce carbon emissions. The movie follows the pair as they pursue a relationship while trying to navigate the struggle of gaining

  • Rhetorical Analysis of Andrew Shepherd's Speech in Movie, The American President

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    A president has to have character, right? I mean, if the leader of the free world has no substance, nothing special about him, then how do we as citizens know that he is capable as far as foreign policies go. How do we know that we can trust him to make wise decisions? How do we know that he will tell us the truth? This concept is exactly what fictional president Andrew Shepherd successfully conveys in his “Address to the Press on Bob Rumson and the Crime Bill.” In the movie, The American President

  • The American President Essay

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    Movie Review: The American President (1995) By: Meidina Felita Alifandra (Nanda) International Relations 2014 IRE Class 1 The American President was an American romantic – comedy – drama film which is released on November 17th, 1995. This film was written by Aaron Sorkin and was directed by Rob Reiner. This film was produced by Castle Rock Entertainment and was distributed by Columbia Pictures and Warner Bros Pictures for official North America Release, and also by Universal Pictures for international

  • The American President -a movie review

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    The American President - a movie review The American President is a romantic comedy that takes place in the White House during primary season. The president is hoping to be reelected and to pass two bills, one on gun control and one on fuel restrictions. During this movie, the president meets Sydney, a lobbyist, and goes out with her, and because of this he takes a hit on his ratings. The American President shows many different themes covered in politics and government 101, these themes are

  • An American President- Teddy Roosevelt

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    An American President Leadership is something that as humans we strive to be good at. It’s a skill that can be fostered in school, homes and sports. As Americans we often turn to those in leadership positions to help us during troubling times. Many great leaders have been born out of grave tragedy, when one person can show strength, wisdom and courage we celebrate them. Our country is driven by men and women who are out into leadership roles. Congress and government have their fair share of both

  • Powers Of American President Research Paper

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    the president dominates American Politics.” (The Powers of the American President). The president of the United States is the most important person in the country, he is the chief of American's administrative. Generally, there are only two members of the administrative which are the president and the voice-president (The Powers of the American President). Also, the president of the U.S. leader-in-head of the armed forces, and he decides immediately on taking the oath of office. The president cannot

  • Presidential Power: The Power Of The American President

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    system has changed (Jeffrey Tulis, 1990). In the twentieth century, a strong executive emerged and was institutionalized in American national politics. Even though the framers anticipated that Congress would be the predominant branch of government, contemporary presidents wield formidable formal and informal resources of governance. As a result, the public expectations of presidents have grown and created a gap between expectations and formal powers. In an attempt to explain presidential power and its

  • The Power of American Presidents to Shape the World

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    outlines the primary objective and conception of an American President. They fight for the hard causes no matter the difficulty in order to further the American Dream. The executive branch is the heart of American politics and a symbol of freedom. Throughout American history, Presidents have clearly influenced American domestic politics as well as world dynamics. This essay explores the idea that throughout the United States history, American Presidents have developed, ushered, and enabled the United

  • Great American Presidents: Abraham Lincoln

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    Abraham Lincoln was one of the greatest presidents to ever serve in office in the history of the U.S., serving from 1860 to 1865. A self-educated attorney from Illinois, he proved himself to be a brilliant leader throughout the Civil War period. Although President Abraham Lincoln faced the biggest crisis in American history, he saved the nation by preserving the Union during the Civil War, boosting the economy, by fighting for the abolition of slavery, and by boosting the Northern economy. Abraham

  • The Rhetoric of an Apology: The Bill Clinton Sex Scandal

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    The Rhetoric of an Apology: The Clinton Sex Scandal "I ask that all Americans demonstrate in their personal and public lives... the high ethical standards that are essential to good character and to the continued success of our Nation." On August 17, 1998, exactly one year after making the statement above, President Bill Clinton prepared to deliver a speech concerning a scandal that had gripped the nation for months. It is needless to say that this was an important moment during the Clinton

