Sialkot Essays

  • Muhammad Iqbal's Works and Poetic Contributions

    690 Words  | 2 Pages

    tribune). Iqbals poetry and statements teaches people selflessness and to look at things in a religious and spiritual perspective. This research paper will analyze his works as well as his contributions in poetry. Iqbal was born on Nov.9.1877 in Sialkot Punjab, British India. He died at age 60 on April 21 1938 in Lahore Punjab, British India. His father sheikh Nur Muhammad and his wife imam bibi were devoted Muslims and made sure that there 5 children follow their path to Islam (iqbalians). Muhammad

  • The Age Of Infancy Poem Analysis

    793 Words  | 2 Pages

    There is always been a deep relationship between a mother and her child. “The Age of Infancy," a poem by Allama Iqbal, is a poem that explains the relationship between a mother and child and how upon the birth of the child the first thing the child sees is its mother. This poem portrays an example of the depth of the bond between a mother and her child, and what their love for one another can sustain. “The earth and sky were unknown worlds to me Only the expanse of mother’s bosom was a world to

  • NIKE and Child Labor

    1838 Words  | 4 Pages

    NIKE and Child Labor Nike Company started in 1984, in Portland Oregon by Tinker Hatfield, a former pole-vaulter and architect. Hatfield worked his way into the shoe industry. He got his idea from Converse’s in the early 1970’s slogan, Limousines for the Feet. In Hatfield believe our culture have a lot of interest in shoes, just as much as our culture back in the 1950’s were interested in owning cars. They began introducing their Nike shoes and products to the society by images of people and

  • The Impact of Entrepreneurial Characteristics on SME Performance

    2395 Words  | 5 Pages

    The Impact of Entrepreneurial Characteristics on SME Performance The Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) plays a very important role in the success & development of any economy. According to the SME policy 2007, “SME sector is the backbone of Pakistan’s Economy”. Globally, this sector is the major growing force behind the fastest growing economy of China, in term of contribution to the national GDP, scale of assets, diversification of products and the creation of employment. Similarly, the role

  • Child Labor

    1869 Words  | 4 Pages

    Child Labour Child Labour In the past few years, a great deal of attention has been drawn to the global problem of child labour. Virtually everyone is guilty of participating in this abusive practice through the purchase of goods made in across the globe, usually in poor, developing nations. This issue has been around for a great length of time but has come to the forefront recently because of reports that link well known American companies like Wal-Mart and Nike to the exploitation of children

  • Child Labor in Pakistan

    1803 Words  | 4 Pages

    Child Labor in Pakistan Picture yourself as a 7 year old with a full time job, no education, and the responsibility to provide for your family. Could you do it? Would you be able to work long hours for years on end in unhealthy and possibly unsafe conditions? “The term ‘child labor’ is defined as work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity and that is harmful to physical and mental development” (What is Child Labor ). A child is considered to be a person under

  • Analysis Of Sir Allama Iqbal

    1970 Words  | 4 Pages

    leaders and conquers stood up for the freedom of the Muslims in such brilliant personalities ALLAMA IQBAL MUHAMMAD ALI JINNAH is one of them. The poet of the east, Sir Allama Iqbal was born in Sialkot on 9 November 1877 and died in Lahore on 21 April 193. He completed his matric from Mission High School Sialkot and graduated in 1899 from Government College Lahore. He achieved his degree of MA in philosophy from the same college where he completed his graduation. In the same college he stay as lecturer

  • Importance Of Natural Resources In Pakistan

    882 Words  | 2 Pages

    INTRODUCTION The “Resource” is any economic or productive factor required to accomplish any activity or from which benefit is produced. The proper use of natural resources along with the human resources is an important key to the economic and the social development and strength of any nation. There are two types of resources.1)Natural Resources 2)Human Resources Many of the developing countries like America use their natural resources to the ultimate effect which is an important key to their great

  • The Position Of Women In Caretaker And Are You O. K Bu?

    1300 Words  | 3 Pages

    ABSTRACT: The article examines the position of women in Dogra society with reference to the short stories (Caretaker and Are You O.K Bu?) of Padma Sachdev, a Dogri writer. Women have their own position in Dogra society but due to some old rituals and traditions in earlier Dogra society they get oppressed by the society. In earlier times when a girl got married she was not allowed to come back to their maternal home again. The girl child was debarred from their maternal home. There was also a practice

  • Importance Of Seed Dispersal: The Sign Of Population Ecology

    1192 Words  | 3 Pages

    Bs. Botany Semester: 7th Course Tittle: Advanced Plant Ecology Course Code BOT-403 GC. Women University Sialkot. When seed move to other palces it becomes the sign of population because it have

  • Faiz Ahmad Faiz Going Between Ghazal and Politic

    1508 Words  | 4 Pages

    Faiz Ahmed Faiz was born in 1911 in Sialkot and was educated in Lahore, where he studied English literature and philosophy. As a poet, Faiz began writing on the conventional topics of passion and beauty, but soon these conventional themes get submerged in the bigger social and political events of the day. The traditional grieves of love get fused with the travails of the afflicted humanity, and Faiz uses his poetry to champion the cause of socialism humanism. Consequently, the familiar imagery

  • Islam and Terrorism

    1185 Words  | 3 Pages

    Islam, the religion of peace and harmony has unfortunately been corrupted by the deadly terrorist acts which have taken place around the world during these past couple of years. Today the people in this world view Islam as a threatening and terrorist religion. Often, the killing of innocent people, suicidal bombings and terrorist attacks are carried out people who tend to claim themselves as Muslims, though in reality, the dissident actions of these so called named Muslims have nothing to do with

  • The Fear of Losing Identity in Manto’s Toba Tek Singh

    2266 Words  | 5 Pages

    Ever since the beginning and the development of human race, mankind has known the value of identity and individuality. The quest for identity and the fear of losing it has been most prominent factor in most of the historic wars and fights. All the wars, intrusions and slavery have been the result of man’s desire of establishing his superiority over others and making his name known to more number of people. For accomplishing this desire, mankind has migrated, emigrated, immigrated and even intruded

  • Sweatshops Research Papers

    2495 Words  | 5 Pages

    “I was 18 years old when I first went with the Consumers’ League into sweatshops in New York City. For the first time in my life I saw conditions I would not have believed existed, women and children working in dark, crowded quarters, toiling, I was told, all day long and way into the night to earn a few pennies. I can never forget these conditions” (Meltzer 63). In 1902, Eleanor Roosevelt got a small taste of how the United States was exploiting workers through sweatshops. Even though time has passed