Saatchi Gallery Essays

  • Damien Hirst Research Paper

    603 Words  | 2 Pages

    Oscar Cabrera Ms. Benacka AR-100 5 May 2014 Damien Hirst In 1976 Steve Jobs Co-founded the apple Computer Inc. Steve Jobs had an idea that would create a chain of brilliant ideas behind it. What Jobs did was step out of the normal and tested the limits of what could be done. Like Steve Jobs, music is constantly changing and developing new beats and styles. At the beginning of Lady’s Gaga’s career, many people questioned her style and music. Soon after, she was accepted and rose to the top of the

  • Saicki & Saatchi Case Study

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    In 1995, Saatchi & Saatchi was retitled the Cordiant Communications Group to handle the subsidiary of their businesses which was divided into two key groupings research and advertising. Along with creative excellence came rapid expansion to global leadership. This tracked the Saatchi brothers’ vision that successful agencies would be those that achieved global scale to match global clients with global brands. The vision played out across an ambitious acquisitions plan. Saatchi & Saatchi wasted no

  • Museum Trip

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    succeed on this paper. The museum that I decided to go to was the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. In the following paper I will discuss what the museum looked like, the tour that I went on. What I thought of the tour, the pieces of art in the tour. How I felt while I was in the museum and the discovery that I found out about myself about the type of art that catches my attention. When I arrived at the National Gallery of Art, the outside structure of the building took my breath away. From

  • Gustave Caillebotte's Paris Street; Rainy Day

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    Day The first thing that strikes me is the size of the work. About seven feet tall and nine feet wide, this painting dominates its gallery and overwhelms the viewer. The couple in the foreground of the painting is nearly life size, and with the man poised to take another step it seems he might climb right over the frame and walk right into the gallery. The bold perspective thrusts the scene outward, and with details such as the sharply receding roofline of the main building and the acute

  • The Sistine Madonna in the Royal Gallery at Dresden, Saxony

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    The Sistine Madonna in the Royal Gallery at Dresden, Saxony The most beautiful picture in the world is the Sistine Madonna in the Royal Gallery at Dresden, Saxony. It was painted by Raphael as an altar-piece for a church in Piacenza, Italy. In a far corner of the great Palace of Art it is now placed, probably to remain until the colors shall fade. It is the only picture in the room. The figures are of life size. When that room is entered all voices are hushed, and all merriment silenced

  • My Country Armenia

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    dreams. The heart of Yerevan of the city is Republic Square. In the centre of the square towering over it stands a magnificent building. It houses the Museum of History of Armenia and the National Art Gallery. They are all built in the style of national architecture. In front of the National Gallery there is a beautiful fountain where the townspeople like to walk in hot summer evenings. This fountain is continued by a series of fountains in the park across the square. Also, Republic Square is the

  • Alfred Stieglitz and Gallery 291

    3735 Words  | 8 Pages

    Alfred Stieglitz and Gallery 291 A Modern Art Revolution Before the Armory Show “Quite a few years ago…there got to be—a place…. The place grew—the place shifted…the place was where this man was…. —Shift—is something that cannot be tied—cannot be pigeonholed. It jumps—it bounds—it glides —it SHIFTS— it must have freedom…. It seems those who do that worth the doing are possessed of good eyes—alive eyes—warm eyes— it seems they radiate a fire within outward. The places they inhabit

  • Art Review

    686 Words  | 2 Pages

    Review #1: New Generation Detroit I went to visit this art exhibit on Friday September 7th, the opening night. I had never been to the Meadowbrook Art Gallery so I had no idea what to expect. It was a smaller gallery than I thought it would be, but it didn’t matter when I took a look at the pieces that were on display. This exhibit was definitely edgy and not really what I’m used to seeing. I could tell that these are new artists that are beginning to start a new trend in today’s modern art world

  • Meta Tags and Meta Keywords

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    content="General"> <meta name="Distribution" content="Global"> <meta name="Description" content="Gallery of car pictures, car videos, car sounds, car photos, car photographs, automobile pictures, automobile videos, automobile sounds, automobile photos, automobile photographs, auto pictures, auto videos, auto sounds, auto photos, auto photographs, pictures of cars."> <meta name="Keywords" content="Gallery of car pictures, car videos, car sounds, car photos, car photographs, automobile pictures, automobile

  • George Sugarman a sculpture

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    number of important sculpture exhibitions in New York galleries and museums, including the Museum of Modern Art's Tony Smith retrospective, Dia's presentation of Richard Serra's Torqued Ellipses, and a group of David Smith's late painted-steel works at Gagosian Gallery. For me, however, the most impressive and thought-provoking sculpture show of the year was a concise survey of George Sugarman's work presented by Hunter College at the galleries in its Fine Arts Building on Manhattan's West 41st Street

