Perfect number Essays

  • Historic And Pleasing Properties Of Perfect Numbers

    620 Words  | 2 Pages

    Perfect numbers were studied in ancient times for their historic and pleasing properties (Why are perfect numbers important?). Also, “some ancient cultures gave mystic interpretations to numbers that they thought were magic” (Knoderer). The Pythagoreans associated perfect numbers with health and marriage. Perfect numbers have been studied since the early Greek time and maybe even earlier than that. By definition, a perfect number is a positive number where its divisors add up to the number not

  • The Perfect Swimmer: Ian Thorpe

    800 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Perfect Swimmer: Ian Thorpe [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Ian Thorpe was born on 13th October 1982 in Sydney, Australia. He is a full time swimmer and has been recognised as an elite athlete in his field since he was the youngest person ever to be chosen to swim in the Australian team at age 14. He was the fastest 14-year-old swimmer in history, which makes him a good subject for this piece. His achievements to date include gold at the Commonwealth Games where he broke the Commonwealth Record

  • The Perfect School

    1431 Words  | 3 Pages

    In this paper I am going to present an theoretical school district, school, and a classroom as examples of the ideal that our educational system should strive to achieve. The philosophy my schools will be based on is one of equality. Every single child will have an opportunity to receive the best possible education. However, we will never lower our standards for the sake of equality. Each child will be pushed to his or her personal best, not an average standard. Before talking about what goes

  • A Perfect Education

    656 Words  | 2 Pages

    A Perfect Education There are many ideas as to what constitutes an ideal education. A number of factors come together to make an ideal education. Parents have to be concerned with the education of their children. Teachers must be completely devoted to their students' educations. Students must have faith in their teachers and the education which they are receiving. Students, parents and teachers are the key elements in a model education. A good relationship among the three parties is essential

  • Gilgamesh and Odysseus: Perfect Heros

    1511 Words  | 4 Pages

    Gilgamesh and Odysseus: Perfect Heros Gilgamesh and Odysseus are similar not only in their physical appearances but also in the way the two of them deal with life's dilemmas. Although Gilgamesh and Odysseus possess great strength and sharp minds, their own flaws blind them similarly, which does not aid in their quest for what they desire. As part of their heroic character, the gods must guide them in order to reach their goals. In every epic from antiquity, the greatest challenge a hero must

  • Eating Disorders: Just Dying to be Perfect

    5630 Words  | 12 Pages

    As the "ideal" women’s body has become progressively thinner over the past decades, the eating disorder anorexia has become progressively more prevalent. Anorexia is a disease in which a person eats nothing beyond minimal amounts of food so that her body weight drops dangerously. It is no wonder with all of the cultural messages of thinness being aimed at women, that 90-95% of anorexics are female, 25.7% of all female ballet dancers are anorexic, and that the percentages are similarly high for female

  • Physical Education Class: the Perfect Place to be Bullied?

    769 Words  | 2 Pages

    Physical Education Class: the Perfect Place to be Bullied? Every day we are seeing how the population in our society acquires really bad habits that risk their health. Obesity has become an issue touching everybody’s life. People are wondering what the solution of the problem might be, and a good amount of them think that the only way to stop this increasing problem is to fight it from childhood. One of the ways to keep children from getting obese is by making them do sports. Some people are convinced

  • The Puritans - Creating the Perfect God Fearing Society

    1635 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Puritans - Creating the Perfect God Fearing Society The Puritans dream was to create a model society for the rest of Christendom. Their goal was to make a society in every way connected to god. Every aspect of their lives, from political status and employment to even recreation and dress, was taken into account in order to live a more pious life. But to really understand what the aspirations of the puritans were, we must first understand their beliefs. “Their goal was absolute purity;

  • My Perfect Dream Place

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    My Perfect Dream Place A white, fluffy snow covers the Colorado peaks like a fuzzy, thick blanket. The snow is like a big overstuffed pillow ripped apart, spilling white cotton over everything. It is snow so fluffy that when laid down on it makes one believe that they are in heaven, floating around the sky on a feathery cloud. The mountains look like a picture out of National Geographic. There is not one sign of human disturbance anywhere. The mountain creek only flows when the sun is warm enough

  • Future Perfect

    2437 Words  | 5 Pages

    <a href="">Sam Vaknin's Psychology, Philosophy, Economics and Foreign Affairs Web Sites Many futurologists - professional (Toffler) and less so (Naisbitt) - tried their hand at predicting the future. They proved quite successful at predicting major trends but not as lucky in delineating their details. This is because, inevitably, every futurologist has to resort to crude tools such as extrapolation. The modern day versions of biblical prophets are much better informed

