Phlebotomist Essays

  • Staffing at a Hospital

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    by 2008. (Sembiante, 1999) Staffing a 200-bed hospital with experienced phlebotomist is a challenge for human resource in the effort to make their organization into high-performance work system. Phlebotomy has evolved into a profession that requires specialized education and training. Apart from having to master the many required techniques and skills associated with blood drawing and sundry sample collection, phlebotomists also need to ensure compliance with safety and prevention... ... middle

  • Phlebotomy: Obtaining Blood From a Vein

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    (Attention getter) Every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood. That’s a lot of blood. Blood is scary, and blood always seems to make situations worse than it really is. Trust me, it happened to me personally. But if you think about it, blood is everything. There are many things about phlebotomy, yet not a lot of people know about them. (Thesis) Coming from a family with a bit of history in the medical fields, this topic easily made me curious and I wanted to know more. (Preview three

  • Phlebotomist Characteristics

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    A phlebotomist is a professional individual who is trained to draw blood from patients. In order to draw blood effectively, phlebotomists are required to have five key qualities. These five qualities allow a phlebotomist to ensure that every task during the procedure is done properly. The five major qualities a professional successful phlebotomist should have are empathy, orientation to detail, hand-eye coordination, multitasking, and gets along with others. With these five personal traits, one can

  • Phlebotomy: Education and Training

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    Venipuncture, what to get and how to act when performing a puncture. The education and training that you need to be a phlebotomist is hard and can be very stressful. A Phlebotomist is a member of a laboratory that deals with blood from a patient. Nature of work is that the Phlebotomist Tech transports the specimens that are involved with a patient and also draws transfusions. A Phlebotomist must have a high school diploma or G.E.D with a acceptable training. You should Always be kind because he or she

  • Phlebotomy Research Paper

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    need to have biology,health, and other science courses after high school to become a phlebotomist. A computer science, English, and a speech class are important to prepare for this position in the medical field. Most colleges offer the phlebotomy program and some job also offer on the job training.most programs last 10 weeks to a year. They include both in class training and supervised hands on training. Phlebotomists must have the ability to give good directions and use their skills as they perform

  • Personal Narrative: A Day In The Workplace

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    one. I turned my laptop on and while waiting for it to boot up I was thinking about all of the places I was going to check for any current openings. I came across an opening at one of the three local hospitals and decided to apply. It was another phlebotomist position, just slightly different from what I was doing before because at the hospital I would be drawing blood into different types of tubes and using a very different type of needle

  • Greek Bloodletting Research Paper

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    The Aztecs, Mayans, Egyptians, and Mesopotamians were ancient civilizations that used bloodletting (phlebotomy) as a cure for many sicknesses. The Greeks were the first who distinguished the association between the human body and phlebotomy. 1Hippocrates believed the world existed on four basic elements: earth, air, fire, and water. In humans, it was: blood, black bile, yellow bile, and phlegm. By removing unnecessary body fluids it was used to help treat sicknesses. 2“Phlebotomy is the act or practice

  • Nursing: A Multi-faceted Profession and Calling

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    proper skills, certifications and where applicable, nurses assume other roles like a doctor and pharmacist advising the patient about their home care and take home medications. In some cases, nurses draw blood and collect excrement samples when phlebotomists and medical technologists are not around. We also assist patients in doing range of motion exercises when physical therapists are not around. And when the respiratory therapist is out and the patient needs nebulisation badly, the nurse usually

  • Persuasive Essay: The Benefits Of Donating Blood

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    mentioned in many articles is that donating blood can give the donor a free, brief check-up. When a person decides to donate blood, they must go through a series of health questions and tests to see if they’re qualified to donate. Some tests that a phlebotomists performs are: a hemoglobin test, to see if the donor has normal iron levels; a blood pressure test, to see if the donor has normal blood pressure; and they also take the donor’s temperature to detect if they have a fever or not. After donating

  • Descriptive Essay About My Mother

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    road was tough some of the time but some magical way she got threw it and always made it to the next day with no trouble. After her son was in college and daughter in high school, she had decided she wanted to do more. She decided to become a phlebotomist, after work she would drive clear to St. Mary’s to take classes to get certified in it. After six long months of classes and a lot of hard work she had done it. She had passed her So for four days out of the week she had worked at the shop and

