Springfield Elementary School Essays

  • Archetypes In King Lear

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    In literature, the word archetype is a worldwide blueprint. Its symbolism can be used again and again in different forms, including archetypical heroes, are involved in many diverse cultures (PBS 1). Archetypes explain worldly views, so people created archetypes to elaborate on it. Some explain how cities and holy sites came into being. They can also be used to teach or show us things. According to PBS, the quest archetype shows us that the hero must overcome self-obstacles to achieve what they want

  • The Simpsons

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    Marge, Bart, Lisa, and Maggie Simpson into millions of American living rooms. This bent archetype of the American family, as well as the hundreds of zany characters that populate their all-American hometown of Springfield, fast became the targets of enormous criticism. Elementary schools banned T-shirts bearing the images of the Simpson family and their slogans. Former U.S. Secretary of Education William Bennett and even President George Bush berated the show as subversive and demeaning (McAllister

  • Colin Powell

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    a very disciplined and religious family, which proved helpful in many cases. Colin skipped a grade in elementary school while excelling in his grasp for the English language. He proved extremely knowledgeable in many subjects. According to his older sister Marilyn he ¡§excelled at map drawing and French, and he was elected ¡¥class captain¡¦¡¨. (Senna 9) In 1953 Colin graduated Morris High School at the youthful age of sixteen. He did not have an idea of what he wanted to be all he knew was he wanted

  • It's Time To Put and End to Sexting

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    Jesse Logan was a girl who had just graduated from high school when she was humiliated by her ex-boyfriend to an unforgivable state.  She sent a fully frontal nude photograph of herself to her then-boyfriend, which is now known as sexting.  After their breakup, the ex-boyfriend forwarded Jesse's sext to their entire school, causing her embarrassment and humiliation.  She then did an interview with the Today Show stating "I just want to make sure no one else will have to go through this again."  Two

  • Use of the Internet in Elementary Schools

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    ABSTRACT:  By looking at certain WEB sites (AskEric, PBS, KidLink, Interactive Frog Dissection, Hillside Elementary School, and Dade County Schools) this paper examines the ways the WEB is used in elementary schools. In addition, this paper addresses some controversial issues that arise when the WEB is used in elementary classrooms. The development and growth of the Worldwide Wide Web have had an enormous impact on several areas including government, business, and even education. The WEB facilitates

  • Eulogy for Friend

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    Eulogy for Friend My name is Rick. I live in Carmel, California, a place also known as paradise. I work at the US Naval Postgraduate School, as chairman of one of the largest operations research departments in the country. I completed my PhD degree in OR here at Georgia Tech, in 1975. John White (then new to Tech, now Chancellor of the University of Arkansas) gave me the kernel of an idea and, more importantly, he administered the one stiff kick in the rump that I needed to start my dissertation

  • Media and Physical Appearance

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    I buy in one specific area. Even now, I remember the commercial quite vividly, although I was probably in elementary school when I first saw it. The ad featured a handsome teenager talking about his experience in starting a new school. A few days before the first day of classes, he breaks out with a bad case of acne. Terrified, he imagines his social life for the remainder of high school as one dominated by weekend nights watching cheesy movies at home with his parents. Miraculously, though,

  • Comparing How Two Midwestern Towns Respond to Immigration

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    How Two Midwestern Towns Respond to Immigration The phrase, "small Midwestern towns," often brings to mind an unfortunate stereotype in the minds of big-city urbanites: mundane, backward people in a socially unappealing and legally archaic setting. Small Midwestern towns, however, are not all the hovels of provincial intellect that they are so frequently made out to be. The idiosyncrasies each of them possesses are lost on those who have never taken more than a passing glance at them.

  • Holocaust

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    his outstanding performance in World War I. for me he was a tangible guide and a model to follow. I admire my father very much. When I turned six years old my mother took me to the “Berlin Elementary school” were I meet many off my companions and friends for the next stage of my life. Among the kids I meet in school there was one in particular that I like the most. I identify myself with him. His name was Moshe Hirsh, the younger son of the very well known banker Mr. Mendel Hirsh. Sins the day I meet

  • Brown V. Board Of Education

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    lived just seen blocks away from an elementary school for white children. Despite living so close to that particular school, Linda had to walk more than a mile, and through a dangerous railroad switchyard, to get to the black elementary school in which she was enrolled. Oliver Brown, Linda's father tried to get Linda switched to the white school, but the principal of that school refuse to enroll her. After being told that his daughter could not attend the school that was closer to their home and that