  • A Not So-Perfect Pancake

    1725 Words  | 4 Pages

    Not So-Perfect Pancake The form of the pancake my mother made for me every morning was always unpredictable. Sometimes, they would come out perfectly, smooth and round with sprinkles of love blended in. Other times, they would be mushy, uneven shapes that seemed to pile onto the plate. It was just like life, sometimes things would go as planned without any wrinkles, smooth, and other times I would need a steamy iron to get rid of the bunching wrinkles. Overall though, the pancakes symbolized

  • The Perfect Ruler in the Epic Poem, Beowulf

    2610 Words  | 6 Pages

    presents the concept of the perfect king/leader/ruler. This is presented in two modes: the ideal Germanic king and the ideal Christian king. Literary scholar Levin L. Schucking in “Ideal of Kingship” states: “I have already tried to prove that the author of Beowulf designed it as a kind of Furstenspiegel (“mirror of a prince”) – perhaps for the young son of a prince, a thought with which Heusler later agreed” (36). So the author of Beowulf had in mind a human ideal of the perfect leader/ruler which he

  • Unattainable Beauty in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Birthmark

    1040 Words  | 3 Pages

    us look younger and plumper in just the right places, and the ultimate “gift”: plastic surgery. Women seem not to care what the consequences are, just as long as their goal of perfection is achieved. But can a person ever really be physically perfect? The great 19th century writer, Nathaniel Hawthorne, was writing about feminine beauty and the lengths man will go to in order to achieve that physical perfection long before the era of “America’s Next Top Model” and “Nip/Tuck”. Hawthorne’s classic

  • Planning the Perfect Wedding

    1317 Words  | 3 Pages

    Planning the Perfect Wedding Bookstore shelves are already filled with plenty of competent wedding advice, so the last guide needed is another on how to have the perfect wedding. I'll leave the perfect wedding hair to Modern Bride and the perfect wedding favor to Martha Stewart’s “Guide to Prison Weddings”. What none of these experts will tell you is that a lifetime of watching weddings on television will not prepare you for your own wedding. Once you acquire a little knowledge of the wedding

  • Gardening – The Perfect Hobby

    1195 Words  | 3 Pages

    Gardening – The Perfect Hobby Think of a hobby that has been around for centuries that people ages 5 to 95 can partake in. Gardening is that very hobby. As long as there is earth to plant and grow in, gardening will be around. “For nearly... well ... forever, gardeners and farmers grew plants using common sense, careful observation, and the resources nature provided” (Organic Gardening,1999). Just as technology has modernized our daily lives, it has also improved and eased methods of gardening

  • Why My Life is Less then Perfect

    1769 Words  | 4 Pages

    Why My Life is Less then Perfect How can I described the feelings that are welling up inside? How do I control the temper tantrum that is, my little brother? How do I show my parents that I really do care about their feelings? My name is Rosalind Marie Claire. I have two brothers, one older and one younger, and two sisters, also one older and one younger. Which makes me stuck smack-dab in the middle, and let me tell you what if you were a middle child growing up in a house with only two bathrooms

  • The Perfect Idea

    1219 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Perfect Idea It was a true Alaskan night. The air was crisp and the road was covered with sand and pebbles embedded in the ice. Frost was beginning to form on the frozen green branches of the spruce trees and there wasn‘t a soul in sight. It was an early Sunday morning two days before Christmas and my best friend David and I had thought of a brilliant idea. I was spending the night at David’s house which was only about a block away from where I lived. As naive eighth grade students, we hadn’t

  • My Perfect City

    559 Words  | 2 Pages

    My “Perfect” City I. Utilities The city I propose as a perfect city, would be as close to an ecocity as possible, although have some differences. For example, for electrical needs, I would suggest the city have a solar power plant, but on those desperate times, energy would be bought from other electrical plants from nearby towns or states. Water purification and a wastewater treatment plants would be necessary in order to provide the citizens and visitors with clean healthy water. To prevent flooding

  • The Almost Perfect Day

    942 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Almost Perfect Day Some of the best times I have in the summertime are riding my jetski. One of my best friends, who also has a ski, go out almost everyday in the summer. We would sometimes even wake up around six o'clock in the morning just to ride the glossy surf at Sandy Hook. There was one great day I had on the ski… It was around seven in the morning when I heard my phone ring. It was my buddy Jared waking me up to tell me to meet him at the Channel Club Marina to go out on our jetskis

  • J.D. Salinger's A Perfect Day for Bananafish versus Edgar Allan Poe's The Black Cat

    1414 Words  | 3 Pages

    Throughout J.D. Salinger’s “A Perfect Day for Bananafish” and Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Black Cat” many different themes are used to reveal how the protagonist is lead to his ultimate demise. In the stories, there are many themes that are used such as the fall from innocence into despair and ruin, split personality casing the character’s ruin, and deterioration into madness and obsession. This paper’s intention is to offer a clear presentation on how the two author’s works are similar and different