Serenity Essays

  • Serenity Prayer

    520 Words  | 2 Pages

    and profound words that I have heard read or heard are contained in the Serenity Prayer. This simple poem has taught me the belief that in all that I do, whether it is my profession, my industry, my career, or my education, that I must lean on God take of the things that I have no control over. As the Serenity Prayer has a few stanzas, I have only learned and focused on the first. It reads as: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can;

  • Serenity of the Field

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    needed a place to be alone. I went there often in my early teenage years when I was frustrated and needed time to sort out my confusion. It was my own personal, quite place that no one invaded, unlike my bedroom in the house. The field’s view and serenity somehow made me think more clearly and made my problems feel less like the end of the world. This is one of the comforts that I miss from my parents’ house, so when I visit my parents, I visit my place as well. Now when I look back at all of the

  • The Importance Of Faith In Serenity

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    As human beings, we put a small part of ourselves in everything that we create, whether it’s intentional or not. In the television series Firefly, and the follow-up movie “Serenity”, Joss Whedon tells the story about his own battles with faith. The captain of Serenity, Malcolm Reynolds, is clearly the embodiment of Whedon’s struggle with losing his faith, only to later find it in a different place than he originally lost it, but the rest of the crew also have their own aim with their variations of

  • Strength, Serenity, and Idealism

    665 Words  | 2 Pages

    of the body accompanied by a soft natural looking face. Surprisingly, the artist made me feel a sense of strength and serenity. While the combination of these words isn’t typically found together, several aspects of the statue’s structure made it possible. When beginning my sketch, I took a moment to analyze the work of art and found that the statue illuminated a sense of serenity. Like most viewers my initial reaction was to explore the statue from head to toe as I sought out the different elements

  • The Magnificent Serenity of the Ocean

    880 Words  | 2 Pages

    My favorite place in the world is definitely the beach and I highly recommend visiting and seeing it with your own two eyes. It is an infinite world of expression, a paradise of color. There is no possibility of disappointment when it comes to the serenity of the ocean.

  • Creative Writing: Serenity

    570 Words  | 2 Pages

    awhile of it continuously ringing, I pulled my purple cell phone from my jeaned pocket. Checking the screen, I noticed that the person that kept calling was none other than, my mom. Pressing the talk button, I answered the phone. “Hey Mom!” “Serenity, oh my gosh! I was so worried. Baby, are you alright?” “Yeah mom, I'm fine. ...

  • Serenity Gates Business Plan

    568 Words  | 2 Pages

    The name of my funeral establishment will be Serenity Gates and it will provide commemoration of a person's life and support to the family as they bring resolution and begin to attempt to move forward with their lives. The plan is for my establishment to start out slow and grow from word of mouth advertising from families in the community based on the services rendered to them. The mission of Serenity Gates will be to get individuals all together in order to commemorate the life of their loved ones

  • Aging In Space Cowboys

    967 Words  | 2 Pages

    Space Cowboys was the film selected for this paper as it will be used to better analyze the aging process and its effects on the aging adult. (Eastwood, 2000). The aging process effects developing humans differently through physical and cognitive development and eventual deterioration, however the psychological and psychosocial effects are much more similar for every aging adult. This paper will explore the aging process on the characters from Space Cowboys, through analysis of Erik Erikson’s eight

  • Government In Serenity: Movie Analysis

    540 Words  | 2 Pages

    Most of the time, people do not realize that the government could be hiding or changing information about their actions which is the worst kind of censorship. For example, Serenity takes place in an advanced civilization that hosts a myriad of planets, but despite the advances in knowledge, that society suffers from their government, the Alliance, censoring important information from the public. The Alliance experimented on one of the planets, Miranda, and failed, causing the creation of reavers

  • An Intimate Encounter with Nature's Serenity

    555 Words  | 2 Pages

    The wind slithered like a serpent through the forest and across the lake. Nibbling at my nose, caressing my cheeks. Waves calmly lap again the canons of the pontoon. We stood all four off us on a pontoon the size of a kitchen table, ancient foam exposed mold creeping its way across the carpet. We stand patiently jigging our lines through the way how to capture the beast that lie beneath the calm surface of the loch. The water both clear and black descends for what looks to be miles in reality mere

  • Tranquility And Serenity And Mother Nature: The Philosophies Of Transcendentalism

