Programmable logic controller Essays

  • History Of Industrial Automation

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    CHAPTER 2 INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION 2.1 INTRODUCTION OF INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION Automation is encompassing virtually every walk of Life. Automation solutions are required right from agriculture to space technology. Plant Automation is the necessity for the manufacturing industry to survive in today’s globally competitive market. 2.1.1 INVENTION OF AUTOMATION In 1935, Delmar S. Harder from GM invented the term ‘Automation’. After World War II, in 1946, he was working for Ford and found the requirement

  • Essay On Safety Control System

    1936 Words  | 4 Pages

    CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION 1.1 PROJECT DEFINITION Advances in technology over the past decades have enabled the rapid evolution of industrial process that support an increasingly large portion of the modern society way of life. The main goal of these standards is to clarify the requirements for different applications and systems, in order to elevate their safety to an acceptable level. A Safety Control System (SCS) consists of an engineered set of hardware and software controls which are especially

  • SCADA And Process Control Systems (PCS

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    appropriate operation leads to the use of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems. A SCADA system normally supports communication between a central control unit and multiple remote units equipped with sensors, actuators, and/or Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). SCADA systems were first designed to meet the basic requirements of process control systems where security issues were hardly a concern. However, the growing demands for increased connectivity between a SCADA system and other

  • petri

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    Industrial Automation technology. They provide an uniform environment for the modelling, analysis and design of event systems. The model which is used for analysis of behavioral properties of the system can be used for the construction of simulators and controllers. a. Finite State Machines These are the forms in which Petri nets could be represented. One example is that of a Vending machine (figure shown below) which sells candy bars when the 5 or 10 cents are inputs at the inlet. The circular representations

  • Essay On Refrigeration

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    of refrigeration, the refrigeration cycle, and the various types of refrigeration equipment available and most commonly used. Section 2.3 discusses the refrigeration and freezing of various products. Section 2.4 provides information on programmable logic controllers (PLC). This section includes a brief history of PLCs, how they work, different programming languages used and some commonly used instructions. Section 2.5 describes various types of signals used in control including digital, analog, serial

  • Pneumatic Scale Angelus Company and Packaging Equipment

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    success, $75M to $1.5B, to people centric leadership. People Centric Leadership is the idea that... ... middle of paper ... ...stomers in enough volume as fast as possible. The system has been constantly innovated and improved upon as new ladder logic helps improve the stability and new sensors help improve efficiency. Overall these machines can range in price anywhere from $800,000 to $1,600,000. The price depends on the add-ons such as guarding, spare parts and other things. The typical assembly

  • Essay On Office Automation

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    An aspect, that has long since been addressed in design theory, which is how the office automation has impacted on the structure of organisation, now found its way into the social and cultural theory. In the past recent years, computer based technology has become a dominant element in office environments. The aim of technology is not to improve the efficiency in current office works, but to alter the structure of office work. The increase of using automated work system has caused different issues

  • Statement of Purpose for Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering

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    People travel miles in search of their true passion; some find them early in their life and I consider myself lucky enough to be one among them. I found my true calling at the age of 12 on a field trip to a milk factory. It seemed like the Disneyland of science with huge machineries, conveyer belts running all around, and instruments working about in their own rhythm with sheer intricacies and perfection. As a kid, I was eager to understand the mechanics behind this magical rhythm. The desire of

  • Field Programmable Gate Array Architecture

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    Introduction In the digital programmable world, FPGA and ASIC play a vital role for complex designs implementation. In today’s world most of the applications uses FPGA to process the data in the real time and prototyping. The demand for FPGA is increasing because of its performance and reprogramability. The basic building block of FPGA is Logic Block(Configuration Logic Block or Versatile). Many applications, vendors claims the utilization of FPGA or FPGA density in terms of gate counts. Generated

  • Schematic Diagram Of The DC Motor

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    one should know the controller as well. The controller can a programmable controller or none programmable controller. The programmable controller refers to microcontroller, processor or any electric control module that can be programmed. The none programmable controller is a pure electric circuit designed to perform a specific task. Compare the two controllers, programmable controller is more suitable used in the fuzzy logic. This is because the programmable controller has a flexible programming

