Purines Essays

  • Essay On Gout

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    contain high levels of purines, a compound that can be converted into uric acid in the body. One-third of the purine the body handles comes from your diet, implying that the chance of getting gout may be reduced if less purine is eaten. Not all purine rich foods are thought to cause gout. Vegetables such as asparagus, mushrooms, cauliflower and spinach are rich in purines but appear less likely to cause gout than diets containing red meat and seafood (shellfish). Low purine foods to include in a

  • Increasing Prevalence and Risk Factors of Gout

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    Introduction: Gout is a type of inflammatory Arthritis and is the most common form, it typically results from genetic and environmental factors. Evidence suggests that cases of Gout are getting increasingly more common, and that numbers have continued to grow in recent decades. Currently Gout affects approximately every one and two in every 100. Approximately 1 in 40 people in the UK are affected. While Gout is more prevalent in men, women can also be affected. It typically affects men over thirty

  • Essay On Mutation

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    Types of Mutations (A) Point Mutation: This mutation occurs due to substitution or change in single base. Types of this mutation are: (i) Transition: Substitution of Purine by Purine (A to G or G to A) and pyrimidine by pyrimidine (T to C or C to T). (ii) Transversion: Substitution of Purine by pyrimidine or pyrimidine replace by Purine (G to C or C to G). Effect of Point mutations may be any of the following three types of mutations. (a) Missense: In this mutation changed codon specifies a different

  • Why Do Cancer Fighting Drugs Kill Cancer Cells

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    Cells need to be small which means there must be space between them. If the cells get into contact they die. This is called Contact Inhibition; it’s how cancer-fighting drugs kill cancer cells. The purpose of the drugs is to put in the body cells that get in contact with the cancer cells and destroy them. The drugs also prevent DNA replication. The cells are most vulnerable when they are rapidly dividing. Cancer-fighting drugs fall into several different classes. One of these classes is DNA binding

  • DNA: The Foundation Of The DNA Components Of DNA And DNA

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    Being split into four bases each nucleobase is as followed: • Guanine: Pairing in sequence with cytosine, guanine is derived from purine. Purine is an organic compound structured from a pyrimidine ring fused to an imidazole ring (called a pyrimidine-imidazole ring). The base is represented as ‘G’. • Adenine: Similar to that of Guanine, Adenine is derived from purine. In addition it’s an important part of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the nitrogenous base adenine bonded to a five carbon

  • How Does DNA Control Cell Activity?

    777 Words  | 2 Pages

    DNA is made of a deoxyribose sugar molecule, a phosphate group, and one of four nitrogen containing bases. The four nitrogen containing bases are divided into two groups, Purines and pyrimidines. The structure of DNA is called a double helix because it resembles a spiral stair case. We also learned about, complementary base pairing, replication of DNA, mutations and the structure of RNA. RNA included all three types of mRNA, tRNA, and rRNA. From RNA we also learned about transcription, protein structure

  • Who Controls Your DNA

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    Cytosine (C), and Thymine (T). The first two (A, G) are examples of a purine which contains a six atom ring and five atom ring sharing two atoms. The second two (C, T) are examples of a pyrimidine which is composed of a single six atom ring…” To clarify, this statement is trying to explain that when adenine is paired up with guanine it is an example of purine, but when cytosine is paired up with thymine it is an example of pyrimidine. Purine contains a six atom ring and a five atom ring that shares two atoms

  • Hermann Emil Fischer: The Fischer esterification

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    Born Hermann Emil Louis Fischer in Germany, Fischer was best known for his work in the field of chemistry, including the study of sugars and purines . He also developed the Fischer projection, a symbolic way of drawing asymmetric carbon atoms, and discovered the Fischer esterification, a special type of esterification by refluxing a carboxylic acid with an alcohol in the presence of an acid catalyst . Fischer attended the University of Strasbourg in 1872, and earned a doctorate in chemistry with

  • 5 Characteristics Of Living Organism Essay

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    Question 1: Briefly describe and list fives characteristics of living organisms. Give examples of each. 1. Organization is one characteristic of life. An example of this is the levels of biological organization. The complex organization of life begins with atoms, the basic unit of matter. The atoms then combine to form small molecules and then begin to form larger molecules within a cell. Eventually the organism grow to form new populations. Each level progresses into something bigger. 2. The second

  • Is Lamb Meat Healthy By Manuel Attard

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    Today, more and more people pay attention to healthy lifestyle. People are not only concerned about whether you can eat, people are more concerned about whether you eat healthy. People attach so much importance in the diet of healthy, they understand the nutritional value of things is even more important. Only specific understanding of the nutritional value of food can only be a better choice for their own healthy living. But a lot of people for some very common nutritional value of foods often have

