Soft error Essays

  • Single Event Effect Essay

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    factors in circuit design. For modern CMOS technology, the circuit reliability is influenced by the shrinking of technology, the reduced supply voltage, higher frequency, and higher circuit density. These factors affects the circuit's probability of soft errors (also called single event upset). In addition, the process variation introduced in the fabrication process is also a big challenge for circuit designers because it makes the same circuit show different characteristics. Moreover, to reduce power

  • Classification of Beer

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    often times its origin. It's a name badge that has been achieved over many centuries of brewing, trial and error, marketing, and consumer acceptance. There are many different types of beer, each of which is said to belong to a particular style. A beer's style is a label that describes the overall flavour and often the origin of a beer, according to a system that has evolved by trial and error over many centuries. According to the type of yeast that is used in the beer's fermentation process, most

  • Margaret Link: A Case Study

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    healthy life, or on the other be the reason the patient has suffered an agonizing death. Unfortunately, with such power it is not uncommon that due to human-error, technological error, and even patient error for these errors to lead to death.  In 2012, the case regarding a patient named Margaret Link was negatively impacted from human-error. Margaret Link was given the wrong prescription for six months. These events

  • The Significance of Human Error in Aviation

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    in human error associated mishaps in aviation have fail to match the decrease of disasters due to environmental and mechanical causes. Honestly, humans have been a growing cause in both military and commercial mishaps as automated equipment has become more dependable (Michael, 2009). Humans, by our very own nature, commit errors or mistakes; for that reason, it must come as no amazement that human fault has been involved in a range of industrial mishaps, including about 80% of human error in the aviation

  • Chasing Zero : Winning The War On Healthcare Harm

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    me most was Chasing Zero: Winning the War on Healthcare Harm. Chasing Zero: Winning the War on Healthcare Harm is a documentary that discusses about the immense problem of medical errors and includes different ways and ideas on how to reduce the risk of these errors. This documentary also shows the impact medical errors have on a family’s life by showing us directly how some of the families that have been affected. Dennis and Kimberly Quaid were of the the families that went through this nightmare

  • Analysis Of Graded Paper By Mark Halliday

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    the student’s thinking, his style of writing the paper and his grammar errors. The teacher said, “there are spots/where your thinking becomes, for me, / alarmingly opaque, and you syntax/seems to jump backwards through unnecessary hoops,” (6-9). This instance shows the error the teacher found in the paper about how the student’s thinking was not straight and would jump backwards and forward throughout the poem. Another error that the teacher finds is when the teacher tells the student that he should

  • Analysis Of Grey's Anatomy

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    knows all the problems and struggles the characters go through with each episode they watch; they know how much Meredith Grey struggles with her mommy and daddy issues which distract her at work and led her to become emotional involved or make an error with a patient. Everyone has seen the characters on the show have committed at least one mistake that led to the death of a patient or a near to death experience. From the time Callie Torres, an orthopedic surgeon, left a sponge inside of a patient

  • Character Revelation in The Crucible by Arthur Miller

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    .I have gone tiptoe in this house all seven month since she is gone. I have not moved...without I think to please you,...I cannot speak but I am doubted..."(54-55) This is also shown when he says, "I see now your spirit twists around the single error of my life, and I will never tear it free!"(62) He suffers from self-hate. John's guilt is shown when he cannot remember the commandment about adultery. Elizabeth says, "Adultery, John." (67) He wants to make Elizabeth happy. John says, "If

  • The Final Act of The Crucible

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    they will not. This is evident in the play with two of the main characters, hale and parries who both prefer life to personal integrity. Hale sees this moral error and speaks to Elizabeth of it , 'Life women, life is god's most precious gift; no principle, however glorious, may justify the taking of it' parris does not see this error and mistakes principle for self protection of his life his authority and of those whom he suspects of despising him. Looking at the complete opposite, showing

  • Man vs. Machine

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    computer, but can he achieve a 100% rate of accuracy in his calculation? Why do we now go over the human data entry into a computer when a mistake is noticed instead of checking the computer? It is because computers now possess the ability to hold no error in its operation, where mankind has not advanced in this area at all. The human brain ...

