Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army Essays

  • Why Kim Jong Un Became The Best Basketball Player

    562 Words  | 2 Pages

    You wake up the same way every morning. “Today Kim Jong Un became the best basketball player!” “Great some more government propaganda.” You live in North Korea, the laughing stock of all nations because of your crazy leaders. All day and all night you hear the same thing: Kim Jong Un is the best, Kim Jong Un is loved by everyone. The worst part is you can’t it turn off. Once you get over the radio you get ready to go to school, where 30% of everything you learn is about your favorite cake-loving

  • Battle Analysis : Inchon Landing

    2252 Words  | 5 Pages

    Battle Analysis: Inchon Landing The Korean War WO1 Jerry Burks FA WOBC February 20, 2015 Abstract The battle at Inchon was a strategic break through establishing dynamic war planning. In the years following World War II and the potential spread of global communism, the United States was heading to another war. With the political arena playing a major role in what the American people wanted, a short and bloodless battle with limited casualties, a drastic plan was in the

  • Kim Jong-Il: Social Discourse

    1067 Words  | 3 Pages

    belief that military rule would produce an egalitarian democratic order for the people of North Korea. However, the fact that North Korean people continue to endure extreme suffering under the current rule of Kim Jong-un provides a case and point for understanding the global consequences of military autocracy disguised as

  • The Kim Dynasty Of North Korea

    2780 Words  | 6 Pages

    This isolation began in 1945 when Kim Il-Sung came to power of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (also known as North Korea). He started a reign of rule that was based on self-reliance. It began the Kim dynasty, a period of extreme authoritarian rule. Although it is called the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, citizens have very little rights and no choice in their leader. Ironically, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea comes in last of 167 countries in the democracy index. (“Liberty

  • What Makes A Society Evil?

    1943 Words  | 4 Pages

    People’s beliefs define a person 's way of life, how they think and what they do revolve around what they believe. The crusades killed and went to war with people merely because they thought it was in the name of god to do so. This thought made them believe

  • Charles de Gaulle

    2484 Words  | 5 Pages

    Charles de Gaulle Charles Andre Marie Joseph de Gaulle was one of the most prominent Frenchmen to ever live. This is partly the reason why I selected him. Being part French, I have an interest in Frances History and society, both of which de Gaulle had a great part in. He fought hard for his country in WWI and bore the scares of battle for the rest of his life. In WWII he inspired the people of occupied France to fight for their liberation and led the French Resistance against Hitler and the Nazis