  • Re-entry Student

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    to Return to School I decided at that moment that I would return to school and graduate with my bachelor?s degree. I made a promise to myself that I would finish my education. If I complete my education, I would make my parents proud of me. Plus, I want to be the first person on either side of my family to attend graduate school. Adults return to college primarily because they desire a higher paying career or a professional job. This could be a registered nurse, an elementary school teacher, a policeman

  • Social Acceptance and Its Consequences

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    social status. Once, she writes, "I was raped by someone to whom I was married." These are not part of what most people would constitute as a "normal" life. The sublimation of her own values and morals to become part of the ‘in’ crowd at her elementary school started with the malicious game of Truth or Consequences where she was the victim of a trick question designed to humilate her. Car Jones happened to be the rock adjacent to the hard place she was wedged between. Her ill fate led to the use of

  • Transition from Elementary to Middle School

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    Children confront many transitions throughout their lifetime that can be stressful. They face their first transition from home to school, elementary to middle school, middle to high school, and high school to college or work (Schumacher, 1998). However, the transition from elementary to middle school seems to be harder for adolescents due to the personal changes of puberty. Research suggests that roles, expectations, and responsibilities are the primary concerns of students (Akos, 2002). In order

  • The Promise, by Oral Lee Brown

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    starts her narrative with a description of a child whose poverty worried her so much that her face haunted her dreams, and recounts how her search for the child brought her to Brookfield Elementary where she adopted a first grade class with the promise of sending them all to college if they graduated high school. The book discusses the influences in her life that led her to do what she did, as well as the struggles that came with trying to help so many children with her own limited resources. In

  • Parenting Education

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    Development to Academic Achievement? The Elementary School Counselor’s Perspective.” Professional School Counseling 14.3 (2011): 242-249. Brannon, Diana. “Character Education—a Joint Responsibility.” Education Digest 73.8 (2008): 56- 60. Parker, David C., Nelson, Jennifer S., and Burns, Matthew K. “Comparison of Correlates of Classroom behavior problems in schools with and without a school-wide character education program. Psychology in the Schools 47.8 (2010): 817-827. Reinberg, S. (2010)

  • Reading in the Content Areas in the Elementary Grades

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    initiative to have students learn specific reading strategies that will help them to understand and comprehend content area material. Reading in the Content Areas in the Elementary Grades Most people would agree that learning to read is a stepping stone to further educational pursuits for elementary school students. Unfortunately, reading proficiency in the United States of America by adolescent students indicates that there may actually be a problem of epidemic proportions in this nation

  • Essay About Reading

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    both play a major part in our daily lives today. We communicate by using both skills whether you are texting, or emailing, and if you are unable to do these, it can impact your life.     In elementary school I loved to go to the school’s library and check out books. Reading books was a big competition in those school days because they would have us students check out accelerated reader books known

  • Confessions Of Elementary Education

    1956 Words  | 4 Pages

    teaching elementary school students. Jenny Peters, writer of the article Confessions of An Elementary School Teacher, observes that it is indeed a “challenging career” that in the end has “immeasurable rewards” (1). However, no matter what you have to do, it seems as though those rewards overrule anything and everything as long as your heart is in it, not only for the students, but for the drive to teach them and lead them to bigger and brighter futures. It’s hard to believe how long elementary school

  • Stage Four Of Erickson's Eight Stages Of Development

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    age eleven. It includes elementary school and the beginning of middle school. Each stage has a center crisis that needs to be addressed in order for healthy development to take place. Erickson calls this stage industry versus inferiority. Cognitive development is rapid in this age group. During this stage of development the school age child is rapidly mastering skills and taking in lots of new information. The center of the elementary school student`s universe is school. Children strive to complete

  • Importance Of Corporal Punishment

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    essay will show my argument of why elementary school students should not receive corporal punishment with a paddle during learning time. Violence isn’t the answer as was said in “Did Corporal Punishment Save a Struggling school? “By Eric Adelson the best form of discipline, He says ‘’ is praise. (Adelson 6)Corporal punishment could turn into abuse and different punishment strategies to use on a child to get them to act the correct way. Most children in elementary schools come from homes that are already