Sorting algorithms Essays

  • Proposal of a New Sorting Algorithm

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    ordering of these numbers is generally referred to as sorting. Sorting gained a lot of importance in computer sciences and its applications are in file systems etc. A number of sorting algorithms have been proposed with different time and space complexities. In this paper author will propose a new sorting algorithm i.e. Relative Split and Concatenate Sort, implement the algorithm and then compared results with some of the existing sorting algorithms. Algorithm’s time and space complexity will also be

  • The Important Role Of Sorting Algorithms In Computer Science

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    1.Introduction 1.1 Sorting Algorithms There are several basic and advance sorting algorithms. All sorting algorithm apply to specific quite issues. One among the basic issues of computer science is ordering an inventory of things. There is a plethora of solutions to this problem, referred to as sorting algorithms. Some sorting algorithms are simple and intuitive, such as the bubble sort. Others, such as the quick sort are extraordinarily sophisticated, however turnout lightning-fast results. The

  • Essay On Sorting Algorithm

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    D-Shuffle sorting Technique & its Performance Measurement”, is a new sorting algorithm based on Divide and Conquer technique. Sorting takes a vital role in the computer applications. This is a very interesting problem in computer science. Nowadays, there are many sorting algorithms that are being used in practical life as well as in computation. Sorting problem has enticed a great deal of research, because efficient sorting is important to optimize the use of other algorithms. Sorting algorithms are prevalent

  • Summary Of External Sorting Algorithm

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    external sorting algorithm. This algorithm utilization Divide and Conquer procedure. This paper exhibits an ideal external sorting algorithm for two-level memory model. This system is not the same as the universal external merge sort and it utilizes the examining data to decrease the circle I/os in the outside stage. The algorithm is proficient, straightforward and it makes a great utilization of memory accessible in the late nature's turf. Under the certain memory demand, this algorithm runs with

  • A Comparison of Sortring Algorithms

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    A Comparison of Sorting Algorithms and their Efficiency Introduction Sorting algorithms are used every day to perform different tasks. Often the importance of sorting algorithms is not realised. This report explores four sorting algorithms, namely, the insertion sort, double insertion sort, recursive insertion sort and the advanced bucket sort. The experimental work done on the four sorting algorithms mentioned above is discussed in the report. Moreover, the report describes the processes

  • Investigation of Insertion Sort

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    [SORTING ALGORITHMS] In this assignment, insertion sort will be investigated to understand how it works and what performance can be expected of it. The information found in this assignment will answer questions people have about the sort. A controlled test was done and the results were quite surprising. Introduction Ever wondered which types of sorts work more efficiently than others under certain conditions? In this report, light will be shed on the types of insertion sorts that exist

  • GPU Sorting - The Benefits

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    GPU Sorting – The Benefits The graphics processing unit or GPU has become an important part of most modern computer design. A GPU is a specialized form of processor that is implemented in a computer in order to ease the workload of the central processing unit or CPU. A GPU is also incorporated because, due to its design, it can perform certain graphics operations with greater efficiency than the more general purpose CPU. According to Denny Atkin, "More than 90% of new desktop and notebook computers

  • The Big Sort Analysis

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    contact and knowledge with the rest of the world that exists outside of their thought community. As a result of this, people are clumping to opposing ends of spectrums, whether they are political, religious or lifestyle choices and this is causing “sorting”, referring to the book’s title. Bishop asserts that the American people are, consciously and unconsciously, segregating themselves into like-minded communities and losing any variety of thought, along with healthy debates or challenged beliefs;

  • Algorithm Research - Quicksort

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    An algorithm, according to the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, is a set of rules for solving a problem in a finite number of steps. One of the fundamental problems of computer science is sorting a set of items. The solutions to these problems are known as sorting algorithms and rather ironically, “the process of applying an algorithm to an input to obtain an output is called a computation” []. The quest to develop the most memory efficient and

  • Essay On Sorting

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    3. A NOVEL (D-SHUFFLE) SORTING TECHNIQUE USING DIVIDE AND CONQUER TECHNIQUE 3.1 Introduction Sorting has been analyzed by computer scientists for decades, and thus it is an ideal subject to begin with when studying computer science. Sorting is done with algorithms, which are a set of specific commands that are followed in a certain order to complete a task. To study sorting, must first be comfortable with iteration and recursion. These two terms designate the ways tasks are repeatedly performed