  • Good People Do Bad Things At Work Case Study

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    it is right, because always do so before the result is right, so this time is right to do so. He let people ignore a lot of variables, is easy to be blind to change. I think the author mentioned switch roles method is a good way to prevent script error. Switch roles has many benefits for an employee. The first benefit is fresh can stimulate employees to work, inspired the creation of the staff, especially the benefits in creative jobs. The second is can keep the enthusiasm of the employees to work

  • Candle Observation Essay

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    from prior researchers that was concluded to be the only correct rate at which a birthday candle burns. Also, the data from this experiment cannot be identified as being precise, because if this experiment were to be repeated, due to the experimental error, the results would not be exact from the first time the experiment was performed. The first most important step of the procedure for data collection is the time that was recorded after lighting the candle. The time was important, because time was a

  • The Syngne of Surfet and the Surfeit of Signs in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

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    schal se hit ofte, When I ride in renoun, remorde to myseluen þe faut and þe fayntyse of þe flesche crabbed, How tender hit is to entyse teches of fylþe.' 2433-36 Throughout the latter part of his adventure, of course, Gawain identifies his error by many names (most notably, perhaps, by the crucial pair of terms, "cowarddyse and couetyse"--2374), but "surfet" is, by no means, the least of these.3 Echoing as it does "surquidré," which the Green Knight says he came to "assay" in Arthur's court

  • Determining The Ratio Of Circumference To Diameter Of A Circle

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    With this method I measured all of the six circles. After I had this data, I went back and rechecked the circumference with a tape measure, which allowed me to make a more accurate measure of the objects circumferences by taking away some of the error that mymethod of using a string created. After I had the measurements I layed them out in a table. The objects that I measured were a small flask, a large flask, a tray from a scale, a roll of tape, a roll of paper towels, and a spraycan. By dividing

  • The Rise and Fall of an Exemplary Tragic Hero in King Lear

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    makes use of a subplot to emphasize the sufferings of the tragic hero, King Lear. The characters Lear and Gloucester are both of elevated status in society, and both plummet into a world of disorder and chaos as a result of their errors in judgement. Gloucester's initial error in judgement causes division among his family, whereas Lear's tragic flaw has an effect not only on his family, but as the king he disrupts the society as a whole. These flaws lead to the sufferings of Lear and Gloucester as both

  • Determining the Relative Atomic Mass of Lithium

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    Determining the Relative Atomic Mass of Lithium An experiment has been carried out to determine the relative atomic mass of Lithium by using two different types of methods The first method that was carried out was to determine the volume of Hydrogen produced. In this experiment a fixed amount of Lithium was used, in my case it was 0.11g. At the end of this experiment, the volume of Hydrogen gas I collected was 185cm³. Then using the solution of lithium hydroxide made from experiment

  • Og Mandino Critical Lens

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    In the course of history, every human being has made mistakes. Whether the mistakes are life-changing or minimal, everyone makes them. And I agree with the philosophy of John Wooden that,”mistakes must be made in order for one to succeed”. In my experiences as a scholar, mistakes are an essential part in successfully completing a difficult task, as you will grow stronger after learning from them. There are also various examples in history where mistakes were necessary for eventual success. In the

  • Synthesis Essay Mistakes

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    they do not even know how to find and correct errors if they do realize the paper has some mistakes. Many students lose vital marks in their essays and assignments based on errors and mistakes they make in drafting their papers. In most cases it appears that the students are in a hurry to complete their work at the expense of good assignments that are error free. Thus, it is important that students take note of various errors they make and how such errors are costly and also make efforts in understanding

  • Powerful Women of The Faerie Queene and Paradise Lost

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    Two very powerful female figures are presented in Error of The Faerie Queene, and Sin of Paradise Lost. These two characters are quite similar in description, Milton making a clear tribute to Spencer's work. Both characters have the same monster qualities, and both posses allegorical names and qualities. Error is by far the most disgustingly described of the two monsters. In Book 1, Canto 1, she is the first obstacle to meet the knight and his party. She represents the consequences of the night's

  • Assembly Language Essay

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    Assembly When programming in assembly language, we have to specify operations in a much greater level of detail than we would have to do in a high level language. Furthermore, we get relatively little help from the assembler in finding errors. Assemblers can only check the syntax of each line, and check that every symbol or label used is defined somewhere. We are much less constrained by the structure of the assembly language than we are by the structure of a high level language. This lack