  • Drawings for King Lear

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    drawings were shown in 1865 at his Picadilly Exhibition, and Brown wrote the captions that appear below the drawings for the exhibition catalog. The sixteen sketches with captions are owned by the Whitworth Gallery in Manchester, and the two without captions are in the City Museum and Art Gallery of Birmingham. The drawings are done in pen and sepia ink over pencil on paper; they are approximately 11 x 14 inches in size. The idea of a series such as this was not original with Brown; the German artist

  • Jamestown, 1607

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    a re-created colonial fort, discover the world of Pocahontas in the Powhatan Indian village, and experience the four-month passage to the New World on board re-creations of the three ships that brought the settlers to Virginia. Extensive indoor galleries tell the compelling stories of Jamestown, from its beginnings in England through its often turbulent first century, and of Virginia's Powhatan Indians. The dramatic film, Jamestown: The Beginning, chronicles the endurance of the first settlers as

  • Netflix competitive analysis

    509 Words  | 2 Pages

    Competitive Analysis Blockbuster Inc. and Movie Gallery are currently the two strongest competitors in the market, and therefore pose the biggest threats to Netflix. Amazon, Intelliflicks, and Cleanfilms are all present in the market, but don’t possess enough force at this time to be considered a threat to Netflix. Blockbuster As of right now, Blockbuster is the biggest competitive threat to Netflix. Blockbuster was incorporated in 1989 in Delaware and is a major renter of home videocassettes, DVDs

  • Peter Voulkos Ceramist

    1462 Words  | 3 Pages

    Peter Voulkos Ceramist The exhibition of recent stoneware vessels by Peter Voulkos at Frank Lloyd Gallery featured the sort of work on which the artist established reputation in the 1950s. The work was greeted with stunned amazement. However now it is too, but it's amazement of a different order -- the kind that comes from being in the presence of effortless artistic mastery. These astonishing vessels are truly amaising. Every ceramic artist knows that what goes into a kiln looks very different

  • Lucian Freud

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    with his parents in 1931, and acquired British nationality in 1939. His earliest love was drawing, and he began to work full time as an artist after being invalided out of the Merchant Navy in 1942. In 1951 his Interior at Paddington (Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool) won a prize at the Festival of Britain, and since then he has built up a formidable reputation as one of the most powerful contemporary figurative painters. Portraits and nudes are his specialities, often observed in arresting close-up

  • Stillness Seeking

    2451 Words  | 5 Pages

    My father beyond resting seated A cat slumbers purrs on his shoulder A pen in his hand he touches white page Reflects light reflects Together Creating When I saw Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring about five years ago at the National Gallery in Washington, D.C., I felt something about the painting that I had never felt before when looking at artwork. I felt as if this girl, this young woman in the painting was real, hiding in the museum behind this canvas. She was in the flesh. Her skin

  • The Scaffold Scenes in Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter

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    the scaffolds use. The scaffold had wooden steps leading on to it. The steps of the scaffold became the walk of death for many people before they were beheaded. A balcony or open gallery stood over the platform and was attached to the meetinghouse. During Hester’s punishment, the ministers and Governor sat in the gallery in order to question her. The scaffold was located at the “western extremity” of the market place, near the church. The scaffold was a raised platform made of wood and iron. Men and

  • Paul 's Unhealthy Desire in Paul's Case

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    purpose was to show that, by focusing on what he didn't have, Paul could not live at all. Many clues were given that Paul dreamed of leaving town. For instance, he was exhilarated by the Venetian scenes and streets of Paris depicted in the picture gallery. He loved to listen to his father speak of "palaces in Venice, yachts on the Mediterranean, and high play at Monte Carlo" (202). Also, when no one paid attention to his stories, Paul announced to his classmates that he would be leaving to travel for

  • What Will Calixta do? Oh, What Will She Do?

    556 Words  | 2 Pages

    didn’t know was that she was going to get a visit from a friend, whom she hasn’t seen for a long period of time, while her family is at the store. As the storm begins, Alcee, the friend, approaches Calixta’s home and asks permission to wait on the gallery as the storm passes. As he waits for the storm to pass, the history between Calixta and Alcee is revealed when he mentions the time during Assumption where he kissed and kissed Calixta, but that was all that happened. During the storm, emotions are

  • Alex Baptise

    1271 Words  | 3 Pages

    Baptiste has come a long way since his early days of survival. Mr. Baptiste is now a household name for his beautiful paintings in Savannah, Georgia. Entering his twentieth year as an artist, he owns an art gallery in City Market. There you can watch him at work though the front of his art gallery window's to see what's in store for his next project. During Alix Baptiste's childhood he had little schooling do to the lack of the families financial state. Mr. Batiste says, " I could remember when I