Tai peoples Essays

  • Borgmann’s Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life

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    The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate Borgmann’s theory of focal things in application to Tai Chi, as well as propose the opposition to it with an exercise machine as a device in the context of Borgmann’s Technology and the Character of Contemporary Life. In addition, I will try to argue that the resolution to the bifurcation between things and devices is a specific kind of equilibrium. First, Tai Chi, the old Chinese art that is a culmination of martial art and a form of exercise for both

  • Passionate Learning

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    without drowning in self-reproach is an idea alien to this game. -Joan Didion, "On Self-Respect" Last Spring, as part of a senior project, I took Tai Chi classes and researched how meditation is used in mind/body medicine. I read several books by doctors who use meditation as a form of healing, in stress-reduction clinics and as treatment for people suffering from severe pain and panic disorders. One doctor in particular, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn teaches a method he calls mindfulness, in which he has

  • The History and Evolution of Tai Chi

    998 Words  | 2 Pages

    The History and Evolution of Tai Chi Tai Chi is a result of the Chinese Taoists. The Taoists in their observation of nature found nothing was entirely still. If prey stayed in one place, the beasts of the forest would take advantage. They also found that this principle applied to humans as well and that if they remain stagnant, it opened the door for disease and old age. From this revelation, the Taoists began creating martial art forms, as well as using yoga introduced from India, to be

  • Tai Chi Research Paper

    1152 Words  | 3 Pages

    Tai Chi is a form of Martial arts also called “ moving meditation. It is based off of three major components: deep breathing, meditation and movement. The purpose of this practice is to improve overall health as well as specific ailments. To achieve the goal of the exercise it appears to be very slow moving movements with breathing techniques to relax the mind, body and soul but can be used for so much more. According to a Chinese legend, Tai Chi was created by a Taoist monk who was inspired as

  • Tai Chi and the Elderly

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    years, western civilization has adopted Tai Chi as not only a physical activity, but also a highly recommended rehabilitation method. Within physical therapy, Tai Chi is looked upon as an intervention to improve balance and reduce the risk of falls.1 Since the aging adult experiences a decline in balance and more than one-third of those 65 years and older experience a fall related incident each year, it is logical to purport that regular participation in Tai Chi may be an ideal exercise program for

  • Essay About Thai Culture

    1266 Words  | 3 Pages

    Part One: Give some examples of what Thai people consider to be confusing or annoying or rude behavior of tourists Greeting: Instead of shaking hands, Thai greet each other with “WAI”. Foreigners are not expected to initiate the “WAI” gesture, but Thais can see it as an insult if the foreigners do not return the “WAI”. The tourists who are more familiar with Thai’s gesture, they would automatically “WAI” in return to show respect to the person they are greeting. But majority of the newly visiting

  • The Benefits and Different Types of Meditation

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    performed in a slow, concentrated manner often associated with deep breathing. Tai chi is also called tai chi chuan, a self paced system of gentle physical exercise and stretching. Each posture flows smoothly into the next without pause (unless it was our class, we weren't so smooth), ensuring that your body is in constant motion. Tai chi has many different styles. Each style may have its own smaller focus on various tai chi methods and principals. There are also different versions within each style

  • Report on Tai Chi

    1165 Words  | 3 Pages

    Report on Tai Chi Tai Chi is a major branch of Chinese martial arts that is primarily practiced for it's health benefits, including tension and stress, relaxation and as a form of self-defense. The name Tai Chi comes from the Chinese words meaning "great ultimate." It is also known as Tai Chi Chuan meaning, "great ultimate fist." Among martial arts, there are two basic types, one is called hard martial arts and the other one is soft martial arts. Hard martial arts are like karate and martial

  • Meditation in the Religious World

    1816 Words  | 4 Pages

    Types of meditation include religious prayer, Chinese Tai Chi, Hindu yoga, or overall mindfulness. Throughout history, meditation has been practiced by people of various religions in the world. Being mindful can help people cope with change and uncertainty, becoming more comfortable with the unknown, and avoid rigid, scattered thinking (Hall 16). Scientific studies have proven meditation is beneficial to the human body causing happier, healthier people who are less stressed and more attentive; thus using

  • The Benefits of T'ai Chi

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    back as over 3500 years ago. In addition to a Chinese Martial Art, T'ai Chi has origins related to Taoism, which revolved around calmness, "tranquillity of mind," and the improvement of health and persona (wysiwg://25/http://www.spiritweb.org/Spirit/tai-chi.html). Monks employed T'ai Chi as means of be coming more in tune with their bodies and their environment. Therefore, this martial art helped them to "defend themselves against bandits and warlords through physical health and spiritual growth"