  • The Importance Of The Citric Acid Cycle

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    Abstract The citric acid cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle and the tribocarboxylic acid cycle, is the hub of the metabolic wheel. The cycle earns this phrase due its role in the oxidation of various fuel molecules i.e. its catabolic nature, and in the provision of carbon skeletons for biosynthesis or its anabolic nature. Anaplerotic reactions are imperative as they replenish the anabolic reactions to ensure the cycle’s function is maintained. The citric acid cycle‘s central role in metabolism

  • DNA And DNA: The Importance Of DNA

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    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a molecule, a material rather, that is present in almost all living organisms. It is self-replicating and is the main constituent of chromosomes. DNA contains genetic/hereditary information. The transmission of traits from one generation to the next is called inheritance. Genetics helps determine the role of DNA in the inheritance of genetic traits. Genetics is the study of heredity. Offspring obtain genes from parents by a process known as inheritance. Genes(segments

  • Essay On Protein Synthesis

    864 Words  | 2 Pages

    All living things contain DNA. The molecule deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA is what contains an organism’s genetic information. The genetic information contained in DNA is what an organism requires to not only develop and reproduce but also survive. A DNA molecule is built up of nucleotides. Nucleotides are composed of several different things and what the nucleotides are composed of determines the name of it. Another job of DNA is to pass the genetic information through the process of protein synthesis

  • Proteins in Nutrition

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    concentration of protein. However, as it turns out, the body cannot distinguish the source of protein, or the concentration, only the total amount. The pro... ... middle of paper ... ...s. The high purine content of a high-protein diet leads to gout and kidney stones in some people, as purine breaks down to uric acid, which crystallizes in the kidneys and joints. A diet with a sensible amount of protein is highly beneficial for these conditions. This sensible diet is achieved through vegetables

  • Informative Essay On Caffeine

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    The first object you retrieve from your cabinet upon waking up is your coffee mug. To us humans, caffeine is a valuable and demanding product we mustn’t live without. Throughout the world humans consume over 100 different kinds of caffeine plants. Some of which include the most commonly filtered plant, the coffee tree, whose small bean seed is roasted and crushed into a pure delicious powder. The human consumption of caffeine varies in different characteristics other than your favorite cup of joe

  • James Watson and his Contributions DNA and Genetics

    956 Words  | 2 Pages

    James Watson was born on April 6, 1928 in Chicago Illinois. He was a very gifted and bright child. He is most known for his contributions to DNA and Genetics along with his co-worker Francis Crick. Watson received his B.S. at the University of Chicago and received a Ph.D. from Indiana University. Watson also worked at the University of Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory in England. This was where he first met Francis Crick. (Bagley). As a child, his favorite question was “why?” and simple answers did

  • Sterilization And Disinfectionation In Stevia

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    Experimental Plant Material: The healthy plant of Stevia rebaudiana for micropropagation has been selected from the garden of Integrated Biotechnological Research Institute, Lucknow. The aseptic conditions were maintained following suitable sterilization methods. Sterilization and Disinfection: Since we have known so far about the ways of sterilization,here is a review about sterilization and techniques involved for plant sterilization.Sterilization is the process where all the living microbes

  • The Human Genome

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    You may think that you have full control over your body, the way you may look, how you dress, and even how you do your own makeup. You have control over your hair color, how much knowledge you have, and even how strong you can be, but could you imagine having control over how tall you would like to be, the color of your eyes, and potentially the color of your very skin? Can you imagine altering EVERY aspect of yourself, including the omission of disease? These are some of the questions that the USDE

  • Micropropagation Method For Tomato Plant

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    As discussed by Taylor (1986), tomato is a type of plant from the family of Solanaceae. There are many tomato species around the world. The tomato is not easy to plant in Malaysia and it is also very important as a food for the citizen. This tomato plant is easy to cultivate in area which is in moderate temperature and firstly came from the place which is in dry west coast of tropical South America (Cooper, 1972). According to Picken, Stewart, and Klapwijk (1986), there are several techniques for

  • Caffeine Essay

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    While caffeine can make the consumer feel more alert, there are health concerns such as dependence and hypertension. Caffeine has a specific chemical structure that enables it to be absorbed easily into the stomach and intestines. It is derived from purines, and is hydrophobic, which allows easy passage through cell membranes. (MOST POPULAR) For this reason, the oral route for administration is more rapid than the intramuscular route (PUB CHEM). After caffeine passes through the stomach, it goes to the