Statelessness Essays

  • Risk Of Statelessness

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    2.5 Population at risk of statelessness There are certain groups of individuals who are not exactly stateless but are certainly at risk of being stateless. Individuals whose births are unregistered or have not yet applied for enabling documents such as identity documents (IDs) or passports, birth certificates cannot be described as ‘stateless’ – they may be able to access nationality should they approach the relevant authorities. However, when combined with other factors, these set of people are

  • The Flemish And The Bedoon, A Stateless World

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    many of their responsibilities because their religious and educational rights were taken from them. If they were not stateless and did not face oppression, they would most likely be part of Kuwait and live in peace with them. A solution to their statelessness that is currently being discussed is that Kuwait would give a small island called Comoros economic benefits if they will give the Bedoons a home. This would make Comoros the new state for the Bedoons and hopefully create a better environment for

  • Refugees In Australia Essay

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    3. CAN AUSTRALIAN LAW ALLOW MALSE THE PERMIT FOR VISA DUE TO THREAT TO HIS LIFE AND IF SO ON WHAT GROUNDS UNDER THE MIGRATION ACT? A stateless person like Mr. Abbas has no rights under the Australian Refugee laws but the International human rights law grants all people with basic human rights. A stateless person is a person who is not a legalised citizen in any country. In Australia, a stateless person can be indefinitely detained in Australia or given a visa . 3.1 Can Malse be granted a Protection

  • A Case for Open Borders

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    A Case for Open Borders In his address to a joint session of Congress on January 8, 1918, President Woodrow Wilson declared freedom of the seas in times of peace and war. Looking back, it seems ridiculous to think that anyone could challenge the right of individuals to navigate the oceans freely. However, fast-forward to the twenty-first century and we can see an analogous debate over the issue of immigration rights, with territorial borders being the main topic of discussion. The system of

  • Essay On Sudanese War

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    remain malnutritioned. For Refugees, many fail to integrate locally and continuous drought has reduced the quality of life in neighboring countries. Hundred of thousands of Sudanese people are unable to prove their identity and are at risk of statelessness.

  • Freedom Of Navigation Essay

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    A. FREEDOM OF NAVIGATION The arrival by sea of refugees presents us with a challenge when interpreting and applying the principle of non-refoulement. It also leads to confusion about how to understand the relevant rules relating to the freedom of the high seas. One of those freedoms mentioned in UNCLOS is the freedom of navigation. This freedom comprises two principles, namely; 1. The vessel sailing under the flag of any state has the right to navigate through the high seas. 2. The navigation of

  • Rohingya And Hannah Arendt's The Origins Of Totalitarianism

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    Aung San Suu Kyi, Nobel laureate and de-facto leader of Myanmar’s civilian government, has long been hailed as a protector of human rights in her native country. It has thus, been incredibly surprising to witness her reaction to the recent forced exodus of nearly half a million minority Rohingya from within her regional borders. Despite being championed as the great savior of her country, she failed to condemn the atrocities for nearly a month; and, when she did finally speak up against the human

  • Anthropology Reflection Essay

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    Reflection Essay Coming into this class, I knew I wanted to focus on how anthropology views the global advancement of queer rights. I knew that such a topic was sure to be fraught with issues, not only due to rampant homophobia, but also due to the different conceptions of human gender and sexuality that exist in different cultures. Many more issues with this sort of development were highlighted in my research. One of the articles I read took an in depth look at a supposed gay rights success story

  • The Role Of The United Nations High Commissioner Refugees

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    The United Nations High Commissioner Refugees (UNHCR) is an international organization that works to protect and assist refugees anywhere in the world, by providing shelter, health, safeguarding individuals, assessing global needs and advocating for those populations (UNHCR, 2016). In fact, the 5 groups the UNHCR helps are refugees in Eastern of Turkey, The diaspora from Africa, refugees in South America, refugees in the Middle East and refugees from Syria (Salopek, 2015). Generally, refugees are

  • Karl Marx Research Paper

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    Karl Marx is considered one of the greatest philosopher in history. Conflict Theory The most influential socialist thinker of the 19th century is Karl Marx. Karl Marx is known for studying the conflicts that occur between different classes. Karl Marx has introduced some radical ideas and theories to society through his writings. As the industrial revolution moved forward in society, so did the widening gap between class structures. Karl Marx studied the differences arising between the bourgeoisie

  • Civil Disobedience Essay

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    This section seeks to introduce the reader to the issue of Civil Disobedience and Electronic Civil Disobedience in general. The first section provides a brief background on the issue of Civil Disobedience in general and in the Malaysian context, and the question of anarchy that arises with it. The problems regarding Klang Valley youth participation in Civil Disobedience and Electronic Civil Disobedience will be discussed in the problem statement. Key terms and concepts used in the research will also

  • The Importance Of Human Rights Violations In Egypt

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    Torture has become an unhealthy habit for Egypt and its people and it needs to be stopped. McBride and Kingston (2014) state that first, Egypt has given statelessness inadequate attention for decades, and its refusal to acknowledge lack of nationality as a human rights issue has led to abuses such as indefinite detention and police brutality. The statement says it all, detention and police brutality towards

  • Violence In Fanon's The Wretched Of The Earth

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    Fanon was recognized as the prophet of decolonization on the publication of his monumental study, The Wretched of the Earth; To understand the central thesis in The Wretched of the Earth summed up in a single sentence, ‘The colonized man liberates himself in and through violence’. (Fanon, (1967; 73). One needs to put Fanon’s views in a triple context: that of the history of colonization, of modernist thought on the historical necessity of violence, and of the post-war movement to decolonization

  • Stateless Children In The Al-Jazeera's Documentary Review

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    The Al-Jazeera’s documentary film “Sabah’s Invisible Children” won a 2015 Human Right Press Award (Yeo, 2015). The documentary film discuss about the Sabah’s stateless children do not have the basic need and always escape from the authorities which made them living their life in fearful and anxious. These stateless children usually are the children or grandchildren from the refugees and migrants from Indonesia and Philippines (Ng. A, 2015). In some serious case, there are children who lost their

  • Alternatives of Network File System

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    Alternatives of Network File System Since human beings have used Computers , the request of being rich ,and getting more information quicker than before has increased . Have you ever found yourself rushing from one computer to another in your office or home ,attending to several different jobs at various location? Or do you often find yourself moving files that need printing from a PC that you happen to be working on the PC that is Connected to the printer ? You may have heard a lot about

  • Gender Case Study

    1941 Words  | 4 Pages

    When it comes to citizenship, equal rights for all members of the society are one of the attributes of many beliefs. Feminists, among others, believes that this conceals the reality of unfair nation on the foundation of class, ethnicity, race and, what this paper particularly focus on, gender, which can render women subject to discrimination (Meer and Sever, 2004). The outcome of this is inequality in society where because of the source of their divergence, some people are being excluded from their

  • Argumentative Essay On Bitcoin

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    called gold “part of the apparatus of conservatism” for its appeal to rentiers who loved austerity because it preserved the value of their assets. Bitcoin serves a similarly totemic purpose for today’s cyber-libertarians, who love not only the statelessness of it as money, but also its power to subject the institutional banking system to “disruption” (one of the favorite words of that set). And like gold, Bitcoin is defl ationary. There’s a limit on how many bitcoins can be produced, and it gets more