  • Bubble Algorithm Essay

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    Course: ALGORITHM. Assignment#1.1 Q- Discuss the Complexity of Bubble Sort algorithm COMPLEXITY OF BUBBLE_SORTS ALGORITHM: If we talk about the complexity of Bubble sort. Then for bubble sort our pseudo code is, Procedure Bubble sort (a1, a2 . . . an) This is an arithmetic series. for i=1 to n-1 for j=1 to n-1 if aj>aj+1 then interchange aj and aj+1 Let, we have the following list, { 1 –11 50 6 8 –1} Using Bubble Sort in increasing order After first pass {-11 1 6 8 –1 50} (In this step

  • COP 3530, Discrete Data Structures and Algorithms, Summer 1999, Homework 4

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    Class Notes: Data Structures and Algorithms Summer-C Semester 1999 - M WRF 2nd Period CSE/E119, Section 7344 Homework #4 -- Due Wed 16 June 1999 : 09.30am -- Answer Key Answers are in blue typeface. * Question 1. Write pseudocode and a diagram that shows how to implement the merge part of the merge-sort algorithm using two stacks (one for each subsequence), and be sure to use the correct ADT operations for stacks. Do not write Java code, or pseudocode for merge-sort. Answer: 1. Put

  • Essay On Organizing A Garage

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    Organizing your Garage Just like any other storage areas we have in our home (like the basement and the attic), the garage too has become a throw-it-and-forget-it area. We often dump our most neglected items in our garage and deliberately avoid any decisions to whether keep them or throw them. The following steps can be applied to declutter such garages and organize them. Treat your garage like your kitchen. Similar to the Kitchen, you need to have storage areas like cupboards, drawers, and counter

  • Organizing A Home Office

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    How to Organize Your Home Office It is always the desire of many homeowners to have his or her home office well-organized. Many people know that there is no other way to become more productive than having organized home offices. When the home office is well-organized there are many things one would gain from that. It would help the person in easing the type of work he or she is doing; this is because it helps in doing the work better and faster. When the office is clustered it would become extremely

  • My teaching philosophy

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    real life also provides a source of motivation. For example, computer games are fun and are a big part of life for many students, especially the younger ones. Therefore, I use games to teach the important fundamental of sorting algorithm in data structures. Sorting algorithms can ... ... middle of paper ... ...t I have integrated into the university, I look forward to developing research in the field of Computer Science Education in the near future. I feel that effective teaching at the college

  • COP 3530, Discrete Data Structures and Algorithms, Summer 1999, Homework 1

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    Class Notes: Data Structures and Algorithms Summer-C Semester 1999 - M WRF 2nd Period CSE/E119, Section 7344 Homework #1 -- Solutions (in blue type) Note: There have been many questions about this homework assignment. Thus, clarifications are posted below in red type. When you answer these questions, bear in mind that each one only counts four points out of 1000 total points for the course. Thus, each one should have a concise answer. No need to write a dissertation. * Question 1. Suppose

  • Bee Bot Essay

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    The Australian National curriculum: Digital Technologies provides students with the opportunity to engage in selecting and managing data, information and processes, and digital systems. Digital Technologies when correctly implemented fosters curiosity and creative thinking to help students meet the current and future needs of the world (Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, 2012). With the combined curriculum between foundation and year two, our activities enhance their knowledge

  • Definition Of The Time Complexity Of An Algorithm

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    Definition: “Time Complexity of an algorithm signifies the total time required by the program to run to completion.The Time complexity of algorithm is most commonly expressed using the big O notation”. “Time Complexity is most commonly estimated by counting the number of elementary functions performed by the algorithm.” Big O Notation: Big O notation is an upper bound, the worst-case time; Big O notation is required to run an algorithm on various inputs. Example:

  • Importance of Mathematicians During World War II

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    Mathematics has always been a necessary component in modern warfare. During the World War II era, mathematicians Alan Turing and John von Neumann were responsible for some of the technological and scientific developments which contributed Allied victory. After considering their accomplishments before the war, their contributions during the war, and how they were recognized after the war, you will see that each mathematician is remembered very differently for their contributions. Turing is barely

  • Application Essay for Programming Studies

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    today like C, C++ and Java. Since when I was introduced to the world of computer programming, I could see the minute similarities between the languages and could translate almost any program from one to another. My extraordinary skill in writing algorithms helped me in working for a project titled ‘Hotel Management using C++’ during the event ‘Insight 2009’ which was conducted by Tata Consultancy Services. After the project, I wanted to extend my field of expertise beyond the world of programming