Sex Addicts Anonymous Essays

  • The Real Sex Addiction

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    excuse for men that makes it okay for them to have affairs. This argument has been made partly because of certain movie stars and professional athletes, who use “sex addiction” as a way to save their careers and their relationships. However, this argument isn’t attributable to this subject because of the terminology that is used. The term “sex addiction” is not accurate for many reasons. When using the term, “addiction” one must be careful, because there is technical definitions of the word that need

  • The Role Of Women In Tinder And The Dawn Of The Dating Apocalypse?

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    People in society today can find potential sex partners in a heartbeat. In Nancy Jo Sales’ article “Tinder and the Dawn of the ‘Dating Apocalypse,’” she talks about how powerful the Internet and dating applications can be in helping one find potential partners. Jo Sales argues that dating applications and the Internet are not generally used for dating, but they are used for finding instant sex partners that lead to one-night stands. Short-term relationships are increasing due to the Internet and

  • Sexual Addiction and Treatment

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    considered sex addicts. An example would be a man who sits at his computer and engages in Internet pornography, regardless of the fact that he is married and his marriage is suffering because of his activities. Another example would be a woman that engages in extra-marital affairs, knowing this could end her marriage and possibly result in her being infected with a sexually transmitted disease. These are just two examples of possible compulsive sexual behaviors. To complicate things, sex addicts

  • Web of Desires

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    focuses on internet pornography. It is a growing concern in today’s society. In 1998, it was thought approximately twenty two million people were addicted to sex and in 2000 approximately forty millio... ... middle of paper ... ...Rapids, MI: Zondervan. Reay, B., Attwood, N., & Gooder, C. (2013). Inventing sex: The short history of sex addiction. Sexuality & Culture, 17(1), 1-19. Twohig, M., Crosby, J., & Cox, J. (2009). Viewing internet pornography:

  • Linda Hudson Female Sex Addiction

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    and research about female sex addiction led to a tendency to think of hypersexual behavior as a male problem. Men are more likely to have some recognizable ways of acting out sexually such as having anonymous sexual hook-ups or compulsively watching pornography. But women can also be sex addicts, although, in their case, it might be more difficult to get a correct diagnosis and a proper treatment. What is Sex Addiction? Male vs. Female Acceptance of the Condition Sex addiction, also known as hypersexual

  • Sex Addiction

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    Sex Addiction Addiction, a compulsive psychological need for a habit-forming substance according to an online dictionary (p). In this instance, the substance is sex or masturbation. A sex addict needs progressively more and more explicit pornographic material in order to become aroused. Their behavior becomes centered on different sexual experiences and the desire to attain them. The person cannot control their sexual appetites resulting in severe consequences for themselves and others. Sex

  • Is Addiction A Disease Or A Choice Essay

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    brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Addiction is normally thought of as drug abuse and alcoholism but people can also be addicted to things such as gambling and sex as well. The controversy on if addiction is a disease or a choice is a continuous debate. Everyone has an opinion on this topic, one side believes it’s a disease, while the other believes it is a choice. Although addiction has been assumed to be a

  • Sex Addicts Find Each Other Online

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    Sex Addicts Find Each Other Online To her friends and family, Mary Smith* is a young, hard-working psychology student who never seems to have time for fun. What they don't know is that Mary is a sex addict. Recently, her boyfriend of three months discovered her secret. After they broke up, Mary took her addiction one step further and started experimenting with strangers and bondage, spanking and rape fantasies using the Internet. Mary uses the Internet as her tool to find sex partners. Mary spends

  • Addictions And Rehab Research Paper

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    Addicts and Rehab Addicts should go to rehabilitation or detoxification centers because the current system isn’t working, rehabilitation and detoxification centers would have more traffic, and it would build a healthier nation. The complexity of drug addiction is often underestimated, stopping is not simple or a matter of willpower. Addiction is a chronic brain disease that can affect anyone. The initial decision to take drugs is voluntary, but it changes the brain over time. Drug abuse can impair

  • Sexual Addiction Management Essay

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    Importantly, this type of tool is referred to as the SAST (Sexual Addiction Screening Test) which was specifically developed to tackle sex addiction. Besides, the SAST was developed in collaboration with community groups, private therapists, treatment programs, and hospitals. It offers a responses profile, which assists health care professions to discriminate between non-addictive and