  • Teddy Roosevelt

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    Roosevelt, Theodore (American President) (c. 1858-1919) Roosevelt’s presidency began with the chaos of McKinley’s assassination in 1901, when Roosevelt was 43 years old, and ended after his second term, achieved by his election to President in 1904. Although Roosevelt’s selection as McKinley’s Vice-President was more of a political pay-off, and the New York political machine, fearing an independent Roosevelt, was more than ready to say good-bye to Roosevelt as Governor, Roosevelt is acknowledged

  • Jackson as a President: Yesterday and Today

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    Jackson as a President: Yesterday and Today The Andrew Jackson Administration, from 1829 to 1837, was very important in American history. A self-made man, Jackson exemplified republican virtues by restraining a centralized government and promoting the powers of the people. His administration left a lasting impact on American politics. With his extreme usage of the presidential veto, Jackson strengthened the executive branch and rendered it equal in power to the legislative branch. These Jacksonian

  • Ronald Reagan Influence On American Presidents

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    most recent Republican Presidents started with the fortieth President of the United Sates, Ronald Reagan. He was President from 1981-1989 and is considered as one of the best Presidents in the history of the U.S. Before his presidency, Reagan served as the Governor of California after being an actor and union leader. Even before that, Reagan grew up in a poor family in Illinois. He graduated from Eureka College and worked as a sports announcer. After getting elected for President, he implemented sweeping

  • World War II

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    Ethiopia by Italy under Mussolini. The Second World War was indeed one of the greatest conflicts in history. What started out as a European struggle, soon emerged to the level of worldwide warfare. The Prime Minister of England, Winston Churchill, American President, Franklin Roosevelt and Russian leader, Joseph Stalin were just a few of the leaderships that tried to bring their nations to victory. Although they all could not have “won” the war, these particular three men worked together to form an outstanding

  • Commodore Matthew Perry: American Black Ships in the Land of the Samurai

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    Commodore Matthew Perry: American Black Ships in the Land of the Samurai One hundred and fifty years ago, an American commodore was assigned by the American President to go to “the barbarian land.” The commodore’s name was Matthew Perry and the land was Japan (Walworth 18). He was curious enough to become interested in the mission, even though it was said that “the Japanese were the least interesting people in the world” at that time (Graff 63). Japan had been closed to the outside world

  • Americans are Immigrants!

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    Americans are Immigrants! “Everywhere immigrants have enriched and strengthened the fabric of American life,” was the words of former American president, John F. Kennedy (American Immigration: Quotes about Immigration). Immigrants have been in America for many years now. Today many people have different opinions about whether immigrants should be allowed into America freely, or if there should be more harsh regulations to those coming into the country. After September 11, people have been afraid

  • Lincoln the Tyrant

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    Lincoln the Tyrant There is no doubt that Abraham Lincoln is widely regarded as one of the great American presidents. The general public, when asked about Lincoln, will often tell the tale of a great man. Holding their head high, they will embark on the journey of a benevolent leader, praising the man who envisioned a new America: a great country of racial equality, and the pillar of human liberty. There are some, however, who have quite the opposite view. In his work, The Real Lincoln,

  • Forgotten African American Heroes

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    graduates, professors and faculty filled the side aisles. The morning sun cast golden rays on the smooth mahogany floor as John Hope walked to the back row. For this brilliant young African American, the day rang full of promise. After leaving Brown, Hope would go onto become the first African American president of Atlanta University and an early advocate of civil rights organizations, including the W.E.B. DuBois-led Niagara Movement, the NAACP, and the southern-based Commission on Interracial Cooperation

  • Great Gatsby

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    and the fall of the american dream. The book 'The Great Gatsby' by F. Scott Fitzgerald was an 'icon of its time.' The book discusses topics that were important, controversial and interesting back in 1920's America. The novel is 'an exploration of the American Dream as it exists in a corrupt period of history.' The main themes in the book are the decay of morals and values and the frustration of a 'modern' society. The Great Gatsby describes the decay of the American Dream and the want for