  • Autoclave Processing Advantages And Disadvantages

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    Autoclave processing is widely used for producing high quality thermoset composites, these are used in various industries to process a wide variety of thermoset and thermoplastic materials [10]. Almost any shape of the composite parts can be cured in autoclaves as the gas pressure is applied isostatically, the only limitations is the size of the autoclave and require high capital to install autoclaves. Autoclaves are normally pressurized with inert gas like nitrogen or carbon dioxide and air, but

  • Cyber Warfare: STUXNET Discovery and Evolution

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    main Stuxnet code was discovered around June 2010, by a security com... ... middle of paper ... ...Stuxnet was like a marksman type of program by attacking systems only containing that important file and leaves systems without those programmable logic controllers unharmed. This is completely different to our usual internet malware that attacks all computers it infects, but damage in cost is vastly lower. I personally identify Stuxnet as an the highest level of cyber attacks as this is most likely

  • 8051 Analysis

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    This however, does not limit the 8051’s efficiency. Among the specs mentioned above, a typical 8051 microcontroller’s CPU introduced a built in Boolean processor. This Boolean processor allows the reduction of code size through bit-level Boolean logic operations which are carried out on selected internal registers and selected RAM locations. Therefore, greater efficiency can be found in programs that deals with binary input and output conditions commonly found in digital-control problems. The four

  • Instrumentation And Process Control Essay

    2017 Words  | 5 Pages

    7.0 Instrumentation and process control 7.1 Instrumentation Instrumentation is defined as the science of measurement and control of process variables within a production, or manufacturing area. A device that measures and/or regulates physical quantity/process variables such as flow, temperature, level, or pressure is known as an instrument. 7.2 Process Variable Common process variables include: • Pressure • Flow • Density • Mass • Level • PH (acidity or alkalinity) • Liquid interface (the relative

  • History Of Walt Disney Imagineering

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    The occupation of a Control Systems Manager can conceivably be a complex profession. For example, the education necessary for employment in the field of engineering requires knowledge in a variety of mathematics, science, and computer understanding. One excellent employer is Walt Disney Imagineering. Walt Disney Imagineers are the designers, builders, and dreamers of all the attractions at Disney Parks. Although the job market is competitive, experience as a Control Systems Manager will enhance the

  • Taking a Look Inside a System on Chip (SOP)

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    component with just a memory bus interface, and all peripherals were attached to this bus. As integration levels increase, more and more logic is added to the processor die, creating families of application-specific service processors. The term system on chip (SOC) is often used to describe these highly integrated processors. These SOCs include much of the logic and interfaces that are required for a range of specific target applications. The silicon vendors that develop these SOC devices often create

  • Importance Of Process Control

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    Abstract Process control is an engineering train that arrangements with architectures, systems and algorithms for keeping up the output of a particular process inside a coveted reach. For example, the temperature of a compound reactor may be controlled to keep up a steady item output. Process control is widely utilized as a part of industry and empowers large scale manufacturing of steady products from consistently operated processes, for example, oil refining, paper manufacturing, chemicals, force

  • Types And Disadvantages Of Microprocessor

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    Microprocessor It is a semiconductor device consisting of` electronic logic circuits`. A microprocessor accomplishes the tasks of a computer’s CPU on a single IC (integrated circuits) or multiples ICs. These IC individually are made of many small electrical components like transistors, resistors etc. It` is the brain of the computer and is also `referred to as a logic chip. It can be divided into three segments:-  Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) It executes arithmetic operations (expansion, subtraction)

  • A System Unit is the Main Part of the Computer

    715 Words  | 2 Pages

    motherboard, CPU, RAM and other components. (Techterms, System Units) A Motherboard is the main circuit board of your computer and is also known as the mainboard or logic board. If you were to ever open your computer the biggest piece of silicon you see would be the motherboard. Each motherboard has a collection of chips and controllers known as chipsets. (Techterms, Motherboard) A chipset is a group of integrated circuits that work together. It may refer to the design of a single component or may

  • Project Management Essay

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    project, the more the skill the nice the outcome will be. This comes through experience and having a proper knowledge of some of the functions like 1. Planning 2. Organising 3. Directions 4. Control These functions looks very simple in some way but the logic in how to apply depends on person to person, which fetches the maximum probable outcome of the project. The importance of project management lies the foundation in successful completion of the project. There is a great difference between project management