  • Why Addiction is a Disease

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    to show exactly how drugs affect the brain chemically, proving that it is a disease and not a moral failing. Addiction is a disease and should be treated through rehabilitation and community based support groups such as Narcotics Anonymous (NA) and Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), not imprisonment, and the state and federal governments should increase funding and programs for prevention and treatment. Addiction is a disease that causes many neurological effects on the brain. In fact, addiction is included

  • Pornography And Pornography

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    Sitting in Mass on Sunday, looking out at our fellow worshippers in the congregation and I wonder if it is possible that about half of the men there and 1 in 6 of the women are struggling with addiction to pornography. After all these are good Catholics. They come to Mass every Sunday, receive communion and act charitably toward each other. Could they be leaving church and sitting on the internet searching for porn? A survey from techadvisors shows Sunday is the busiest day of the week for porn

  • Comparing Protagonists in Choke and Birdsong

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    In this essay I will be exploring and contrasting the relationships of two characters. These characters are Stephen Wraysford of Sebastian Faulks' romantic yet graphically violent novel "Birdsong" and Victor Mancini of anarchic social commentator Chuck Palahniuk's "Choke." "Birdsong" darts between the early 1900s and the 1970s, although Stephen does not appear in the latter dates, and his story is accounted by his granddaughter Elizabeth. "Choke" is a contemporary novel, based in America in the late

  • Internet Pornography Addiction

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    accessibility of the sites are rarely disputed. Some critics of this form of expression or form of obscenity believe that the pornography itself can cause pornography addictions. Internet pornography does not produce addicts, but rather the propensity to be a pornography addict already exists within individuals by the time they reach adulthood and sustains itself within those individuals. Pornography addiction is a psychological problem that develops within certain individuals. It is a difficult

  • Video Games

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    “addiction does not happen by accident and can be based on interplay between chemical and biochemical processes along with psychological while the emotional environmental factors that include objects and activities addicts use and how they regard by gaming.” (Mcquade et al… 23) By this addicts turn gaming to reality changing certain criteria over social ways and behaviors. To start with gamers or players tend to lose themselves to fantasy games. Which is developing their own minds to think their character

  • Sex Addiction Counseling

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    Sex addiction is a behavioral addiction that could be hard for a clinician to diagnose because of lack of tools and instruments needed. Also, it could it could be tough to identify them to identify the frequency and quantity of sexual activity that has or is taking place (Benbir, Poyraz, & Apaydin, 2014). It is hard to find this information because the therapist has difficulty getting addiction-related features and seeing that there is currently only one screening test to test someone with a sexual

  • Crack-Cocaine Addiction

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    R.E. organization does this, but they are only one organization and naturally cannot be in every school or school district. If there were more aspiring organizations such as D.A.R.E., I believe there would be a dramatic decrease in the number of addicts and in turn a decrease in violence. In addition, I also believe that parents have to talk to their children and play a more active role in their lives. Everything begins at home, so if a child is taught about drugs at home, when they enter “the real

  • The Danger of Pornography Addiction Within a Romantic Relationship

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    of the couple having an unhealthy addiction for pornographic websites ("Pornography Statistics: Annual Report" 2014). The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes pornography as "movies, pictures, magazines, etc., that show or describe naked people or sex in a very open and direct way in order to cause sexual excitement." In a recent study of dating or married couples, 73% of males reported to using pornography at some level (ranging from low to high frequency use), while only 32% of females reported

  • The Internet Has a Negative Impact on American Families

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    The Internet Has a Negative Impact on American Families Does the Internet truly have a negative impact on today’s family life? Many say that is most definitely does. Have you ever known someone who is obsessed with the Internet or spends more time on the Internet than they had intended to? You might begin to think they are addicted. Ricco Siasoco defines Internet addiction as “a broad term including users addicted to chat rooms, auctions, web surfing, among others.” These other Internet

  • The Addictive Nature of the Internet

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    using it. Some common types of sites which people just cannot seem to stay away from include chat rooms, dating services, sex, pornography, shopping, and sports. The prevalence of Internet use and the growing realization that it has become an addictive vice for some has spurned the creation of groups such as Webaholics Anonymous, Interneters Anonymous, Netaholics Anonymous, the Internet Addiction Association, and the Internet Addiction Support Group (IASG). All of these self-help groups can be