  • Tai Chi Chuan

    808 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tai Chi Chuan (TCC) is a time-honored Chinese philosophy, one that required special selection by a Master to impart the traditions and be taught to a gifted student. The art of Tai chi has evolved throughout generations and Chinese history and has become a widely practiced exercise in the United States where membership is not as difficult to attain. Chang San Feng was a 13-century Taoist Monk who studied at the Shaolin Monastery in China. It was a Chan Buddhist temple since the 5th century and Mahayana

  • Tai Chi Research Paper

    805 Words  | 2 Pages

    Tai chi, or shadow boxing is one of the major branches of traditional Chinese martial arts. Tai chi is derived from “Tai Chi” a reference which appeared in the book of changes around 1100 to 1221 BC. “In all changes exists Tai Chi, which causes the two opposites in everything” is the reference. Tai Chi meaning the ultimate of ultimate is often used in describing the vastness of the universe. Principles of this form of martial arts are based on the philosophy of Taoism, which stress the natural balance

  • Taoism: What Does Yin And Yang Mean?

    881 Words  | 2 Pages

    What does yin and yang mean? Why many people use this symbol? These and many other questions came to my mind when I think about yin and yang. First, we have to know that the symbol of yin yang is perhaps the most known concept used within Taoism. Taoism, is an old philosophical and religious tradition from China that emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao. But what does Tao mean? Tao is “The way” or “the way of nature”. Tao is not a God, is seen more as a “First cause” of the universe. Once we

  • Behind the Scences of California in West of the West by Mark Arax

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    beyond just the west. Showing the true nature of California and its people, if you are one to think that California is a happy go’ lucky state then this would be the book to read to see the real California. In the book Arax explores the diversity of people and the agriculture of the central valley, for instance in the chapter “The Last Valley” Arax falls upon the Lam family whom he befriends and grows a close relationship with Tai Lam who falls short of his families expectations. He then goes into

  • Reflection About Thai Culture

    1620 Words  | 4 Pages

    believe and Thai historical events and people who had played a great role in changing Thais ways of life. Next, follow by the discussion of Taiwanese culture and Thai culture in comparison and contrast. In the end of the essay, I will propose some of the ways I believe can help to cope with some of Thais cultural shocks. When looking at a broad picture of Thai nation, one can easily identified that Thai is a agricultural society. Rice is what Thai people eat on the daily basis. Yet, Thailand is

  • Raise The Red Lantern Analysis

    2417 Words  | 5 Pages

    contrast how the protagonists of RAISE THE RED LANTERN and BLIND SHAFT struggle against a hostile and oppresive social structure. What are the moral costs of this struggle? In particular, how does it affect how the protagonist or protagonists treat other people? Both films, Raise The Red Lantern directed by Zhang Yimou and Blind Shaft directed by Li Yang, depict within their plots a hostile and oppressive social structure. The environment that the protagonists reside in has a strong influence and effect

  • Pessimism In Ta-Nehesi Coates's Between The World And Me

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    of it. What do you do as your people are being slaughtered with what is implicit permission from the system of oppression? What do you do with it? How do you feel less helpless? What do you do with all that anger? Tai chi is the answer, it is a way of channeling all the pain, anger, aggression into something positive. It helps you to deal with the emotions that cause you to get angry because it centers you, and makes you more aware of where your body is in space. Tai chi turns that feeling of helplessness

  • Aztecsinga Clendinnen

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    MesoAmerican area and it's history for over 30 years. Having wrote many books on the peoples and history of the region, her knowledge makes her well qualified to write a book such as Aztecs. The book is not one based on historical facts and figures, but one which is founded on interpretations of what the author believes life was like in different spheres of Aztec life. Clendinnen refers to the Aztec peoples as Mexica(pronounced Meh-SHee-Kah)as that is what they called themselves and her interpretations

  • Loyalty In Book Characters

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    Can the perfect ideal of loyalty ever be achieved? What is loyalty, how can you become loyal person? How do the people of today compare to the heroes in the stories that we read Beowulf Sir Gawin and the Green Knight and Camelot. When do you know you are a loyal person, is it something that you are born with or do you learn to become loyal? Is loyalty a valuable human characteristic?How does someone become a loyal person? In Sir Gawin he proved to be loyal when he showed up to a challenge that no

  • Metis' Struggle for Self Identification

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    Metis. Some people feel this unique group of people does not deserve any sort of recognition, whereas others believe their unique history and culture is something to be recognized and cherished. The history of the Metis people is filled with struggle; not only struggles against other powers, but also a struggle for self-identification. Despite strong opposition, the Metis people of Canada have matured as a political force and have taken great strides towards being recognized as a unique people. The word