Poison dart frogs Essays

  • Strawberry Poison-Dart Frog Research Paper

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    Guillaume Lama-Solet Willard Honors Biology 10 March 2017 Evolution of Strawberry Poison-Dart Frog Get ready to learn about the deadliest and smallest poisonous animal in the world. The Strawberry Poison-Dart Frog (Oophaga pumilio) is the most poisonous animal in the world. It’s as big as a finger very colorful. These frogs are native from Central America. In this essay, you will learn what its adaptations are, what process has it used to become what it is now, how it impacts society, how it relates

  • The Importance Of Rainforests

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    WHY ARE RAINFORESTS IMPORTANT? Tropical rainforests are among the most important natural features on our planet. Rainforests only cover 2% of the Earth's surface, but are homes to over 50% of all species of plants and animals living here. Rainforest trees help the planet breathe by absorbing carbon dioxide (a Greenhouse Gas) from the atmosphere, and producing the oxygen that people and animals need to survive. If the Earth had lungs like human beings, the rainforests would be those lungs. Rainforests

  • An Essay On The Poison Frog

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    Most frogs are known for their long tongues, protruding eyes, and absence of its tail. Frogs are also known for their unbelievable jump, but what people don’t really consider is that many frogs contain toxins. These toxins are used in defense against their predators and gives makes them unappetizing to them. Poisonous frogs usually display their toxicity with their beautiful bright colors, strategically known as aposematism. There are many different types of frogs containing toxins. An example of

  • Jaguar Research Paper

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    What are jaguars ? Jaguars are one of the 5 species of big cats. They also have retractable claws. A black panther are really black coated jaguar. These rare animals . The jaguar is a big cat. It is the only big cat species that can be native to America . The jaguar is the third-largest feline after the tiger and the lion, and the largest cat breed in America. They have spots, including black panthers, which you can see there spots under their black fur. They are carnivorous and

  • The Color of Animals and Their Toxicity or Camouflage

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    vertebrates like the reptiles, amphibian and mammals. The reptiles show a very wide variety of animals that show either crypsis or aposematism. The Bothriechis schlegelii (Eyelash pit viper) is an example of a snake that is highly toxic. The snake’s venom (poison) is being injected into its prey to immobilize it quickly. The B.schlegelii has a wide variety of colors including yellow, green, brown and even pink. Its coloration has no specific relation to advertising its toxicity form other predators or hiding

  • Essay On Cesar Chavez

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    Hitler, and poison dart frogs would not be successful. Cesar Chavez would have never change the working conditions of farmers without gaining a mass following he would have never getting a mass following without communication. Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party would have never acquired their desired success of being in total control over Germany without Hitlers persuasive speeches communicating that he and the Nazi party would be best for Germany and create an elite Germany. The poison dart frog would not

  • Essay On Poison Arrow Frogs

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    Poison arrow frogs are one of the most interesting animals of the Amazon rainforest. Poison Arrow Frogs are very colorful. The Poison arrow frogs skin holds all of the poison. Female Poison arrow frogs lay eggs in the water which then turn into tadpoles, when nursing the tadpoles stay on the females back. They’re colorful and vibrant body warn predators to not go near them. Most Poison arrow frogs are a bright colored. The Poison arrow frogs scientific name is Dendrobatidae. Poison arrow frogs are

  • The Ecosystem Of The Ecosystem In The Tropical Rainforest

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    The ecosystem I have chosen is tropical rainforest. In the following paragraphs, I am going to firstly introduced the structure of tropical rainforest in brief, with the second part of the plant ecology and last the diversity within this ecosystem. Geographical location- basically, tropical rainforest is roughly taking place within the latitude 28 degrees north or south of the equator, concentrated in South America at the same time, scattered in Africa and south Asia. The Peninsula de osa in Costa

  • Curare Research Paper

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    tomentosum is a substance which is bitter and grows on the stems and barks of some South American plants. Curare is known to paralyze the motor nerves. Traditionally, curare was used by South American Indians to poison their arrows by combining the curare obtained from plants and various poisons from animals and then mix everything up to make syrup like substance. The Indians then would coat the syrup on to their arrows and use the arrows to kill prey and later eat them. When the South American Indians

  • Costa Rica

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    turtles and poison dart frogs, live in Costa Rica’s with many national parks. Costa Rica is prominent for its proliferation of wildlife refuges and the diversity of its animals and plants. Some exotic animals that would probably grab my attention would be Strawberry Poison Dart Frog, American Crocodile, Austin Adventures, White Headed Capuchin Monkey, Mexican Tree Frog, Austin Adventures, Golden Orb Weavers, Ocelo, Three-Toed Sloth and a King Vulture. The strawberry poisonous substance dart frog is a unique

