Synoptic scale meteorology Essays

  • Ice Storm Essay

    566 Words  | 2 Pages

    Analysis of 1998 Ice Storm Intensified by Orographic Channeling By: Daniel Smith Topic Statement The ice storm of 1998 brought exceedingly heavy rainfall along with freezing temperatures to southeast Canada and the northeast United States. This event claimed numerous lives, caused billions of dollars in damages, and persisted much longer than originally thought. Hence, a post mortem analysis is needed to get a better understanding of the mesoscale processes which resulted in the persistence of this

  • Lake Effect Snow Essay

    3338 Words  | 7 Pages

    INTRODUCTION The winter season can be a major hassle for some people while others just have to deal with a slight cool down in temperatures. Over the northern portions of the country, people are faced to deal with the harsh conditions that Mother Nature has in store. Some winter seasons are less brutal than others. Besides the typical storm systems that come through the area and drop different types of precipitation whether it is snow, sleet, or freezing rain, there’s another weather event that