  • workflow

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    workflow for the task of blood administration. The blood is ordered. The next steps require end users to make phone calls in order to process the preparation of the blood product. The physician, beside nurse, unit secretary, blood bank, and phlebotomist are all involved in this process. The first step requires the physician to place an order to administer the blood product. He/she will utilize an electronic medical record to enter the order. There are guidelines for blood administration available

  • Piggy Wiggly Case Study

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    1. A local supermarket would like to introduce its own brand of paper goods to sell alongside its current inventory. The company has hired you to generate a report outlining the advantages and disadvantages of doing so. Write report. Piggy Wiggly is interested attempting a new marketing campaign designed to increase the revenue of the” Our Family” ultra-paper towels during the upcoming holiday seasons. This will be a marketing campaign for only the “Our Family” ultra-paper towels and will not include

  • Reflective Account On Person Centred Care

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    The purpose of this Reflective assignment is to demonstrate how the application of the Registered Nurses standards for practise (2016) can be used in reflective practise. The Registered Nurses standards of Practise (2016) states that RN’s should develop their practise through reflecting on experiences, knowledge, actions, their feelings and beliefs and recognise how these factors shape professional practise(RNSP, 1.2).Reflection allows individuals to look back on their day-to-day situations and

  • The Rewarding Journey in Children's Nursing

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    Children’s nursing personal statement Nursing is known to be a very challenging and demanding career, but to have the ability to make a difference to a person's life strikes me as rewarding. It requires a range of skills such as communication skills and experience with kids. Experience with kids is important as it shows that you have learnt to be patient and caring whilst being able to engage with a variety of ages from new-born up to adolescences. Another important skill is commitment, this is

  • Critical Thinking In Nursing

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    diaphoresis subsided, but then he started coughing more vigorously with blood tinged sputum. I asked another nurse to call our lab to come and type and cross him immediately. The charge nurse, and another nurse were in the room with me. Before a phlebotomist can type and cross him, the patient started complaining of nausea, then suddenly started throwing up bright red blood with clots. I looked at his emesis bag noticed about 600 cc of blood. One of the nurses paged the doctor and explained to him

  • Why I Want To Be A Neonatologist

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    When I first graduated from high school and enrolled in CCU’s traditional undergraduate program I had high hopes to become a world famous neonatologist. I was driven, motivated and confident that I was going to succeed and become Dr. Rachael Hildebrandt by the time I was in my late twenties. As I moved from my teenage years and into my twenties, I saw these dreams vanish when life threw a curve ball in the form of a son. Suddenly the responsibility of being a wife and a mother required that I did

  • Nursing School Admission Essay

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    Nursing School Admission Essay My interest in nursing began at age 18 at Bridgeport Hospital in Connecticut where I was trained as a Certified Care Partner, then as a Phlebotomist, followed by a two year surgical floor assignment and a one year burn unit stint. When I moved to New Hampshire, I worked full time at Plymouth State College and took night courses towards a BSN for one and a half years. I postponed my education for eight years while I was a wife and mother. After divorcing, I

  • Personal Narrative: Sexual Assault

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    The evening of August 13, 2016 was quiet and my plans consisted of working ahead on my homework until you called and invited me to a party. I was innocent and naïve then, and I agreed to meet you at the local club. The rest of the night is a blur. I remember having fun on the dancefloor and that you bought me a few drinks. I also remember waking up on the bathroom floor in pain. That night, you raped me. That night, my innocence died. By the time I arrived at the hospital, I was in shock and I refused

  • Essay On Generativity

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    herself. If the individual does not feel this sense of accomplishment they may become disconnected from the world, feeling unproductive. The professionals that work within University Medical Center range from housekeeping, paramedics, nurses, phlebotomists, doctors, respiratory therapists, social workers, case managers, physical therapists, etc. In the department of Infection Control, there were two nurses that would oversee and monitor the infections in patients. Their main roles are to determine

  • Personal Statement on pursuing Bachelor of Science Nursing Degree

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    competent, and trustworthy individual to patients and families. Working in different areas of healthcare helped me to build a foundation and transition into the nursing field. While attending nursing school, I was employed as a Medical Assistant, Phlebotomist, and Nursing Assistant until graduating from nursing school. In 2007, I thought my days of attending school to become a Licensed Practical Nurse was completed. I thought...