  • Herpetology, The Study Of Snakes And Amphibians

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    amphibians. It comes from the Greek word 'herpein', meaning to creep. It is a sub- field of biology. The species. There are 4,250 species of amphibians, and 7,000 species of reptiles. Different types of Amphibians include caecilians, salamanders,newts, frogs, and toads. Different types of Reptiles include turtles,tortoises, lizards, snakes amphisbaenian, tuatara, crocodiles and

  • The National Aquarium In Baltimore: An Educational Experience For Everyone

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    Did you know that the frog species were the first animals with vocal cords? Did you know that seahorses are actually fish not little serpents or mermaids as legend tells us, and that it is the male who becomes pregnant, not the female? Did you know that an area of a rainforest the size of a football field is being destroyed each second? If not, then you should definitively consider making a visit to the National Aquarium in Baltimore. Dramatic architecture and bright outdoor graphics invite you to

  • How Do Frogs Show Parental Care To Protect Their Children

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    There are three different ways that frogs show parental care to protect their young. There are many species in which the adult frog guards over the eggs. The sex of the frog that guards the eggs all depends on the species. In some species the male watches over them and in other cases the female is the one who is doing the protecting. But in some cases it is not known whether it is the female or male because the external characteristics of both sexes are very similar. Some of these species lay their

  • Personal Narrative: Amazon Rainforest

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    If I was gifted with a ticket to anywhere in the world, I would travel to the Amazon rainforest. I wish to go there, because of my passion for wildlife and I fear the Amazon rainforest will never be the same. I have always been mesmerized by the beautiful landscape, and the wildlife; therefore, it has been a place I have long desired to see with my own eyes. Upon arrival, I would immediately get a tour to deep in the rainforest. As a child, I grew up watching many wildlife documentaries, and many

  • Essay On The Amazon Rainforest

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    Jungle, is a moist broadleaf forest that covers a good portion of South America. It holds host to some of the most interesting creatures that the world has to offer and provides those animals with a very moist and dense environment. Like the poison dart frog or the electric eel, the kinkajou is an animal that belongs to the Amazon Rainforest. The ecosystem of this location is very different than that of others. According to Danielle Fogg, “Amazonia receives about 9 feet of rain every year. Fifty

  • Puerto Rico

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    Puerto Rico, beautiful… Tropical beaches warm sunny skies and fresh smelling air. Tall trees and secrets untold there are a lot of mysteries in this beautiful land there is also a history of the people that once defended this great island. There story’s are more than just story’s there the way life of these great people. Come with me and explore and learn who these people were how they survived and what eventually brought their demise. The commonwealth island of Puerto Rico is located approximately

  • Unique, Rare, and Dangerous Encounter

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    dangerous creature , a lot of species and animals would come to mind like for instead, here is a list of the 24 most dangerous animals in the world; Death stalker, Africanized Honey Bee, Rhino, Cone Snail, Stonefish, Black Mamba, Cape Buffalo, Poison Dart Frog, Polar Bear, Box Jellyfish, African Lion, Boomslang, Puffer Fish, Hyena, Komodo Dragon, Tse Tse Fly, Carpet Viper, Leopard, Brazilian Wandering Spider, Blue Ringed Octopus, Hippo, Saltwater Crocodile, African Elephant and Mosquito. Out of the

  • How Hunting Has Changed Over Time

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    Brookelyn Rogers English 102 Professor Bloedow 16 April, 2024 How Hunting Has Changed Overtime Since the dawn of human history, people have been hunting. Motivated by the innate need for sustenance, people have developed a variety of strategies for pursuing their intended goals. For millennia, hunting has been an essential aspect of human existence. Although, today's hunting is considered to be a sport, not needed for survival.. An analysis of each hunting era is necessary in order to comprehend

  • Action Potential Essay

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    membrane can reach threshold if given a larger-than-normal stimulus. Sometimes neurons are negatively influenced by the voltage-gated sodium channels’ loss of ability. Tetrodotoxin (TTX) and saxitoxin are two of the deadliest poisons in the world, found in pufferfish and poison dart frogs, respectively. The reason they are so dangerous is that they block only voltage-gated sodium channels (as opposed to blocking both sodium and potassium channels, as done by medical anesthetics), and therefore completely

  • The Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa)

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    The Brazil Nut (Bertholletia excelsa) The Brazil Nut is the fruit of a tree that grows mostly wild in rainforests. Castanheiro do Para, which is the Brazilian name given to this tree, is found in many Amazonian states of Brazil, Peru, Columbia, Venezuela and Ecudor. It is most pervalent in the Brazilian states of Marahao, Mato Grosso, Acre, Para, Rondonia, and the Amazonas. The tree is enormous, Frequently attaining the height of 160 feet or more. The fruit is a large spherical woody capsule or