    1742 Words  | 4 Pages

    Tranquility, and serenity can only exist if an individual allows those aspects to. A peace of mind, and acceptance is required for human metamorphosis. We are ceaselessly drowning in the sea of oblivion, anchored by our heartfelt beliefs, and buoyancies. The universe, the human soul, and nature unifies as one to work in harmony, balancing one another for a greater cause. Individuals seek answers, and explanations to what we consider to be our greatest enigma—the meaning of life. Nature without a

  • Literary Merit To Kill A Mockingbird

    941 Words  | 2 Pages

    that the truth would set her free, so she learned to embrace the options. Not only did this lead her to grow up and be more mature, but it also led to her accept her fate in the end and leave her life as a spirit so she could be happy again. Also, Serenity was sent on a mission to uncover the truth about the murder at the elephant sanctuary, find Jenna’s mother, and solve the case. When she stumbled across the body, all the questions she had were suddenly answered. It was in this moment that she realized

  • Father's Wife Monologue

    618 Words  | 2 Pages

    Dad's P.O.V Me and Beth had to stay in the hospital for a while because Serenity was premature. But they've assured me that she's perfectly healthy. She's already the centre of our attention; she's so cute and well behaved, I don't even try to back out of nappy duty. I think that Beth is still finding it hard having our first child be a main character, but her and Serenity have bonded so well. I'm sure she'll snap out of it. Dad's P.O.V Beth found Serenity's birthmark, it was shaped like a star

  • Analysis Of Perseus

    547 Words  | 2 Pages

    4/22/14 In the quiet country of Serenity everyone treats each other as they want to be treated and accept that bad things might happen but they have to power to be the one to change it, make it better, and to find that tranquility again. Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase just want to find somewhere that they can live their lives together and stop worrying about all the monsters, or the thought of dying everyday but they didn’t know that Gaea was also going to Serenity. Percy is a natural leader, who

  • Theme Of Free Will In Slaughterhouse Five

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    is a former prisoner of war who tends to be stuck in the same mindset as before. Billy is seeking forgiveness for his past, so that one day he can reach an oasis of serenity. Serenity is the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled with life. In order to reach serenity, Billy Pilgrim comes across a prayer. The prayer of serenity In the novel, Kurt Vonnegut proposes the question of whether free will exist or not. The Tralfamadorians live with the idea of the fourth dimension. The fourth dimension

  • The Essence of Mortality: Nelson Mandela

    1142 Words  | 3 Pages

    energy to disperse and for all the chaos around me to settle into the darkness. My mind has literally spent countless hours already preparing for this single moment to lay the lyrics into stone, to allow the parchment to embrace the words. The serenity of aligning my focus on a single objective overcomes my mind, and the puzzle is solved and a feeling of enlightenment sparkles in my eye as a smile forms on my face. It seems out of nowhere the minutia is formed. It may surprise you, but I have

  • Diane Ackerman Love

    599 Words  | 2 Pages

    explained in different ways, Based on Ms.Ackerman “ Love seems rare nonetheless.” She portrays love as something with tremendous worth for it to be rare. An aspect of love is beautiful because it encourages serenity, grit, and is unique. Firstly, Love encourages serenity. When the mind is in serenity, state of peace, it is like being in your own Utopia. Love can make the craziest person in the world feel sedate and in paradise when they

  • The Holocaust: A Short Story

    2184 Words  | 5 Pages

    survivors, I recall the very vivid night of which I was first captured; a night I will never forget. It was a warm, starry night during August, the summer after my sophomore year in high school. I was with my boyfriend, Luke, and my younger sister Serenity. We were walking down the narrow sidewalk, back to his house, in the shadows of the old, dim street lights. Germany is usually a pretty safe, kid-friendly place. Most of the people are respectful and polite; at least that’s what we thought. As we

  • Donnie Gray Case Study

    566 Words  | 2 Pages

    They have one child in common (Serenity Gray DOB 08/16/15). Gray has full custody of Serenity and Castro is upset with that. Gray and Castro are currently going to court and have an open case, in regards to custody of Serenity. Gray told me Castro can only visit Serenity with supervised visit and he would be notified of the arrangement. On 02/16/18, at approximately 2048 hours, Gray was in the front

  • Creative Writing: Mentally Abuse At Home

    1250 Words  | 3 Pages

    I faked a smile, I had learned from the best, my mother. I continued with my work, stuffing it into my bag. "So what did the landlord say?" Serenity glided back into the room. "What's happening?" "I'm going on a trip with my mom." I couldn't make eye contact. I couldn't remember them as naive to my lies. "Ooh fun, for how long? Where are you going? Didn't you say your mom was a mess? I might